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Topics - fuchisasquatch

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / C++ Question
« on: 2004-08-21 05:47:32 »
Ok, im learning c++ and have completed console crap tutorials (again) cuz i forgot some stuff. So what should i learn next Win32 or MFC?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / 16 bit textures
« on: 2004-08-16 09:10:05 »
I'm just mucking around and i put this TEX reader in my program and it works perfectly for 4/8 bit textures but i cant test it out on 16 bit textures cuz i cant find any.

So can anybody tell me if they know wheres some are..or even if there are any cuz im having a hard time finding any...

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Bored programmer
« on: 2004-08-15 02:23:59 »
Hi, i'm a very bored programmer..

almost everything in FF7 has been figured there anything left that i could help in? e.g. writing an editor for something or help cracking some data..

Troubleshooting / About Gears' Save Format
« on: 2004-08-14 14:40:27 »
I was looking at the gears ff7 save file format documentation and noticed that the hex offsets are incorrect. eg.

0x0004: Lead Char's Level - is located at 0x000D.

And i am 100% sure of this as i checked most of the other offsets and they dont match up. There the same length and order in my save files, but yeah the offsets are wrong.


0x000D (1 Byte)   Lead Character Level
0x000E (1 Byte)   Character 1 Portrait
0x000F (1 Byte)   Character 2 Portrait
0x0010 (1 Byte)   Character 3 Portrait
0x0011 (16 Bytes)   Lead Character’s Name
0x0021 (2 Bytes)   Lead Character’s Current HP
0x0023 (2 Bytes)   Lead Character’s Maximum HP
0x0025 (2 Bytes)   Lead Character’s Current MP
0x0027 (2 Bytes)   Lead Character’s Maximum MP
0x0029 (4 Bytes)   Amount of Gil
0x002D (4 Bytes)   Seconds Played


0x0004 1 byte Preview: Lead character's level.
0x0005 1 byte Preview: Lead character's portrait.
0c0006 1 byte Preview: 2nd character's portrait
0x0007 1 byte Preview: 3nd character's portrait
0x0008 16 bytes Preview: Lead character's name, terminated with 0xFF
0x0018 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's Current HP
0x001A 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's Max HP
0x001C 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's Current MP
0x001E 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's Max HP
0x0020 4 bytes Preview: Amount of Gil
0x0024 4 bytes Preview: Total number of seconds played

i appoligize if i have posted in the incorrect place

Just about 2 minutes ago i was mucking around with all psx games and i put chrono trigger in the drive and opened it up and noticed the file "ROM.BIN" in the root directory. I thought "hmm rom..." so i copied the file onto my computer and ran an snes emulator..and..i opened the file and to my suprise i heard a tick tock fade in..and suddlenly a swinging
pendulum appeared on my screen.

This has now supprised the hell out of me..and im confused in how squaresoft did it. it has that base rom..but there are heaps of other files > sound files, gfx, do they even use that rom file in the actual game..or..if they have the rom and other data in a sort of hybrid engine thing..or what..

Sorry if this has been talked about before or is something that everyone already knows..but i dont..

BTW: the rom is in japanese and my copy is us..


ok..i have just put the game back in my psx and have noticed that the main game screen the one with the "active, wait" battle mode.. isnt the first screen

the psx version has another screen that allows you to load files from your memory card as well as an specials extra menu. this may mean that the game is infact loading from the rom.

the intro fmv does not appear directly in the game either so this may help support the fact that it is a rom...

the only thing i dont get is that if i run it on my psx..the game is in english and the rom still runs in japanese.

is it possible to have multiple languages in a rom file (i know genesis/md can)

oh and also that ticking pendulum does not appear in the psx version..maybe i pressed the controller ill recheck..


i was just looking on information about the psx remake of chrono cross and found this: (

Anyway, so what differences can you expect to see in the PlayStation version of Chrono Trigger? Not much, Square will be keeping this gem of a title pretty close to the original Super NES version. The only changes that we know of so far is the opening movie, which will now be hand drawn by Dragon Ball Z creator Akira Toriyama. Also, it's been said that some of the cutscenes will include additional hand-drawn movies as well. But other than that, Square plans to keep it pretty much the same... except it won't be on cartridge, it'll be on a CD.


more information:

i was at another site and found


More interesting among Chrono Trigger's additions is the extras mode. It gives you movie and sound tests, extensive information on the game's monsters and attacks, maps of dungeons and item locations, and an artwork viewer.

i used psicture to open the picture files


/bin/                        - Some bin files
/bin/rogo.tim            - SQUARESOFT LOGO (Used before game starts)
/bin/sqea.tim            - SQUARE EA LOGO (Used before game starts)
/crostr/                    - Full of FMVs
/data/lass.bin           - Contains a couple of images (may be for extras mode)
/data/monster.dat     - May be extras monster database
/data/submap.dat      - May be extras maps database
/game1/                   - Contains bin files (may be for menus and automated movement and extras mode, ect.)
/game2/                   - Same as above
/imai/                       - Full of images of dungeons, misc pictures, artwork ect. DEFINATELY for extras mode
/movie/                     - More FMVs
/snd/                         - instrument collection, BGM and SEs (Extras mode has a jukebox this could be used maybe for only this and not game music/se, and also out of main games menus + extras menu and automated scenes contain music/se's.)


FILE                                          IDEA
----------------                            -------------------------
KAZ_ROM.BIN                           Could be rom loading module (emu)
MC_READ.BIN                           Memory card read module
MC_SYSTM.BIN                          Memory card system module
MC_WRITE.BIN                          Memory card writing module

hmm and i would like two know these 2 things if anyone can answer:

1. Do any of you think that emulation can be paused to allow FMVs to play then to resume after the FMV is over?

2. Can SNES roms contain multiple languages? Or would it be possible to read a file containing all the speech/text data externally and overlaying the japanese font (just incase they cant support multiple languages)

and now what im going to do..which i really dont think will replace the rom with another rom..hopefully it does work...but i really really doubt it will


Mod Edit:

PLEASE in the name that is good an holy do NOT reply to your own posts. Use the edit button, least you raise the ire of qhimm. Please read the posting guidelines in "Annoucements"

You have been vebally warned. I'm in a good mood this morning, but don't to that again.


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