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Messages - mirex

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 [41] 42 43
halkun: question - what do you think, is there any purpose for additional values for textures, values 1 2 3 4 16 255 ? I mean, could it be for some use on PSX, some optimizing ?

alhexx, saint, all: Could you guys write some comment to my pformat ?

[This message has been edited by mirex (edited August 02, 2001).]

If you want some more info about p format, look into my document," TARGET=_blank>  it is really messy, but you can find there some info.

First float is length of bone from (0,0,0) of parent p-model to (0,0,0) of child model.

Then next line, first number is count of rsd-s, then there are names of rsd-s. In rsd files you find name of p-model and texture names.

terence, could you post a list of your docs ?

Terence: Could you tell where are your docs located ?

Yo I have that problem too, when I submit reply, I have to wait about 2 minutes until it is displayed with all others (and i have to (refresh) web page too, because we have a proxy cache here.

I don't know if i got it right, but to your question, why are there RSD files in pc version - there are placed infos about one object (one part of body)- file of 3d model and texture.

I just got an idea, maybe those temp *.p files are only grounds in battle scenes, because there are only plains. hmm hmm

[This message has been edited by mirex (edited July 02, 2001).]

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Mostly used 3d format
« on: 2001-05-31 10:26:00 »
Ok, then i'll leave there my raw text format. Surely i'll add more formats later, but for now if anyone would like to use that fileformat you have to write your own convertor.

Any comments about 'which format is the best'
are welcome.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Mostly used 3d format
« on: 2001-05-30 11:36:00 »
I'd like to know what is your favorite 3d file format, so i'll know what output should my programs produce.
Some choices
-LightWave Obj
-3D studio 3ds
-Raw 3d file
and so on.
If format is not so well known, please post also link to some docs, i you can.

Ged: as i remember time when i extracted sepiroth, that thing in his right hand ain't flower basket, i think its jenovas head.

(Grose ey  :)

Blue lotus: battle.lgp should have anyone who has final fantasy 7, so try your friends... and it is about 40MB i think.
And about Street Fighter, how big is that PAC file ? If it is not too big, (more then 1MB) send it to me, and ill look at it.

alhexx: ask qhimm to put your 'smiles' to his location. I liked some of them.

Yo I can see those simleys just fine." border=0>

Alhexx: I'm really really sorry for that mistake of mine. I hope i wrote your name right this time.

And about that problem with colors - I think i fixed that problem, I have set ambient light to light gray so colours should look better now. Try to download it and run it again please.

Allhex: It worked fine with old 3ds release 3, all colors were there. Hmm, I didn't tested it with MAX. Have to find some better file format description.

Hello everybody. So I finaly finished my program that rips whole models with colors into 3ds. There are lots of bugs now, but if you want to take a look:" TARGET=_blank> .
And one question: Who knows how to set polygon to be visible from both sides in 3d Studio ?

Alhexx: sorry, 0.56 => 0.26

btw Alhexx: When i run Ultima 0.56, and try to open .p file, it shows me 'Active X could not create object', and quits.
and thanks for including me in greetings list.

i cant download any file from your page alhexx, i always download html file. Is it only my problem ?

There are lots of battle models in battle.lpg and summons in magic.lgp, only problem is to find some files like .hrc-s, to know what to connet with what. These files are only problem. Like i have bahamut parts, but i don't know how to connect them together to make complete bahamut.

Lets try to find these files.

(Finaly I'v found the forum I was searching for for so long! The same interest)

ficedula: in the battle.lpg there are p files, at least some of them. For example try to view file 'slbj' as if it was .p file, you'll surely find that it's a chainsaw. And file 'ezac' is some picture.
Looks like there are files like in char.lgp, but there are no connections between them. At least i couldn't find any.

Then, i'm also studying P format, and ill try to post it somewhere, when i get my notes together.
see you soon

hmm. one picture. if i can

[This message has been edited by mirex (edited May 23, 2001).]

General Discussion / W32.Nimda.A@mm
« on: 2001-09-20 11:06:00 »
Dont know about any antiviruses, try to look at some web-pages for updates.

Hmm, try to delete 'load32.exe', or 'load.exe' from your windows directory, maybe it'll help. Or better just move that file somewhere else.
But im not sure.

Archive / The end of this board
« on: 2001-09-26 10:49:00 »
Mot: what that means z = zed => EZboard = EasedBoard ? (It is pronounced like that, no?)

Archive / The end of this board
« on: 2001-09-19 11:36:00 »
* checks posts count too *  :)

looks like good idea

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