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Topics - dbdrummer7

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / MO and MUI with Aali's driver
« on: 2013-03-15 09:41:04 »
Hey guys, I've been around here a while, I just don't comment much.  ;D Anyway, I had my FF7 all set up and modded on my old computer, but then it crashed so I had to wipe it and start over. After reinstalling FF7, I put in the 1.02 patch and Aali's driver (which told me it passed the self-test). After that when I went to run th Menu Overhaul it told me that Aali's driver was incorrctly installed, but I could still continue. It installed no problem. Now the UMI says the same thing, I install anyway and it sys that it worked but maked no changes to the models. Any suggestions?

Solved Problems / Lagging music
« on: 2012-10-14 19:44:57 »
Hi everyone! I'll start this off by admitting that I am a newbie, so if this is a stupid question, I apologize. I recently put two of LeonhartGR's intro FMVs into my game by putting all of the videos from the disc into a new folder called movies in my FF7 folder, editing the command with the movie directory tool, then overwrote the movies with Leonhart's. The movies play with no issue, but the sound lags in both of them (the opening movie and the eidoslogo movie). If anyone has an idea or solution, I would be grateful. :)

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