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Topics - zachase

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Troubleshooting / Need help with Griever
« on: 2010-04-15 16:45:34 »
Hi everyone. I got FF8 working on my laptop and I was wondering why Griever isn't working. It keeps saying it can't load because MFC770.dll is missing from my computer. I saw another post saying if you just download that file and then another one (some java file IIRC) then it will work fine. That's all good, but where do I download these files? Google only pulls up a handful of results for this search and there are "registry fixers" that want to charge me $40 to fix it for me. Obviously, I don't trust these programs since my comp works fine, I just can't get Griever to run. Anyone know where I can find the files I need?

Hi everyone, I was going nuts till I found this message board so hopefully there's someone here who can help me before my head explodes. I installed my old ff7 pc game on my new laptop that has 7 on it.
I tried it out and I got a black screen for five minutes before giving up. I looked online and someone said I needed true motion 2.0, ace mega codecs pack, set the display to software render, and set compatibility to Windows 95. I tried that and then I saw the intro movie, but its like zoomed in to the top left corner of all the movies, and then whenever I hit a button, it crashes.
After this, I searched for patches, and found this site and I tried to do the first three patches (without the no dialog box and 9999 limit) but i have no idea what is going on. I think I did the 1.02 patch right (just copy and paste the new icons and get rid of the old ones, right?), Saint's high rez patch (and the fixer thing that came with it), and then tried YAMP and after about ten tries, it said everything was a success. I tried the game again at this point, and it was still as bad as the first time.
Any idea what I need to do? What am I doing wrong? Anything else I should download?
My ultimate goal for my game is to have the official patch 1.02, YAMP, higher quality cloud, NPC recon 0.6, and something that increase the resolution; I kinda want new spell and advent avatars, but I can live without the last two. Is that even possible?
Thank anyone who can help me SO much!

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