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Messages - Jonnylossus

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FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 19:28:53 »
no, go into wall market and add a one to all ap lvls then get 100 ap.

And then? I still can't select a (completely) NEW spell in the spellmenu.. That's the problem i mean. :/

I didn't change an existing spell, i created a new spell..

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 19:19:54 »
Did i fixed what?

I have a materia with Holy too, but i can't select the spell in a battle. :/ But the "Gewaltenteiler" has the skin of the Masamune now! Thanks to Leighos Kudistos Megistos!

Btw, here is a screenshot of my materia..

Maybe i could increase the size of the spellmenu using Cosmo or Teioh..

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 19:12:22 »
Ah.. Sounds nice. o0

I have the problem, that i can't create new spells. :/ I created the "Holy" spell, and put it into the "Ultima" materia. I changed the text (it is shown in the materiatab), but i can't use it in the spellmenu. :/ The spell isn't shown in battle..

OK, let me address each of your issues in turn:

1) File not found:
What it's doing when it's compressing the kernel.bin. It needs to find these files. GZip.exe must be in the same directory as WallMarket. Then, all the Kernel files must be in the same directory as the kernel you're trying to write to. After that, it looks for the gz files that gzip should have made. That's all the file access that WM does. If you can "save for later" then it's a problem with it locating gzip. Can you post a picture of the directory where you're storing WM and the kernel?

2) No new attack:
How did you change the name? WM 0.9.X can't do that. How did you add the spell? That may be an issue with the magic list in kernel section 3 (battle and growth data) also which WM 0.9.X can't do.

1. I have no problems with Windows XP, but i have problems with Windows Server 2008. Sure, let me upload a picture. =) It is in german, since i am german.

WM Data contains the files (kernel etc). I tried it in the same folder too, i also tried batchfiles for GZip.. The problem must be missing DLLs..

2. I looked into the WM list (found the spellnumber and put it into the materia), and then i changed it in the Kernel2.bin with "Teioh Version 21". =)

Then i had the spell "Holy" in the materia "Ultima".. But sadly not in the battlemenu "spell". :(

Thanks for helping me, btw!

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 18:51:39 »
Ah.. Sounds nice. o0

I have the problem, that i can't create new spells. :/ I created the "Holy" spell, and put it into the "Ultima" materia. I changed the text (it is shown in the materiatab), but i can't use it in the spellmenu. :/ The spell isn't shown in battle..

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 17:59:16 »
lol you can make a materia that lets you use limits whenever you want to only problem is you can only use the limits you know

How does that work? o0 Would be great if you say the exact values for this materia. =)

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 17:35:52 »
how many times have you tryed redownloading it?

I downloaded the file 1 time, if you mean that.

Btw, i tested it on XP.. It worked.. So i miss some files in my OS, but i still don't know which one is missing. Guess i have to wait for NFITC1. :/

thats not what im trying to do
 jenova just has the working made materia. i have a special one i made from a dummy materia. its not on the list. i need to edit the starting equipment. so cloud starts with it at the very begining.

Ah, i understand what you mean. That was exactly what i tried to do with the KERNEL.BIN. ^^ Although i am missing some files. :/

I don't know how you can do that, sorry. I don't know where the startequipment is stored also.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 17:15:26 »
the only thing you have to do is open the kernal file not kernal 2. from there its self exsplanatory. if it dont work its your game or pc. i have a 8 yr old laptop and everything i have found on this site works, with an exception to laviathin.

I know what i have to do, but i get the message everytime. Here it is again:

I also know, that it is my pc.. I just need to know which files are missing. :( I thought about the runtime files from Visual Basic, but i installed them and -> nothing. Maybe i try it on Windows XP later, since i use the Server 2008 version (it has the same kernel that vista has).

Archive / Re: new chocobo
« on: 2008-12-03 17:12:57 »
Highwinds the wrong shape. altough its possible, if a new model was made. i'm replaying FF9 now, actaully, so i may take up this challenge :D

Ah. :( Maybe you could reshape the airship. :P I saw the tutorial with the FF7 to FF10 Adamantaimai, so i guess it would be possible. A lot of great people here. Sadly i don't have 3DS Max or Photoshop. <_<

Would be great if you can create such a wonderful patch! The Invincible = my favourite airship!

I am thinking about changing the model of Vincent (no, not cloud's..) to me (battle model), but.. without the programs & without the knowledge... >_>

Anyway, great work with the cars. Lol.

i need to make it where cloud starts with a custom made materia. i would also like to know if there is a way to add skills, accessories or armour in the game. if so i also need to get a program that allows changes in events like removing or switching pick up items. a shop item/price changer would be nice. but i mostly need the starting materia program if its possible. please add a quick tutorial.

1. Download Jenova.
2. Select your savefile (1. savepoint is in the reactor #1)
3. Give yourself Items & Materia and change the equipped armor with jenova (since you don't have the materiatab ingame yet)
4. Save the file and play FF7.

There are several tutorials in the board, and also some infos in the wiki. =)


FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 17:06:47 »

It's working fine for me. Are you selecting the KERNEL.BIN file when you tell it to Compile?

Yep. Was that wrong? I try it again without selecting the file. I already tried to select a different folder / filename.. :(

If i choose nothing, i can't click "open". :(

How did you create that programm? Maybe i am missing some DLLs.. Visual Basic?

Archive / Re: new chocobo
« on: 2008-12-03 16:51:49 »
Looks interesting, but i prefer chocobos. They are better than machines. =)

I would love to see the Ragnarok (FF8) or even the Invincible (FF9) as the airship in FF7.. Flying with the Invicinble, that would be the best. =D Isn't it possible to modify the skin of the Highwind to the skin of the Invincible?

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 13:24:49 »

The fact that you can open WM at all means that your libraries aren't at fault. This is a problem with gzip not being in the same directory as WM. This is a limitation that will be handled differently when version 1.0 is deemed worthy of release.

Thanks for your fast answer. =)

Uhm.. gzip.exe and WallMarket.exe are in the same folder. =) I don't know how i can compress the file though, since i get this error everytime. :( Maybe it is not possible with the german version of the file? I can upload the file for you, if you want that.

Here it is:

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2008-12-03 12:33:05 »

...and I lost about a weeks worth of work.

Man, and I lost all the muscle lines and allot of texture map skinning work. And the face I was starting to sculpt is gone.

Awww, sad to hear that. :/ But i am glad that you are doing this work! =)

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2008-12-03 12:31:19 »
This program is very great, but sadly i encounter an error, if i want to compile the (changed files to the) KERNEL.BIN. :( I decompressed the files, changed some items and then i wanted to compress the KERNEL.BIN again, but the result was this:

Btw, the VB Files 4, 5 and 6 couldn't help me with this problem. :( I guess i need a different pack, or something else. I hope someone can help me. =)

Any suggestion would be great!


Edit: I have the german version of FF7, because i am german and live there.
Also, my OS is "Windows Server 2008 Enterprise" (Trial Version, since Microsoft was/is giving the Trialversion out for 240 Days). Maybe this information is needed.

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