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Topics - azhael503

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / Minigames crash (FF VII steam version)
« on: 2015-06-10 02:07:06 »
Hey! :)

I have been playing ff7 for days now and i juste finished the first CD. I'm at the icicle now, i'm supposed to ride down the mountain but when the minigame starts (while loading), the game crash. I tryed over and over again but there is no way. I play the steam version with almost every graphic mods (tifa's package) i found. I checked V-Sync in bootleg, checked framerate too (50 and 60 are not working), i tryed to play in window mode but nothing is working. So i installed the game again, i even tryed to patch it with YAMP+Minigame patch but not working either... Do you have any idea?

I play on W8.1 64b

PS: i have "searched" for an answer in old topics but i found nothing

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