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Topics - msp_411

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

I have just done a install of FF7 + Bootleg and managed to get things working turned off anti virus shutdown all browsers etc, I have also tried running via safe mode through bootleg to see if it makes a difference but the issue is still the same. I am running a 3.8ghzamd quad core machine with a gtx650 gpu. Have also tried to add FF7 to the nvidia control panel under 3d settings but it won't work.

The problems I am having are;

(Only tested these areas so I figure it will occur through the game).

1)Once at the bottom of the northern cave and you have talked to your party and they give you the items they found on the way down you pick the 3 who you will use to fight Jenova as soon as I leave this screen and get on the first screen with the hovering rocks you jump across to make your way to Jenova the background begins to play the bombing mission FMV's rather than load up the apt background that should be in place. Once I enter the screen where you confront Jenova the same issue happens where it loads another FMV rather than what should be there after a few seconds the second screen shows the right background.

2)The other issue I noticed is when I use Vincent and run Chaos limit break he will transform then not use his limit spells instead he just operates like a normal character where I can use anything he has materia wise/attack etc.

Does anyone have any idea how on earth I can fix these issues?

Graphical / Looking for Sephiroth Model
« on: 2014-03-11 09:19:07 »
Hi all,

Just wanting to know firstly who made the mod's shown in this video

and how I would go about getting the Safer Sephiroth one shown at 2min 32sec.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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