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Messages - Lord_Skylark

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Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Sephiroth HP
« on: 2004-01-31 12:19:29 »
How reliable is this?

I've had it bookmarked for a long time. Is this actually tested? I mean, where did this info originate from? Why would someone actually think that using Knights of the Round on Jenova would have any effect on Sephiroth's HP in the first place?

WOuld like some info, or if someone found in scene.bin how this works.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Skylark
« on: 2004-01-31 11:01:30 »
Terence, I do have a couple questions that I'd like to ask. But they may take up alot of back and forth talking. Would it be possible to email me: [email protected]? Or aim me: lordskylark? I won't bug you much if you don't want to, but there's a couple of things that I need to work out with the data that I had originally extracted - yeah, I made memory dumps too, cause I didn't know about scene.bin either.


I wanted to make a note on something that I observed when I was viewing the memory to start my list before I actually was able to come to this site.

Despite that there's 3 parts to Jenova Synthesis, the game uses only one set of data and load that 3 times and then alters the stats of the other parts. Really weird.

Now, the Bizarro is the same thing too. The 6 different Bizarro files are not for each part of him. They are for each battle.

Not sure what order they are in, but these are all:
3 party - battle 1
3 party - battle 2
3 party - battle 3
2 party - battle 1
2 party - battle 2
1 party battle

And like Jenova, it takes one monster data entry and loads it for the number of parts available. I think there's up to 5 in seperate party's battle with him.

Seems kinda stupid that they just didn't make each part a seperate file.

I think it does the same thing with Emerald's eyes too.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / scene.bin compression
« on: 2004-01-31 10:54:26 »
From the scene.bin document that I saw before viewing the enemies, I put them in this order based on their hex ID, not their order in the scene.bin file that you showed. In this order, they match up with the order of the model files. But there appears to be some enemies that are missing there any way to get their data?

Also, in the original JP PSX version 0A-)F were more test enemies, but in the US and JP International versions they were replaced by the new weapons. Also, in the original JP version, the test enemies are actual monsters and not pyramids.

The missing enemies are:
0004 - test enemy
0070 - dummied bull motor
00B7/00B8 - dummied toxic frog
012F - some orb object
0159/015A/015F/0160 - dummied chocobo
0167/0168/0169 - scotch?
016D/016E/016F - MP?

So, if there's a way to get that data, that would be cool....does the scene.bin read it from another placein the file? Cause it would be weird to store the exact same monster data for every battle group that the mosnter appears in.

ID   Name
00   ÃªÃ¶Ã´0(äð)
01   ÃªÃ¶Ã´1()
02   ÃªÃ¶Ã´2(ð)
03   test enemy
04   ÃªÃ¶Ã´4(ëô÷)
05   ÃªÃ¶Ã´5(áðô)
06   ÃªÃ¶Ã´6(ðâ)  
07   ÃªÃ¶Ã´7(öðA)
08   ÃªÃ¶Ã´8(öðB)
09   ÃªÃ¶Ã´9(öðC)
U0A   Diamond Weapon
U0B   Ruby Weapon
U0C   Ruby's Tentacle
U0D   Emerald Weapon
U0E   Leg
U0F   Eye
10   MP
11   Guard Hound
12   Mono Drive
13   Grunt
14   1st Ray
15   Sweeper
16   Guard Scorpion
17   Grashtrike
18   Rocket Launcher
19   Whole Eater
1A   Chuse Tank
1B   Blugu
1C   Hedgehog Pie
1D   Smogger
1E   Special Combatant
1F   Blood Taste
20   Proto Machinegun
21   Air Buster
22   Vice
23   Corneo's Lackey
24   Scotch
25   Aps
26   Sahagin
27   Caesar
28   Eligor
29   Ghost
2A   Cripshay
2B   Deenglow
2C   Hell House (1st form)
2D   Hell House (2nd form)
2E   Aero Combatant (1st form)
2F   Aero Combatant (2nd form)
30   Turks: Reno (1)
31   Pyramid
32   Warning Board
33   Machinegun
34   Laser Cannon
35   Hammer Blaster
36   (Hammer Blaster Pod)
37   Sword Dance
38   SOLDIER: 3rd
39   Mighty Grunt (1st form)
3A   Mighty Grunt (2nd form)
3B   Moth Slasher
3C   Grenade Combatant
3D   Brain Pod
3E   Vargid Police
3F   Zenene
40   Sample: H0512
41   Sample: H0512-opt
42   Hundred Gunner
43   Heligunner
44   Rufus
45   Dark Nation
46   (Helicopter)
47   Motor Ball
48   Devil Ride
49   Custom Sweeper
4A   Kalm Fang
4B   Prowler
4C   Elfadunk
4D   Mu
4E   (Mu Attack)
4F   Mandragora
50   Levrikon
51   Midgar Zolom
52   Madouge
53   Crawler
54   Ark Dragon
55   Castanets
56   Zemzelett
57   Nerosuferoth
58   Hell Rider VR2
59   Formula
5A   Capparwire
5B   Bottom Swell
5C   Waterpolo
5D   Scrutin Eye
5E   Marine
5F   Jenova: BIRTH
60   Grangalan
61   Grangalan Jr.
62   Grangalan Jr. Jr.
63   Beachplug
64   Search Crown
65   Needle Kiss
66   Bloatfloat
67   Bagnadrana
68   Cokatolis
69   Bomb
6A   Death Claw
6B   2-Faced
6C   Bandit
6D   Bullmotor
6E   Land Worm
6F   Dyne
70   Bullmotor (dummied)
71   Spencer
72   Joker
73   Flapbeat
74   Harpy
75   Grand Horn
76   Gagighandi
77   Touch Me
78   Crown Lance
79   Flower Prong (1st form)
7A   Flower Prong (2nd form)
7B   Flower Prong (3rd form)
7C   Slaps
7D   Kimaria Bug
7E   Heavy Tank
7F   Turks: Reno (2)
80   Turks: Rude (1)
81   Skeeskee
82   Griffin
83   Golem
84   Bagrisk
85   Desert Sahagin
86   Gi Specter
87   Sneaky Step
88   Heg
89   Stinger
8A   Soul Fire
8B   Gi Nattak
8C   Nibel Wolf
8D   Velcher Tusk
8E   Bahba Velamyu
8F   Valron
90   Battery Cap
91   Mirage
92   Dorky Face
93   Jersey
94   Black Bat
95   Ghirofelgo
96   Chain
97   Ying
98   Yang
99   Ying/Yang
9A   Lost Number (1st form)
9B   Lost Number (red)
9C   Lost Number (blue)
9D   Dragon
9E   Sonic Speed
9F   Twin Brain
A0   Zuu
A1   Kyuvilduns
A2   Screamer
A3   Materia Keeper
A4   Palmer
A5   (Tiny Bronco)
A6   (Shinra Semi)
A7   Thunderbird
A8   Razor Weed
A9   Edgehead
AA   Bizarre Bug
AB   Tail Vault
AC   Adamantaimai
AD   Attack Squad
AE   Foulander
AF   Garuda
B0   Jayjujayme
B1   Rapps
B2   Gorkii
B3   Shake
B4   Chekhov
B5   Staniv
B6   Godo
B7   Toxic Frog (dummied 1)
B8   Toxic Frog (dummied 2)
B9   Under Lizard
BA   Kelzmelzer
BB   Dual Horn
BC   Tornadu
BD   Toxic Frog
BE   Jemnezmy
BF   Doorbull
C0   Ancient Dragon
C1   Red Dragon
C2   8-Eye
C3   Demons Gate
C4   Jenova: LIFE
C5   Vlakorados
C6   Trickplay
C7   (Trickplay Attack)
C8   Boundfat
C9   Malldancer
CA   Grimguard
CB   Hungry
CC   Acrophies
CD   Ice Golem
CE   Shred
CF   Lessaloploth
D0   Frozen Nail
D1   Jumping
D2   Snow
D3   Bandersnatch
D4   Magnade
D5   (Magnade Shield)
D6   (Magnade Shield)
D7   Malboro
D8   Blue Dragon
D9   Icicle
DA   Headbomber
DB   Stilva
DC   Zolokalter
DD   Evilhead
DE   Cuahl
DF   Gigas
E0   Grenade
E1   Gremlin
E2   Ironite
E3   Sculpture
E4   Schizo (right)
E5   Schizo (left)
E6   Wind Wing
E7   Dragon Rider
E8   Killbin
E9   Tonberry
EA   Jenova: DEATH
EB   Roulette Cannon
EC   Pedestal
EE   Death Machine
EF   Slalom
F0   Scissors
F1   Scissors (Upper)
F2   Scissors (Lower)
F3   Guard System
F4   Quick Machinegun
F5   Rocket Launcher (2)
F6   Ghost Ship
F7   Corvette
F8   Diver Nest
F9   Submarine Crew
FA   Captain
FB   Underwater MP
FC   Senior Grunt
FD   Hard Attacker
FE   Guardian
FF   Guardian (hand 1)
100   Guardian (hand 2)
101   Gun Carrier
102   Carry Armor
103   Left Arm (carry armor)
104   Right Arm (carry armor)
105   Rilfsak
106   Diablo
107   Epiolnis
108   Ho-chu
109   Gas Ducter
10A   Wolfmeister
10B   Eagle Gun
10C   Serpent
10D   Poodler
10E   Bad Rap
10F   Unknown
110   Unknown 3
111   Unknown 2
112   Turks: Reno (3)
113   Turks: Rude (3)
114   Hippogriff
115   Head Hunter
116   Spiral
117   Crysales
118   Sea Worm
119   Turks: Rude (2)
11A   CMD Grand Horn (1)
11B   CMD Grand Horn (2)
11C   CMD Grand Horn (3)
11D   Behemoth
11E   Cromwell
11F   Manhole
120   Manhole (cover)
121   Crazy Saw
122   Shadow Maker
123   Grosspanzer - Big
124   Grosspanzer - Small
125   Grosspanzer - Mobile
126   Gargoyle (stoned)
127   Gargoyle (unstoned)
128   Turks: Elena
129   Turks: Reno (4)
12A   Turks: Rude (4)
12B   Proud Clod
12C   Jamar Armor
12D   SOLDIER: 1st
12E   Xcannon
12F   (orb?)
130   Maximum Kimaira
131   Hojo
132   Hellectic Hojo
133   Right Arm (hojo)
134   Left Arm (hojo)
135   Lifeform Hojo N
136   Magic Pot
137   Christopher
138   Gighee
139   King Behemoth
13A   Allemagne
13B   Dragon Zombie
13C   Armored Golem
13D   Master Tonberry
13E   Pollensalta
13F   Mover
140   Iron Man
141   Parasite
142   Dark Dragon
143   Death Dealer
144   Jenova: SYNETHESIS
145   Bizarro Sephiroth
146   Bizarro Sephiroth
147   Bizarro Sephiroth
148   Bizarro Sephiroth
149   Bizarro Sephiroth
14A   Bizarro Sephiroth
14B   Safer Sephiroth
14C   Sephiroth
14D   Ultimate Weapon (1st battle)
14E   Ultimate Weapon (land battles)
14F   Ultimate Weapon (aerial battles)
150   Ultimate Weapon (final battle)
151   Cactuer
152   Goblin
153   Chocobo (1)
154   Chocobo (2)
155   Chocobo (3)
156   Chocobo (4)
157   Chocobo (5)
158   Chocobo (6)
159   Chocobo (dummied 1)
15A   Chocobo (dummied 2)
15B   Chocobo (7)
15D   Chocobo (8)
15E   Chocobo (9)
15F   Chocobo (dummied 3)
160   Chocobo (dummied 4)
161   Mystery Ninja (1)
162   Mystery Ninja (2)
163   Mystery Ninja (3)
164   Mystery Ninja (4)
165   Mystery Ninja (5)
166   Mystery Ninja (6)
167   (Scotch?)
168   (Scotch?)
169   (Scotch?)
16A   Bad Rap Sample
16B   Poodler Sample
16C   Cactaur
16D   (MP?)
16E   (MP?)
16F   (MP?)
170   Ã Ã A÷ð
171   M LD÷ð

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Hey
« on: 2004-01-29 20:58:05 »
WHere's the board where you talk about it at?


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / ok
« on: 2004-01-27 00:47:25 »
Sacre - is this like scared power/holy?
Health - is this suppose to mean then like Cure, Potion?
Cut - like swords?
Hit - ?
Punch - tifa's attack?
Shoot - vincents guns?
Scream - What's an example of this attack though?

Also, I do know what the unknown data is below the weaknesses in the scene.bin for each mosnter. I jsut want to be able to view the actual raw data in a hex editor.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Another
« on: 2004-01-26 12:06:38 »
Also had another question...

What types of attacks (like give examples) are considered for the following "elements"



Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Yeah...
« on: 2004-01-26 11:38:03 »
I saw that actually...all it says is that it's lzs compressed. And Ficedula's lzs program doesn't work on 3 computers that I've tried so I can't compress it. So I was hoping someone would be able to decompress it for me. I don't want just a text file of it. I want to be able to actually decompress the information from the actual scene.bin file so I can view the stuff myself.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / scene.bin compression
« on: 2004-01-26 06:25:40 »
ficedula's lzs program doesn't work on mine or two other people's computers... Can someone provide me with the unccompressed verison of scene.bin? Email/AIM/website upload, whatever. I'd relaly appreciate someone doing this.

email: [email protected]
AIM: lordskylark


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Suggestion...
« on: 2004-01-26 06:24:30 »
Could you make it actually read the monster information straight from the scene.bin instead of you actually typing it up? Cause that would be really cool.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Leviathan
« on: 2004-01-26 05:23:29 »
Just wondering not to pester...but is there still going to be progress on leviathan? I'm really looking forward to viewing the models with textures and transparencies.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Hey
« on: 2004-01-26 04:56:02 »
Well, I'm just saying that it looks like he's already analyzed the monsters' data and all their attacks. I was just curious if he'd release that information for all the monsters...or if he got that from someone else, if he would post or upload it.

Also, the lzs program doesn't work on 2 of my computers or my friends. Can someone decompress scene.bin and upload the uncompressed file(s) somewhere for me to download so I can check them out?



Where'd you get this data for Killbin? Is there some way you could provide me with all of the information and I'll credit you completely? It would be a great thing for my monster list website that's going to make the most detailed monster lists on the internet. And these are incredibly detailed, like my FFX one is that's in the works. I also got the basic data that I've hacked from all the other FF games and stuff... So, if you wanted to work on something together, it would be great!

Or does anyone else have this detailed info?

Please get back with me: [email protected]


Name: Killbin
Lvl: 30 EXP: 700 Win: [ 8] Ether
HP: 3200 AP: 150 Steal: [32] Turbo Ether
MP: 380 Gil: 1000 Morph: Mind Source
No Elemental Properties
Att: 90 Def: 64 Df%: 12
MAt: 85 MDf: 126
Immune: Manipulate
Physical Attack
Str: 1x Base (342)
Tar: 1 Op
Elm: Non-Element
Attr: Berserk Attack
Notes: Used when Killbin has 'Orange Swords' shown
Magical Piercing HP Restore
Str: Base + 770 (1460)
Cost: 24 MP
Tar: All Al/1 Al
Elm: Restorative
Attr: Reflectable
Notes: Used when Killbin has 'Pink Heart' shown
Only used when Killbin's HP <= ???
Magical Attack
Str: 1 1/4x Base (862.5)
Cost: 22 MP
Tar: 1 Op/All Op
Elm: Fire
Attr: Reflectable
Notes: Used when Killbin has 'Red Fire' shown
Magical Attack
Str: 1 1/4x Base (862.5)
Cost: 22 MP
Tar: 1 Op/All Op
Elm: Ice
Attr: Reflectable
Notes: Used when Killbin has 'Blue Ice' shown
Magical MP Absorb
Str: 1/8x Base (86.25)
Cost: 1 MP
Tar: 1 Op
Elm: Non-Element
Notes: Used when Killbin has 'Blue Electronics' shown
Only used when Killbin's MP <= ???
Change Status
Cost: 20 MP
Tar: 1 Op/All Op
Elm: Non-Element
Attr: [25] Inflict 'Slow'
Notes: Used when Killbin has 'Yellow Clock' shown

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Thanks
« on: 2002-08-13 07:45:25 »
Can you please give me the list of the monster stats dumped from the memory? I'd particularly be interested in: Lvl, HP, MP, Exp, Gil, AP, Steal, Drop, Morph and Weakness. IF you have more stats that would be great.


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 Monster Stats
« on: 2002-08-11 22:31:34 »
Does anyone know where the mosnter stats-HP, EXP, etc are stored. Also, where the monster names are stored.


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