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Messages - Smurgen

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Scripting and Reverse Engineering / ff9 psx bin's
« on: 2003-01-06 08:59:36 »
well unfortunately i don't have FF9 anymore so i can't rip em for yaa :(

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / ff9 psx bin's
« on: 2003-01-04 21:58:24 »
no idea
I just use PSXMC and set it to scan the whole CD and it pulls out all the files from the game it can
I was surprised how much detail went into the character textures

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / ff9 psx bin's
« on: 2003-01-04 08:27:45 »
you could get PSXMC and rip quite a lot from those files, a whole mess of textures and all the video

General Discussion / Rikku in bikini
« on: 2002-12-31 06:03:51 »
i was wondering the same thing lol

any chance someone will convert all those FF8 music files into MIDI so they can be played in winamp with the DLS loaded? I would use the STG player plugin if it didn't cause some pretty hardcore lockups whenever i loaded winamp. It dosen't like my soundcard drivers or something i guess

General Discussion / How to rip gamedata
« on: 2002-12-29 06:59:52 »
i think i can RAR it down to 100 MB ish, don't quote me on that, i'll have to dig out the CD again
it dosen't need the CD nor does it have any kinda protection...the thing coat me $5 new so i doubt capcom is making any money on it. PM me or something and i'll get you some details

Spiffy is spiffy! like yay and good and fun and WHEE!
And i have FF8 PC but didn't really get into it so i just use the instruments in Winamp cuz  MIDI sound a lot better that way

General Discussion / How to rip gamedata
« on: 2002-12-28 02:31:44 »
How bout adding Megaman Legends PC support ^_^

Pretty spiffy! i just use the DLS in winamp though ^_^
But me likes anyway!

i just use the spiffy winamp plugin for MIDI and tell it top use Samuel's DLS

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / My site is being mean!
« on: 2002-12-09 20:27:07 »
okies, i dunno what to send though lol
i just barely know what i'm doing here

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / My site is being mean!
« on: 2002-12-07 23:22:41 »
Anyone know what's wrong or how to fix it?

General Discussion / Square Enix
« on: 2002-12-02 08:13:57 »
Well both companies are getting an injection of new blood with all the members merging so it can only mean good for all their franchises

General Discussion / Square Enix
« on: 2002-11-30 21:15:34 »
I have a friend! *cries* This is the happiest day of my life!

General Discussion / Square Enix
« on: 2002-11-29 21:37:48 »
No plans now, but when the money looks good enough, they'll do it

almost makes me wanna buy a console...
anyone have a spare Atari 2600? ^_^

ok so Nvidia makes crappy boards with great drivers
ATI makes awesome boards with crappy drivers

Who makes the good boards and the good drivers?

I dunno...i don't have a problem with Catalyst 2.4....unless there's one that i don't know about?

Screwy? No
Sexy? Oh yes!

Is openGl SOOO much better than D3d

Blizzard Video Tester 1.0.7 Jun 10 2002
Copyright (C) 2002 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved.

22Nov2002 19:38
Windows 98 SE (Windows Platform 1 Version 4.10  A  Build 67766446)
DirectX 8.1 (
OpenGL ATI Technologies Inc. Radeon 8500 DDR x86/SSE 1.3.3413 Win9x Re
Pentium III (GenuineIntel Version 0673 Brand 0) 598 Mhz
511 MB RAM
Video 1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x514c RADEON 8500 / RADEON 8500LE
Audio 1 DirectSound (SB Live! Wave Out [1C00])
Audio 2 Game Compatible Device (emulated)
Audio 3 Voice Modem Wave #00 Line (emulated)

Direct3D 640x480 16 bpp 0 Hz 106 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 800x600 16 bpp 0 Hz 120 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1024x768 16 bpp 0 Hz 100 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1152x864 16 bpp 0 Hz 75 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1280x1024 16 bpp 0 Hz 75 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1600x1200 16 bpp 0 Hz 60 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 640x480 32 bpp 0 Hz 120 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 800x600 32 bpp 0 Hz 120 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1024x768 32 bpp 0 Hz 100 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1152x864 32 bpp 0 Hz 75 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1280x1024 32 bpp 0 Hz 75 BogoFps: OK
Direct3D 1600x1200 32 bpp 0 Hz 60 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 640x480 16 bpp 0 Hz 1153 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 800x600 16 bpp 0 Hz 1120 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1024x768 16 bpp 0 Hz 1161 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1152x864 16 bpp 0 Hz 1116 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1280x1024 16 bpp 0 Hz 1037 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1600x1200 16 bpp 0 Hz 709 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 640x480 32 bpp 0 Hz 1151 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 800x600 32 bpp 0 Hz 1127 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1024x768 32 bpp 0 Hz 1013 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1152x864 32 bpp 0 Hz 803 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1280x1024 32 bpp 0 Hz 621 BogoFps: OK
OpenGL 1600x1200 32 bpp 0 Hz 439 BogoFps: OK

Archive / Site downtime
« on: 2002-11-22 18:51:05 »
i hear Opera is pretty good, anyone use it?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Here's my odd idea!
« on: 2002-11-22 15:16:56 »
Wow....that's cute!
I wish i could play it
*is a sucker for low rez 8 bit graphics*
Ooohhh...does it beep the music too?

Archive / Site downtime
« on: 2002-11-22 15:13:11 »
Damn you noncomformists! MS rules the world, get over it and comply with the superior rulers at MS!

heehee J/K
I swear, MS didn't even make the standards but of course, if they wanna change the way things work, they throw their weight around to make sure programs like Netscape aren't as compatable as their own IE

General Discussion / ffx-2 trailer
« on: 2002-11-16 14:36:39 »
We need a PS2 Bushido Blade!

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Here's my odd idea!
« on: 2002-11-14 11:25:34 »
I still say he's the perfect Squall voice

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