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Topics - Kaito24

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7th Heaven / Character Models & Remako not working?
« on: 2019-10-09 14:03:46 »
Hello together,

first of all, i want to apologise if there is already a similar thread, I tried google and search function a lot but nothing seemed like a hundred percent fitting to my issue.

I followed the tutorial of EQ2Alyza for the 7th heaven mod and downloaded all the mods in the correct order. After that I manually applied the Remako Iro files. However, there are two issues:

The first one is, that the new character models (except for cloud in the regular world) dont seem to apply. The only modded character model seems to be cloud, I couldnt apply any changes to the other characters or NPCs neither on the field nor on the world map.

The second issue is, that I cant get Remako to work. Before I downloaded all the other Mods it just worked fine. I read something about editing the reunion folder, however I doubt that I have one as I downloaded the reunion mods from the mod catalog.

Also the Tweaks and Cheats mod seems to be a little buggy when you use the "save everywhere"-function, as it randomly toggles battles that don't fit to the place you're in (I had to battle Jenova at Level 5 in the midgar reactor).

Help is very much appreciated.

Edit: Also there are two Issues when starting the game: First it says that postprocessing failed and second the game takes quite a long time to load up (+ some fps breaks in battles). Are these normal with all these mods or is there a fix?

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