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Messages - Bosola

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The CPU isn't emulated - they're both MIPS architectures, with the PSP's processor instruction set being a superset of that supported by the PSX.

I don't know much about the popstation 'emulator', but I would expect a compatibility layer for mid-level graphics and sound calls. This isn't really 'emulation' - it's more a matter of providing an API that fulfils the same contracts as the original hardware. Naturally, undocumented behaviour or quirks might not supported, which may explain why certain games are hard to port.

There wouldn't really be much 'extra' processing required to intercept the hardware calls. Yes, the requests would be deferred through an abstraction layer, or some kind of memory sandbox mapping for low-level operations, but you shouldn't be doing anything _that_ 'intensive'.

And remember, even recompiling assembler can be performant if you cache generated procedures and do smart optimization / branch prediction etc. Just look at the JVM - Java applications are essentially "compiled" to a generic assembler for an 'idealized' processor architecture, then reinterpreted on the fly via the virtual machine. Java 1.0's naive implementation was pretty slow, but since hotspot speed has been mostly a non-issue.

Completely Unrelated / Re: So just got pokemon Y
« on: 2013-10-12 22:30:05 »
You people keep buying this shit, Game Freak will keep (re)making it.

Some people have mentioned that they can fix the issue, and Gemini hinted it was to do with ISO manipulation tools. But I'm afraid he did not specify exactly why.

I have no sympathy for these people. This was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I can see an architectural rationale - perhaps the developer felt it would be best to have a single implementation in the kernel separate to any module.

Troubleshooting / Re: Magic Defense Equipment Bug PSX
« on: 2013-09-14 11:28:00 »
Search the forums. There's scores of threads on this.

Well if they called it a "countdown timer" then he would be fairly sure that's what they intended...

Even if a designer or business analyst tells you there's a constraint you can happily incur, you avoid it unless it's a problem. I can't even count the number of projects I've worked on where a 'cast iron guarantee' that this or that won't change has turned out anything but (though that's a grumble for another time...).

As for why it counts down constantly, hard to say. Perhaps it's just sloppy design.

Why would a developer make their code less flexible without good reason? How would the engineer in question be so sure the counter would always move down?

Troubleshooting / Re: Custom Magic and Materia
« on: 2013-09-01 16:33:24 »
I've done that, but it seems a lot of animations do jive well with characters. Mainly I was wondering if there was a more up to date list of which enemy animations are best suited for creating new materia.

Yes - you can see mine right here: I've annotated animations that I used for particular spells (though Rebirth cannibalizes a lot of cut player spells' animations for its water and wind magic).

Hit the 'obtaining' tab to see how to access a particular enemy animation index for a particular magic type.

Gameplay / Re: Making playable bosses
« on: 2013-08-20 20:00:03 »
Also, don't make assumptions like that about me, especially considering you're wrong on every single account.

No he's not.

If you had the technical expertise you seem to be claiming, you wouldn't be confusing disassembly for 'hex editing'. You'd be providing us a commit to Q-Gears or a reverse of a module.

You will need help to do this work (if only because this is not a single-person project); you aren't going to get that by acting uppity and defensive.

You might say it's not worth it, but I've seen at least one post on here talking about rewriting the game's script and story all for the sake of playing as a modded character, so I don't feel like my goal is that unrealistic.

Even that project is regarded as extremely ambitious. *I* certainly don't think it'll ever be released (though I have been wrong before).

Stuff like this is definitely the biggest hurdle. It does look like I can't avoid learning hex, which is bad because I'm completely new to it and kind of a slow learner. Any ideas where I can get a comprehensive guide for learning it? I've been looking around and there's a few guides here and there but it's all either assuming too much about what I know, or not relevant enough to how games are scripted.

There isn't a 'guide' to becoming a reverse engineer. Realistically, your steps are, at least, to:

1. Learn about the low-level implementation of computer programs, ideally by learning C
2. Learn how data structures and common flow control structures are implemented in assembly
3. Learn how Win32 x86 binaries are put together; how to debug them and how to use reversing tools
4. Read the Q-Gears source / community documentation around any element pertinent to your project
5. Learn some reversing heuristics, e.g. spotting types of compression, recognizing certain kinds of algorithms and control patterns

You're clearly willing to put the effort in, and that's a good sign to start with. However, becoming a reverse engineer is not like becoming a modeller or texture artist; it is effectively learning to become a programmer. That is a very different task.

Good luck, though.

Gameplay / Re: Making playable bosses
« on: 2013-08-19 19:29:31 »
I don't do graphics or modelling work, but I can still respond in the general case.

I've been thinking about making a party consisting of bosses but I'm not really sure how to approach this. Would it be easier to rewrite the script and force the game to load the bosses's models and animations in place of an existing character? Or, should I just replace a character's textures, skeleton, etc. with the bosses's? What are my limitations? It seems like either method has its problems.

You'd have to implement a new set of animations for the player characters. You would probably have to do some work on the models themselves. There aren't really many tools for this, so this project would require a fair bit of technical proficiency. You would have to learn how the animation scripts are built and possibly even do some reverse engineering yourself. If hex editing is something you'd rather avoid, and you don't have much prior technical experience (e.g. as a software developer), this might require a fair bit of learning.

One other thing. Assuming I wanted to do something like this for other rpgs that don't have a PC version to play with, how possible is it to import data into a PSX game? Is a script for importing data anything like one for exporting it?

Anything is possible with the magic of computers! But not necessarily trivial. Whilst the PSX version can be modded, you'll probably have to spend some time learning how the filesystem and lookups are put together. You certainly won't have any tools for doing the imports for you. It is 'harder' than the PC version, because it requires more knowledge about the platform, and because the PSX version has more constraints.

If my point isn't clear after all the elaboration that I did; the question is, simply, how do I make a boss playable, what do I have to consider, and what is the easiest method?

In summary -

To make a boss playable:
  • Get the game to point to and render enemy models for party members
  • Match up the animations for moves
  • Maybe fix animations for being hit and casting spells?
  • Fix any spell / move camera angles that no longer work with large models
What you have to consider:
  • How much time you can commit
  • How much technical knowledge you really want to learn
  • How well the community has reversed the parts of the game pertaining to the things you want to modify
The easiest method:
  • Work on the PC build
  • Work in small steps towards realistic goals
  • Find a good hex editor

Gameplay / Re: mod suggestion: mobile trabia garden
« on: 2013-08-18 23:30:04 »
I dunno, the story was pretty good in the first disc, before it completely fell apart. As long as all changes are from disc 2 onward, it can only be better though.

Hmm, true. I do have fond memories of those first few hours.

Makes me want to play VIII again, actually.

Gameplay / Re: mod suggestion: mobile trabia garden
« on: 2013-08-18 19:54:40 »
Mobile Trabia Garden would completely change the storyline though. and I really mean completely.

It couldn't make it any worse.

@SegaChief - That script alone won't do the job. All it does is see if any enemies have an elemental defence of five or above for Earth, and if so, push that data into the targetmask. If the targetmask is not empty, the script outputs a message to the debug console (not visible to the player). The next part of the script immediately overwrites the targetmask for different logic (specifically pushing the identfier of Young Cloud for testing if he's KOed - "LocalVar:0020 <- 8" is passing the spell ID of Life2).

@Karifean - no problem. Come back if you have any further problems writing the logic.

I think you misunderstand; I'm not telling you to copy-paste Sephiroth's AI script. I'm suggesting you should look at how it functions (it *does* work - the script just overwrites the target data later) and see if you can have another go at figuring it out yourself.

IIRC opcode 96 is the one that does the work - for any particular 'scan' it writes a defence modifier value into a member variable for each enemy you pass into it with a formation mask. You'd need to read the WallMarket opcode reference for more details, but I'm sure you get the gist of it.

I don't have WallMarket available right now, but you should be able to figure this out by looking at Sephiroth's Main AI script. I can't remember exactly what the element defence check actually looks at, though.

I knew most of these. Not all, but certainly most.

That's probably not a good thing.

Archive / Re: New Layout
« on: 2013-07-09 20:37:33 »
Tapatalk stuff is being added to the HTML before the Doctype (presumably the intercept message for mobile users). This _seems_ to be triggering a known bug with user agent stylesheets, such that the default text size for table content is being applied to the homepage.

I cannot fix this without access to the server.

General Discussion / Re: How to translate Final Fantasy X?
« on: 2013-07-02 19:00:51 »
Are you asking if it'll work? Try it and find out.

Completely Unrelated / Re: How to modify this code?
« on: 2013-06-23 17:00:26 »
Sounds like something that should be passed as parameters to a function.

I've read this four times, and I still have no idea what you're talking about. Are you announcing some kind of Cait Sith field model?

I strongly dislike people who close or attempt to close threads online because they believe that just because they lost interest, that nobody else in the world with internet access will have any reason to read about it or add to it on a later date. Believe it or not, they still teach "History" in schools, and that information is much older than a year old.

[CleverNameHere] did not censure JBedford because he simply 'lost interest', but because the rules of this forum insist that old threads shouldn't be randomly bumped unless someone has something substantial to add.

As it seems you aren't very familiar with this forum's terms of use, I'd suggest you get to know them better before posting further.

Please see here for information about using enemy attack animations for player spells.

If the OP has his ps1 FFVII...

He doesn't - he bought the game over PSN, which doesn't come as an ISO file.

Ok, this is starting to be too much trouble for me. I've tried at least 4 different programs to convert the EBOOT.PBP to an .iso, all either to no success or success with a corrupted unusable .iso file. And this mystery KERNEL.BIN file continues to elude me as I have tried a couple different FFVII .isos online, and still do not see a KERNEL.BIN. Am I viewing the .isos that I'm trying wrong somehow? I'm using WinRAR.

If the .iso generated has its files and directories preserved, you should be able to find the file in INIT/KERNEL.BIN once you mount it.

If the filesystem isn't preserved (e.g. it's just a big binary blob, or a directory that won't open - meaning it's an undifferentiated binary) - you'd have to locate the file on the basis of the disc LBA. I don't know if that will be consistent with the LBA position on the US PSOne discs, though.

General Discussion / Re: FF7 Difficulty Mod Recommendation
« on: 2013-06-10 18:56:48 »
Are you playing on PC or PlayStation?

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