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Topics - GattMan

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Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 File Formats
« on: 2002-11-02 18:18:22 »
I was wondering if anyone would mind posting what has been found out about the formats of the files used in FF7.  Like I tried looking for information about the format of .p files, but all the information seems to be from about a year ago.  I'm also interested in the format of the animation files, again mostly the battle ones.

From what I've read in the fourms it sounds like the remake project is going to be written by the remake team, but still use the data files from the original game? Correct me if I'm wrong, please.  

I used to read this fourm, but kind of busy the last year with school.  But now I've taken an interest in programing.  I'm trying to write a program to convert from the .p models to some other format.  I know there are already some written that do that.  I've read the descriptions of the .p files from Ficedula, Alhexx, and Mirex.  Thanks to them, but they seem to be written a while ago, especially Mirex's.  I was wondering what progress has been made, and if there is a pretty recent description I can read?

Finally, I was wondering what compilers you guys use?
I was wondering becuase I wrote a simple "Hello World" program and compiled it with gcc under Windows and the exe was 98k.  Even worse I did it in C++, and compiled with gpp and the file swelled to almost 1.5 Megs.

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