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Messages - Harruzame

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Was that Halkun?..hehehe   :lol:

Amazing piece there Timu!!..If you think about it . This version is the closest to the original as far as Cloud Modding is concerned..Keep it up!!

This forum keeps getting better and better...I feel like Jiraiya somehow...  :mrgreen:

wow such facial expression!!!

....Like he's gonna battle anyone right now!...Scary... :oops:

 :-o  Suge-na ?!?

Shenmue on PS3? *screams like a girl*  I cant' wait!!... *drools* :-P

Or a Rockman X9 then? wakokokokok  :evil:

lul...'rockman'...double-lul! :-D

Eh?.... So you'd like Megaman X9 perhaps?..*snickers*  :-D

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is funny. LOL
« on: 2009-09-23 08:14:20 »

Huh!?..LOOK OUT MOUSE-KUN!!!!!!!............... un....... nu....... unun nu n.....  *echoooo*...   :-o

Ara...Silly Me...   :-D

of course not! silly harruzame


more progress..

That's what I'm talking about!... Its really closer to the original but HI Res and Textured too!..

One of the best looking Anime-ish Cloud versions I've seen so far...Hope the whole body compliments it.   8-)

Releases / Re: [Release] Slayersnext's Customized Models
« on: 2009-09-23 08:01:54 »
Ka-CHIINGG!!!  8-)  :lol:


Now you have business partners...ehehehe... :-D

Releases / Re: [Release] Slayersnext's Customized Models
« on: 2009-09-23 01:33:19 »
But superbly made...It's like a re release of FFVII on PC with only 2 disks to boot..Um.. somehow my urge to buy it seems imminent....

Ugh....temptation!!! :evil:

Timu Sumisu: That is a sexy cloud face, granted I am a raging heterosexual so its O-K. I think you should add a lot of smaller spikes on the back of the head like the crisis core cloud had, they all kinda pointed to the back of his head to form a cone shape. I say this because it looks like he shaved the back of his head and spray painted his scalp to match his hair color.

I will be adding a greart many spikes in the texture, not much need to add polies for all of those, at least the dissidia model did a good job of that, so i figure i can too ^^


H'okay, i've started texturing, these are the original ff7 eyes, which will be painted over, more of a placeholder. Have mercy, this is the first time i've textured with photoshop.

Umm.. will you use those eyes on the final touching? .. I hope not.... :|

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-09-23 01:09:59 »
AIyah!...That's way too many hours on retouching backgrounds.... I'll pray fervently to help!...  :oops:

Shenmue on PS3? *screams like a girl*  I cant' wait!!... *drools* :-P

Or a Rockman X9 then? wakokokokok  :evil:

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is funny. LOL
« on: 2009-09-23 00:59:15 »
What about SOLDER !?

Well, solder seems quite happy doing what it does best.

Sowwy, sowwy, I blame the intoxication!

And there I thought I was high... :roll:

*disgusted*  Um..Sir shall we launch the Pride Clod now?...*Its taking too much space in here...sheesshhh!*

Hey!! You LAZY BUMMMMSSS!!!...Work your Asses around or we'll feed yo to the Monsters!!!...ARRRAGGHH!!!

*kweehhh*..Huh?! again?

Troubleshooting / Re: A way to bypass key lock?
« on: 2009-09-23 00:30:52 »
aahhh... I feel like a Sekirei!!... *piss*  :lol:

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is funny. LOL
« on: 2009-09-22 11:24:36 »
I see...Lets see if this Grunts carry a hammer or two... Bring in the SCORPIon ..thingy...*whisper whisper*

Shaddap!!! YOU FREAKJKKSSSS!!!!..Get TO WORKKKK!!!!!

avast me hearties! talk like a pirate day be now over. However, i had great fun all day Saturday, especially at my sis's wedding party friday night, when it turned to saturday, everyone started to talk like a pirate. Well not everyone, but still alot. Well ok not alot, but still a substantial amount. Well not a substantial amount, but a few. OK IT WAS JUST ME. but still i had fun :D

Arr.... Ye don't say?... :roll:

Completely Unrelated / Re: This is funny. LOL
« on: 2009-09-22 04:10:17 »
Hmmm... I think they need more Metal polishes?.... :?

1 question though:

Do they have balls / holes under there?

And by the way its a he = me  :evil:

Releases / Re: Custom Battle Scenes
« on: 2009-09-22 03:52:38 »
I like it though!...  :-D

Its Shiny and Spakles!! *Twwiinnggg!!!*

Releases / Re: [Release] Slayersnext's Customized Models
« on: 2009-09-22 03:48:05 »
Did he made that? Or a legal release?.... :-o

If its only Fan made..He better be careful...Its creepingly Authentic to me.... :-P

Archive / Re: Mods
« on: 2009-09-22 03:44:05 »
so what moves smoother then... the camera?
This is what I was thinking of

Holy crap. That looks so smooth it doesnt even look like the same game

I thought I was looking at another PS2 game.... If ya have that kind of free moving Camera...Heck!

 Trash Counter Strike!

Team Avalanche / Re: [REL] Team Avalanche's 2D Overhaul
« on: 2009-09-22 03:36:45 »
Aw Shucks!.... :|

Off topic:

How's School SL?

Could you also make a remastered version of "The Moogle Takes to the Skies" and the No Heartbeat Intro of "Those Chosen By the Planet"?... I think theses are the ones that are left out....

Cloud's Hair Spikes needs more Balance... It somehow reminds me of Goku....

Releases / Re: Custom Battle Scenes
« on: 2009-09-21 08:34:50 »
Nope I heard of a girl (Nahatma) who already posted her custom MP3's for FFVII music MOD here.

Search and ye shall find..

Shiver me timbers......  :lol:

Completely Unrelated / Re: Gamespot - Greatest Game Hero
« on: 2009-09-21 07:14:33 »
NOw thats what I call:

S K I L L----to the Z

Nuff Said...   :mrgreen:

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