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Topics - peroxwhygenesis

Pages: [1]
Whats the verdict - stick with original FF7 with mods to switch to 2012 release?

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated, and why.

Best wishes

Hi guys, could someone help clear something up for me.
I have all the up to date current mods installed for FF7 with no problems and they work great.

I wanted to start playing FF8 again so I began looking for graphic improvement mods.
I first installed ff8 launcher 1.31 which drastically improved the games graphics with the exception of a black boader around trees and mountains in most fighting environments.

I then read that the launcher was old an doutdated and the same alias driver I use for FF7 can be used to improve FF8.
I installed the driver the same way (copy and paste into game directory) and set the resolution to 1600x900. However the graphics look very blocky incomparison to the launcher.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is the launcher the way to go? I notice there is a config file for FF7 and not FF8 when installing the driver. Do I just copy  the driver files into the directory and launch with no need for any special config file?
As Alias driver is meant to be modern I expected even better graphics than the launcher not worse. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.

Windows 7 64 bit
4Gig ram
ATI Radeon Mobility 4650
Core i7 1.6gig

Good afternoon, I was wondering if someone could help with me with Saint's High Resolution patch. I have the original PC version of FF7 and everything works perfectly however I am trying to increase the resolution with the formentioned patch.

When I try to start the game after successfully patching the game crashes instantly. I am playing on a new dell laptop with Ati HD graphics card, my maximum desktop resolution is currently 1600x900.

If anyone could be of any assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards.

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