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Messages - The Seer of Shadows

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Rule clarification..
« on: 2010-10-23 04:59:26 »
They probably don't know where to find the rules or what they are or anything.  In which case, it's annoying that they would register here to start with.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Big Mysteries of FF7 & More v2
« on: 2010-10-23 04:09:41 »
I think Cloud and Zack do look slightly similar.  I don't think the resemblance has been dramatized that much either.

Something new!  And also kind of minor.

When President Rufus showed up at Rocket Town to say "GIVE MEH TEH TINY BRONCO!  NAO!!", Cloud was right there, listening to the whole thing and being totally overt about it.  How did Rufus not notice him there?  If he did, then surely he would've ordered his men to detain him.

I have a problem with his chest.  Those look a bit like women boobs to me...

But all in all, good work.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Big Mysteries of FF7 & More v2
« on: 2010-10-23 02:38:04 »
You guys forgot to mention that Zack was pretty much outta it and weakened by the experiments that were being brought onto him.

Well then, if we consider Crisis Core, how did he pull his act together in order to defeat Genesis?

One more thing - this time, about the Nibelheim incident.

Cloud remembers it as if he was Zack due to his identity mix-up.  Tifa doesn't tell him that his story is all wrong because she knows something's up and she doesn't want to provoke whatever it is that's wrong with Cloud.  Later, they work together to figure out what really happened, yada yada.  That all makes sense.  What doesn't make sense is that Tifa at first claims that Cloud wasn't there at all; that he didn't even witness the whole thing.  But after she gets struck down by Sephiroth, Cloud tends to her and she clearly says something to him about the promise they made as children.  Why doesn't she remember that?  She remembers everything else perfectly well!

Completely Unrelated / Re: Rule clarification..
« on: 2010-10-23 02:22:45 »
Instead of getting threads like "how put ac kula mod any show me how thank yu" in General.

Or some freak necro'ing a thread about a dead project by a now-inactive user, asking how's it going because there've been no posts for a while.

A rule-reader is very refreshing to have around in a day and age where 95% of Newbies want to get warned...

Completely Unrelated / Re: Big Mysteries of FF7 & More v2
« on: 2010-10-23 00:11:56 »
Zack dying from gunfire, Red XIII not using a Soft on Seto, Cloud not using a Phoenix Down on Aerith... I guess you could say that what happens on the field doesn't follow the same rules as what happens in battle.

That still doesn't explain how Zack dies from gunfire when Cloud survives being impaled through the heart as well as later falling off the Sector 5 Reactor Bridge into Aerith's Church, and when Wedge similarly survives falling off the Sector 7 Pillar.  Both characters are supposed to be significantly weaker than Zack, but I can only surmise that in reality, Zack is a real wimp :P

EDIT: Zack also survives a fall from a tremendous height in a similar style to Cloud in Crisis Core... shouldn't that be far more "fatal" than having a round of measly little bullets discharged into you?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Why not to buy from ATI
« on: 2010-10-22 14:58:12 »
Again?  Has it happened before?

Completely Unrelated / Re: We are angry young men!
« on: 2010-10-22 14:55:56 »
Wait...just how many people are between 66-100 here?!

It probably rounds down people who are older than 100.  Kudistos Megistos, for example, is over 700 years old, so he'd be included in there ;)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Grammer Nazi-ification =]
« on: 2010-10-22 14:54:18 »
He probably misread your previous post, thought it was wrong, and posted a correction.  It is easy to read "have we" instead of "we have" if you don't look carefully enough.

Oh, you're no fun!

*stamps foot*

We got too used to those days when there was no moderation...

We're back to a simpler time, now.

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2010-10-22 01:01:19 »
So can all the party characters in FFV.  Not sure if that counts, though.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Grammer Nazi-ification =]
« on: 2010-10-22 00:50:00 »
I didn't include them even though they are apart of the alphabet.

They are a part of the alphabet.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Grammer Nazi-ification =]
« on: 2010-10-21 10:06:56 »
alas i once aggen strt yet anather chayne of convirsayshun

Alas, I once again start yet another change of conversation.

I am are being not of the wrong type of variety of things not included in the category of those which are not part of the whole.

Oh, Sweet Christmas!  I have no idea where to even start :o

Completely Unrelated / Re: One hour til my birthday!!!
« on: 2010-10-21 04:09:07 »
Three things:

1.) Happy Birthday!

2.) I've never fully understood people who choose to have a good time by getting utterly wasted.  But I guess that's just me :-\

3.) OMG!  A new thread posted in the correct board!  When was the last time that ever happened!? :o

Completely Unrelated / Re: quick question about backups..
« on: 2010-10-21 02:59:05 »
It doesnt really matter if the topic shifts into something else.

This thread is now about Grammar Nazism and the impulsive but fruitless grammatical correction of the previous poster's post :D

Completely Unrelated / Re: quick question about backups..
« on: 2010-10-21 00:24:50 »
... stuff you wouldn't consider tolerant.

Grammar Nazism!

Tolerant tolerable.

There is a "Final Fantasy VII" article on Encyclopedia Dramatica.  It's rather unsafe for work...

Completely Unrelated / Re: quick question about backups..
« on: 2010-10-21 00:15:08 »
1. This is the wrong place, but I doubt you'll get warned, since you made an honest intelligent attempt to get it right. But yeah, it goes in Completely Unrelated. General Discussion is really for Final Fantasy or Square-Enix related things.

Yep, I guess so.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Fun Topic
« on: 2010-10-21 00:14:10 »
Haha!  That link made me laugh! ;D

And I'm still on vacation!  (I'm really sick though, so I'm not having a great time...)

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2010-10-20 01:08:12 »
From the Final Fantasy Wiki (original source:

"Story director Mitsunori Takahashi had once said in an interview that if Tifa had not been included in Dissidia 012, he would not have made the game."

Completely Unrelated / Re: quick question about backups..
« on: 2010-10-19 04:46:24 »
3. WTF at your friend's response. Seriously.

^ This.

Doing something illegal is nothing you should worry or care about if it's an unenforced law that you're breaking :P If the people who made the rule don't really care about it, then why should anyone else?

General Discussion / Re: FF14 panned by critics and users
« on: 2010-10-19 03:25:58 »
It isn't a true Final Fantasy game to the fans who've been following the series, and have become attached to the earlier games.  Because FFXIV is so different (and so bad), many would argue that it isn't a true Final Fantasy game because it seems to deviate so far from Final Fantasy tradition.

Yes, there are word filters here.  Demonstration: A Bloody Mary Cocktail.

I can't believe I missed all of this.  This is enough to make me turn emo... *slashes wrists*

Unfortunately, "The Seer of Shadows" isn't entirely original.  It appears that it's the name of a book that was written a while ago, so that's what dominates the google results of my username.  Unsurprisingly, there are also people on the internet other than myself who call themselves "The Seer of Shadows" (I found a "The Seer of Shadows" facebook account, which has nothing to do with me).

So none of the Google results on the first eight pages relate to me in any way.  However, if I do an image search, I do find images that I posted in a few of my posts here.  The most striking of these is a cross-dressing Advent Children Cloud ;D

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