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Topics - Magicbob

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Modding advice/experiences
« on: 2012-06-19 08:56:25 »
I've been doing a lot of thinking, and to be honest, the thought of me, myself, making a mod as awesome as APZ or any of the other great modders out there sounds exciting and definitely gets me pumped to learn more. I've never built a mod before (other than an ogg loop music pack for PSO) and obviously skill like that comes with time, trial, and error. So I decided to make a thread for you guys, not only to thank you for all your contribution and inspiration, but id like to know, what kind of Tips, tricks, and advice you may personally have for a newcomer like myself.  :wink:

General Discussion / GMO File
« on: 2012-06-15 03:16:06 »
While searching google for some models to import for my LGP, I managed to find a couple Models in .GMO format. I've tried multiple ways to try and find a way to edit it so that I can split it and input it as another LGP. I've tried Kimera (won't open file), and a few model viewers, but nothing that lets me save as a P file or any other type. I'm at a loss, I'm completely stupid when it comes to this modeling stuff, and only know how to work with what you guys have generously offered thus far.

A few of the models I found are in the Video below, if you happen to have the models already converted it would  be greatly appreciated.

If you have no way of importing or offering any of the files needed, would it at least be possible to point out a source for the background and shinra soldier models? I'm sorry for asking for so much at once, it's just hard to find things in the forum that aren't either from 2006 and outdated, or current and link to megaupload which has been shut down. Any help would be wonderful!

General Discussion / FFVII Menu Sounds
« on: 2012-06-14 07:30:34 »
Hey all, I hate to be the new guy (even though I've lurked for a couple years) opening a topic here, but I'm at wits end with this so I figured you guys would be able to help me out. I've been looking around for the Menu sounds for FFVII (as the topic implies) and I've looked everywhere. I'm working on a side project that they would be perfect for, but everywhere I look, is a dead end, and the places that do post an upload of the sounds, are on Megaupload.... enough said lol.

Anywho it would be much appreciated if anyone would be kind enough yo upload them onto, say rapid share or some other site.  ;)

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