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Topics - ChaosSaber9999

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / char.lgp
« on: 2013-10-24 23:56:33 »
Hey guys dont know exactly where to put this but i just got kimera running and i did a simple change by adding clouds sword to his hand and i tried to reconstitute the files as the char.lgp and i keep getting an error that .A is an invalid file name i thought it would be fine thinking that the 0 byte file wouldnt mean anything but i tried to boot ff7 and i get an error on loading my game can someone help???

Completely Unrelated / help wanted
« on: 2013-08-18 21:47:11 »
Hey there everyone i need some help finding a scripting file so i can import the re release character models of ff7 i have the plugin to export as a m3ds file so i can work it over in milkshape 3d but i cant find a place that i can download the proper import scripting files please help sorry im poasting from a mobile phone so it accidentally poasted twic

General Discussion / Sword breaker
« on: 2013-07-17 06:27:14 »
Does anybody know if and how long of a omnislash mime counter(command) link you can do?

General Discussion / Random
« on: 2013-07-10 23:49:36 »
Can anyone tell me why you don't have the materia that young cloud has in the flashback at least somewhere in your inventory

Completely Unrelated / Odin glitch
« on: 2013-07-07 03:01:17 »
I cast Odin with enemies on both sides and I saw a giant doorbull behind Odin anyone else see that kind of thing?

General Discussion / quadra magic
« on: 2013-07-06 08:13:12 »
just wondering if anyone knows if the quadra magic kortr glitch is able to be modded back into the game i know on the psx version it was there but im unsure if it is or can somehow be added to the modded game??

Pages: [1]