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Topics - Naitguolf

Pages: [1]
Releases / [WIP] Final Fantasy VII Spanish Translation FIX
« on: 2010-07-20 15:54:59 »
Well, after using Loveless, seems that one thing i wanted to do long time ago, its possible. Fix the HORRENDOUS Spanish from English translation (PC version)

But i will not re-translate the game, but fix and change what needs to be changed. For example, Tifa and Jessie always speaks to herself like a male, some things are totally different from original (or very bizarre), and a lot A LOT of typos.

So, I'm working on this. I'm just starting but, I've done it until the beginning of second bomb mission.

I'm not asking helping to make this, but, is there a list with weird things about Japanese / English translation differences final fantasy VII? The ones that changed history, events, personality from characters, etc.

This also expands for anyone Spanish who played the game. An example i want to do to find (and fix!)

In Spanish version, when Cloud arrives to 7h Heaven first time, Tifa tells Cloud he always fight Barret since childhood. And that's not correct. The English version said Barret always bitched people around him, and Cloud always was fighting with no cause when he was younger. The difference is HUGE.

Another thing:

English version, the characters speaks using some accent (for example Barret). Spanish translation is just plain. So (and here i need someone Spanish) how could reflect that in Spanish?

Well. If there is enough interest, i could upload the first and second bomb mission fixed translation.


Archive / Im amazed...
« on: 2005-07-25 02:00:04 »
Long time since my last post.

But i want to congrat all of you guys.... you are making an explendid work with Final Fantasy. Oh my, maybe Square Enix dont make a Remake in the future, but maybe here YES. Or a FF editable. That's incredible.

Like i said, im amazed. :)

Ok, just only one question:

I want to mess with Blitz3d. Now Biturn export the models to ASE correctly. My question is: Is there a ASE -> 3DS or better an ASE -> b3d or ASE -> MD2 without losing model details? Just to mess with the models.... :)

General Discussion / Way to convert savegame?
« on: 2004-09-27 22:28:30 »
Is there a way to convert savegames from pc version to VGS o epsxe version?

Pc version keep crashing. Its a pain in the ass......

Archive / Snowboard Crash
« on: 2004-06-21 19:43:31 »

I cannot pass the snowboard section. I tried all, all versions, and no luck so far.

So i think, the only way is: anyone here can pass me the snowboard section?

What i can do? Any idea?

My save game:

Please im so desesperate....

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FFVII Crashed My HD!!!
« on: 2004-04-15 23:46:44 »
ARRRGGHHH!!!! I lost my 80GB HD!!!! All because FFVII!!!!!

I used (at last) the 1.02 patch.... and then.... yeah, FF crashed. The only thing i could make was....*click on reset* Then.... the hell. :''''''(

Well, for me, Xp patch works ok. 1.02 is HELL...


Btw, what i can do for rescue my HD?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Remaking FFVII
« on: 2004-04-06 00:29:13 »
So, really exist? I mean, are they people working on it? I dont mean an official remake.

Archive / US version files
« on: 2004-04-05 15:04:25 »
Anyone can please tellme the name exactly of every file from DATA subdir? I need to rename all spanish files to match US ones in order to play with mp3.

Archive / Animevamp Patch
« on: 2004-04-05 01:13:00 »
i want to say that WinXp 1.4 is needed here. Without it, the game crash to window. With it, works prefectly. Only to point that. And... whats the problem with GM.DLS file?

Mod Edit: Split from this topic due to excessive resurrection.

Archive / ff7music... again....
« on: 2004-04-05 00:20:21 »
Ok, i installed FFVII, patched, installed cetra, ff7music. All ok. Mp3 in place...

Then i want to play. I mute the midi. Start the game.... and no music is played.... Whats wrong? No error so far. ff7music  information is ok. Whats wrong?

WinXp. Any idea?

Archive / Spanish Text
« on: 2004-03-31 16:43:06 »
Hello there!!! First post!!

Thanks for your forum and web. FFVII works nice on Xp.

Well, spanish translation is very ugly. So i decide to fix it. But the answer is....

Any step by step metod to do it? Say a "dump metod"? Spanish files are in Sflevel.lgp I tried LGP Tools, but i only can see graphics, no text. Where the hell are the txt files?

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