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Messages - PurpleSmurf

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General Discussion / New Forum Suggestion
« on: 2002-02-15 21:25:00 »
alhexx: you almost got the l337 down but you forgot that t=7. and yes yes i know this is a spam post.

if you would be so kind: what is the url?

sint: of this is a bit delayed but i havn't been of then forums for like 3 days. and my method dose work. yours does too. the major factor between them is where they go. mine goes in the code before you have any subs or stuff. i havn't been in vb for a while but i seem to emember it's called general. your works in subs. and only in the sub you call it in.

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-02-14 03:34:00 »
well excuse me. i was in programming and was in a rush when i saw tom clancy and just just down the first game that came to mind.

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-02-13 17:55:00 »
rainbow 6

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-02-08 23:03:00 »
mirex: you'd think that wouldn't you, but i mean look at last year how so many movies were "movie of the year"; and they came out in july..... this is what happnes when conservatives inbreed
[edited] 275 2002-02-09 00:04

funny cadberry.

try this in the global part of the proggie your working on:

a as integer
b as integer
c as integer

unless you need then through out the whole program in which case you need to global them


a as global
b as global
c as global

not doiing this really got me into trouble a while back.

General Discussion / Terra's Theme. The best remix ever!
« on: 2002-02-07 04:29:00 »
i'm downloading it now. seph it helps if you right-click and do "save as". anyway i'll put my comment in this post as an edit.

review: ok i downloaded. anyway this is a keeper. i reccomend the you download this file. sounds really nice, the gituars are AWSOME. it doesn't sound like ff music if your not familar with the tune, so most people should like this is they like linkin park or a bind near that. anyway download it NOW
[edited] 275 2002-02-07 05:51

General Discussion / Anonymous Posting!!!
« on: 2002-02-07 04:26:00 »
*beams of light shoot down and part the clouds of evil; while angles are heard singing in the background......*

YEA!!!! qhimm are you putting that guest user idea into motion?

General Discussion / FF11
« on: 2002-02-06 03:10:00 »
yea, but infering is different than stating that is will happen. bastards and their lawyer lingo.

thats was the old "rule". now it's just you can post within 29sec of the last post you did (doesn't include editing though)

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-02-04 04:34:00 »
goodlord seph your TOO good at this.


what the hell is this "compatability mode" i keep hearing about? how do you dis/enable it?

[edited] 275 2002-02-01 23:29

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Me and WinXP
« on: 2002-02-01 03:29:00 »
winxp is really a good OS for such little time between the release of win2k. i had to download 11 meg of updates and security patches. but it was worth it. now i just have to "official" install my video drivers my chipset drives and my audio drivers.

seph: ok

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Me and WinXP
« on: 2002-01-31 22:34:00 »
If you look through the forums here you'll find winXP has been getting a bad rap. I JUST installed it an hour ago and so far i like. i normaly i have to install drivers for my video card and mother board( chipset drivers, and sound. yes my sound is integrated with my mother board) i was on the net in 5 minutes. winxp doesn't eat up system resources. it just has some animations that are kind of f***ed up. oh and i have the background that seph wanted too.... i'll put it on my site in a bit. anyway i'll post more here as i form more of an opinion

first off: was 2 instances of this thread really nessecary?

second: just cause your processor is fast doesn't mean it's efficient. your memory has to beable to keep up .or the extra power is worthless. it's kinda like running while tied to a tree.
[edited] 275 2002-01-28 23:31

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-01-25 13:20:00 »
ultimate are for playstation only as far as i know. just get an emulator :)

General Discussion /, wow.
« on: 2002-01-25 03:15:00 »
and microsoft isn't helping. they changed the lisceneing to Compaq, HP and Dell, you no longer can order a computer from them and get win2k and 98 or ME. oh and guess what? office 2000 doesn't work with XP, this is to be expected but for all of the developers that just upgraded from win2kpro to winXPpro are screwed. AND to dual boot XP with win2kpro you HAVE to install win2kpro first or xp WILL NOT WORK. PERIOD. microsoft f***ed up big this time.

General Discussion / 15,000 posts
« on: 2002-01-24 21:46:00 »
i might post a lot but most of it's relevent, or so i remeber seph saying at one point. i'll fins that thread and put in this as an edit.

General Discussion / wierd ff8 stuff
« on: 2002-01-24 21:36:00 »
mirex: are you goging to View->Source? cause thats the html. the spolier code is in the php files, it's something like this "" or maybe .tpl. and i don't really know the phpBB 1.4x file structure and i'm sure it's in a different area. oh, and only qhimm and sain have access to those as far as i know. oh and don't goto to that it won't show you anything.

General Discussion /, wow.
« on: 2002-01-24 21:28:00 »
I use a ntfs boot disk. it's 40gb HD and i have 2 others, a 16.5 and 2gb. thoes are both FAT32 and the 2gb still has, not working thogh, an instalatino on win2kpro on it. i think i'll format it and use it for my music and videos.... anyway i've had no problem with running an ntfs bootdisk. my win2kpro instalation did all of the work for me :). then only thing i don't like about ntfs is that it blocks users from seeing other users files, and sometime i save file in my brother's user and i can't get to them and have to start over :(.
[edited] 275 2002-01-24 22:28

General Discussion /, wow.
« on: 2002-01-23 05:43:00 »
hmm.... well what i've seen of XP i've liked. i would have it but its been on backorder for the last 3 WEEKS damn compaq. anyway the only real problems i've heard about were the plug-and-play mistake (classicly microsoft) and the fast that compatability mode doesn't work.

i currently have win2kpro i like it except it does some werid sh*t with my 3d card, and the fact that my mom is a controling b*tch:
me: look i'm not going to hurt the computer. i LIKE it working just fine thank you.
her:well maybe but you might screw it up and have to rebuild.
me: so, I religiously do that every 3 months anyway. and you have YOUR OWN COMPUTER
her: *walks away*

good lord it's horrible. and with winXP the user rights go out the widow :)
[edited] 275 2002-01-23 06:43

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-01-22 21:23:00 »
the valley of deadly things?
[edited] 275 2002-01-22 22:23

General Discussion / 15,000 posts
« on: 2002-01-22 18:45:00 »
i meant since i join the forums. oh i it was the 12th i joined.

i have a friend that has Dark Ago of Camelot. I'm even thinking about getting it before it gets too big. it's still 3 months old or so, so the game isn't too full yet.

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