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Topics - Snap006

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / Magic Defense Equipment Bug PSX
« on: 2013-09-14 03:37:17 »
Is there a way to fix the magic defense equipment bug for the PSX?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Materia Level Values
« on: 2013-09-03 13:45:57 »
What is the values for materia level? I want to make a certain materia only have three levels but it is showing up as five levels. I can easily change it in wallmarket if I new the value that affects that. Thank.s

Troubleshooting / Custom Magic and Materia
« on: 2013-08-30 16:16:08 »
I've been modding the psx version with great success.

What I'm having difficulty with is creating my water and wind materias. I have them created, but the spell animations I use with them keep crashing the game. I don't have them linking up with all materia or targeting all because I know there are a lot of problems doing that.

Is there a list of animations that will work without crashing the game. I've looked at the charts and only a few are listed as not working.

Also, I've modified the destruct materia. I only want it to have three levels, but I can't change it from four. Every time I delete the fourth level the amount of AP required for it automatically goes to 0.

I'm using wallmarket btw.

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