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Topics - Garland_Ilferet

Pages: [1]
Completely Unrelated / question about FF8 Disc Four
« on: 2009-11-20 07:14:45 »
why can't i enter any town in FF8? is there anyway to break those barrier?
it happen after time compression

Completely Unrelated / I've decided to make 2D RPG
« on: 2009-10-21 18:47:35 »
i'm using RPG Maker XP as the game engine...

the gameplay is action battle system..

so it's similar with ragnarok online..

era: semi-modern

now, i'll tell you about the protagonist

name: unnamed

age: 16

weapon: sword

personality: kind, friendly, but careless for the political things

i just need:

-2D sprites
-someone that can help me with storyline
-enemy designer

Archive / Succesfully converted Cloud from Crisis Core
« on: 2009-07-29 12:40:47 »
Finally did it!!!  :-D

Archive / Crisis Core Cloud Project
« on: 2009-07-10 06:16:55 »
hey guys..

i've edited crisis core cloud using 3ds max and it looked like this

but can anybody teach me how do i export it to PCreator?
when i opened it in PCreator, i saw nothing.. i already detach the body..

I've already read squeeble's tutorial, but i still don't get it..

EDIT: i mean.... please help me convert it from 3DS to battle P file with detailed tutorial!!

Archive / My Recolored Cloud Field's Model
« on: 2009-05-17 04:23:11 »
Hi guys.. i've just finished the recoloured Cloud Field's Model
and i shall give you the download link

here's some pictures

wait!!!! that's the old update!!!
now this is the picture with cloud's hair remodeled

Pages: [1]