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Topics - Ste41k

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I made some textures using Felix Leonhart's world Enhancements textures as a base. Most of them are just slightly modify or renamed and reused.

There's a  few textures I made from free textures online. Like I made the rocket texture for the rocket at rocket town from a pic of a real rocket and the condor texture at fort condor is from a pic of a real hawk.I used a free metal texture for the underwater reactor and fort condor reactor.

I would like to thank Felix Leonhart's for the original textures and give him full credit for all the textures I used and made that are just edits of his to fit where they needed to be. ( I've read that Felix has made most of the textures I did here but there not released so I made them myself) .

I know my works not as good as Felix's,  these are mostly meant to be stand in textures until  Felix release his. At first I was just going to do this as a personal mod but thought I should let other have it too.

I tried to keep everything looking as close to the original as I could ( thought the underwater textures are not tinted blue like the original games textures because I like the look of them without the tint, the underwater textures are not the best I got sloppy) . This should replace almost every world and underwater texture.

Here is the link to the textures:

I hope Felix dose not mind me not asking before releasing this "add-on" to his mod. If he wants me to remove it i will.

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