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Topics - bayace92

Pages: [1]
7th Heaven / CTD on Startup
« on: 2017-08-06 12:28:41 »
I got 7H to work on 1.54 and haven't updated to 1.55, per instructions due to not having several save slots used. I made sure my load order was correct and pressed 'Launch Game.' It worked! I played for several hours. Eventually had to quit, so I saved the game and Alt-F4'd. Trying to Launch Game now gets me a black box like it's about to start, the 'BEEP' and then crash to desktop. Debug Log below. Not sure if it's a limitation of Notepad, but it does stop where the text stops. I don't understand why, but it is what it is. Thank you in advance for the help.

Code: [Select]
Logging debug output to C:\Users\Brett\AppData\Roaming\7thWorkshop\log.txt
Wrap run... Host: 9168  PID: 10928  TID: 12532   Path: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven  Capture: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\data, C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\Textures, C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\data\movies\, C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\music, C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\direct
  Mod: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro has 0 conditionals
     Additional paths: Beacause - Off, Menu Overhaul - On, Break 9999 Limit - Off, Hand Indicator - Default
      Loading archive C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
IrosArc: opened C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro, contains 2181 files, took 14 ms to parse
    Finished scan for chunks, found
GetFileType on 0
GetFileType on 0
GetFileType on 0
CreateFile for C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\APP.LOG...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\APP.LOG -> 1168
GetFileType on 1168
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Beacause - Off\hext\01-Base.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Menu Overhaul - On\hext\01-Base.txt: True
CreateFile for app.log...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\app.log -> 1212
GetFileType on 1212
CreateFile for C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\ff7_opengl.cfg...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\ff7_opengl.cfg -> 1220
GetFileType on 1220
Applying hext patch 01-Base.txt from mod C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
Error applying patch: System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an unsigned byte. ---> System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Byte.Parse(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at _7thWrapperLib.HexPatch.<>c.<GetBytes>b__3_0(String s) in C:\Code\7H\7thWrapperLib\HexPatch.cs:line 58
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at _7thWrapperLib.HexPatch.GetBytes(String spec) in C:\Code\7H\7thWrapperLib\HexPatch.cs:line 58
   at _7thWrapperLib.HexPatch.Apply(Stream source) in C:\Code\7H\7thWrapperLib\HexPatch.cs:line 98
   at _7thWrapperLib.Wrap.Run(IContext context, RuntimeProfile profile) in C:\Code\7H\7thWrapperLib\Wrap.cs:line 340
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Break 9999 Limit - Off\hext\01-Base.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Hand Indicator - Default\hext\01-Base.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file hext\01-Base.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Beacause - Off\hext\03-barrier.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Menu Overhaul - On\hext\03-barrier.txt: True
Applying hext patch 03-barrier.txt from mod C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Break 9999 Limit - Off\hext\03-barrier.txt: True
Applying hext patch 03-barrier.txt from mod C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Hand Indicator - Default\hext\03-barrier.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file hext\03-barrier.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Beacause - Off\hext\03-CodeFix.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Menu Overhaul - On\hext\03-CodeFix.txt: True
Applying hext patch 03-CodeFix.txt from mod C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Break 9999 Limit - Off\hext\03-CodeFix.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Hand Indicator - Default\hext\03-CodeFix.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file hext\03-CodeFix.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Beacause - Off\hext\04-TransStatusShort.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Menu Overhaul - On\hext\04-TransStatusShort.txt: True
Applying hext patch 04-TransStatusShort.txt from mod C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Break 9999 Limit - Off\hext\04-TransStatusShort.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Hand Indicator - Default\hext\04-TransStatusShort.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file hext\04-TransStatusShort.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Beacause - Off\hext\03-barrier.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Menu Overhaul - On\hext\03-barrier.txt: True
Applying hext patch 03-barrier.txt from mod C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Break 9999 Limit - Off\hext\03-barrier.txt: True
Applying hext patch 03-barrier.txt from mod C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file Hand Indicator - Default\hext\03-barrier.txt: False
ARCHIVE: Check if C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\mods\7th Heaven\3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652_The_Reunion___Beacause_and_Menu_Overhaul_2.1.iro contains file hext\03-barrier.txt: False
CreateFile for C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\shaders\main.vert...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\shaders\main.vert -> 1748
GetFileType on 1748
GetFileType on 1696
GetFileType on 1696
GetFileType on 1696
GetFileType on 1696
GetFileType on 1696
GetFileType on 1752
GetFileType on 1760
GetFileType on 1760
GetFileType on 1760
GetFileType on 1764
GetFileType on 1764
GetFileType on 1764
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1760
GetFileType on 1764
GetFileType on 1764
GetFileType on 1764
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
GetFileType on 1768
CreateFile for C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\shaders\main.frag...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\shaders\main.frag -> 1688
GetFileType on 1688
CreateFile for C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\shaders\
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\shaders\ -> 1684
GetFileType on 1684
CreateFile for TF2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TF2D.P -> 1828
GetFileType on 1828
CreateFile for TF2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TF2D.P -> 1828
GetFileType on 1828
CreateFile for TF3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TF3D.P -> 1828
GetFileType on 1828
CreateFile for TF3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TF3D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for TG2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TG2D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for TG2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TG2D.P -> 1824
GetFileType on 1824
CreateFile for TG3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TG3D.P -> 1824
GetFileType on 1824
CreateFile for TG3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TG3D.P -> 1824
GetFileType on 1824
CreateFile for T2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\T2D.P -> 1824
GetFileType on 1824
CreateFile for T2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\T2D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for T3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\T3D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for T3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\T3D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for TGT2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TGT2D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for TGT2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TGT2D.P -> 1836
GetFileType on 1836
CreateFile for TGT3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TGT3D.P -> 1836
GetFileType on 1836
CreateFile for TGT3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\TGT3D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for SF2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\SF2D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for SF2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\SF2D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for SF3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\SF3D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for SF3D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\SF3D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for SG2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\SG2D.P -> 1832
GetFileType on 1832
CreateFile for SG2D.P...
CreateFile: C:\Games\Final Fantas

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