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Messages - mirex

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 39 40 41 [42] 43
General Discussion / Uhh..Screenshots?
« on: 2001-09-07 10:56:00 »
Yea, I use Hyper Snap too, its fine. Better to say, my brother uses it. But it is good.

General Discussion / programming???
« on: 2001-09-11 11:57:00 »
I remember that my friend has a friend  :) and he used to code in pure binary. But he was programming on Z80, and there are fewer instructions, so twas easier to memorize.

Anyhow, I think its nothing more like learning some language. Just have to remember what number means what, and what will some combination do. I was not learning pure asm, and still i remember
$A8 $05 - mov ax, 5
$CD $21 - int 21h
and $DC was INC AX, or JMP ?.  :-?
If my memory serves me right.

Allhex: as far as i remember, there allways were these fights Pascal-fans vs C-fans.
I was pascal-fan, but then I got error message in pascal "Code segment too large" and I couldn't do anything with that, so I had to go to C++. Now I like them both. So fice, Im with you too. And I dont like M$

err: you surely have some crackers group somewhere near you, and they should have a Delphi in their list, so get it from them. Its the easiest way

General Discussion / programming???
« on: 2001-09-07 11:31:00 »
People please, dont write sooo many words, I dont have nerves for reading it. And i would like to, coz it is about programming. But i cant  :-?

Something from me:
As i see it, language can be easy, or good. Like with easy one itll be hard to code something good. But easy ones are good for start.  :)
So ill try to rate them, 1-easy 10-good. Higher number => harder & better.

2 - Basic(terminal)
6 - Pascal(terminal)
6 - Delphi
8 - C++(terminal)
8 - Visual C++
10 - Assembler

(terminal) means that it is old, dos like, you wont create any pretty windows with them

any corrections are welcome

General Discussion / FF7 question this time
« on: 2001-08-31 10:48:00 »
Yeah, if it is Manipulable, and it is hard to manipulate, then raise your status and you can manipulate it. In that case use Hypno Crown accesory, that increases manipulation rate.
But, only if it is manipulable. It can be somehow seen, but now i dont remember how. I think, if you cast Manipulate, and on enemy there is displayed 'miss', than he is manipulable. If there is nothing displayed, he is not. I think so.
Ill take a look into my papers, and tell you if he is or he is not manipulable.

But how Mr says, you can get it from 1st D-Zombie

General Discussion / FF7 question this time
« on: 2001-08-30 10:58:00 »
When i wanted to get some Enemy skill, and enemy didnt wanted to cast it, i was just waiting, casting some magic defenses on my group, casting haste on enemy, and throwing elixirs on enemy when he ren out of MP. Just wait and he'll cast it.
Or maybe try L4 suicide, (if he is L4, some monsters cast their special attacks in this case)

General Discussion / ON VACATION
« on: 2001-08-30 11:13:00 »
Oh I like russian english. They put so great hard accent on it.

Euro ? euro is fine. I hope for euro in some years, and then in complete earth uniting. Like one big state, and districts instead of old states.

Maybe in another life  :)

General Discussion / Skewl Startz
« on: 2001-08-23 10:42:00 »
What to say, college rulez ! Not the school, but college life is great. You can get anything there, its like little city, black market and everything. I love college.    :)   :)

And school life will start in about two weeks here, so everybody is freee now

Btw: what is that Advanced Geometry about ?

[This message has been edited by mirex (edited August 23, 2001).]

General Discussion / Skewl Startz
« on: 2001-08-22 11:26:00 »
this is little off topic, but im curious, what is Adv(anced) Geometry about ?

General Discussion / Free Web Hosting
« on: 2001-08-21 11:20:00 »
If you guys want to use, I can register an account for you, just mail me.

General Discussion / Free Web Hosting
« on: 2001-08-20 11:48:00 »
Well, Im no expert at these things, but i know that we have a perfect webhosting here, its free, no banners needed, unlimited space, php, sql, wap and something more.
But i dont know if you're gonna like it because it is in Slovak language." TARGET=_blank>
But don't tell anyone, because it'll be full in no time  :wink:

General Discussion / i need some help
« on: 2001-08-18 16:50:00 »
Yeah, some files are screwed in battle.lgp. I can see other swords, but except ultima.
If you want to take a look, here are last three swords, (last one is damaged
ultima)" TARGET=_blank>scix" TARGET=_blank>sciy" TARGET=_blank>sciz  

And if you want here are 3DS models of those weapons." TARGET=_blank>weapons_3ds  
And if would be to any use to you, here is detail on ultima handle, pic i dumped from game." TARGET=_blank>handle  

Probably didn't helped much, ey.

Alhexx, Fice: I don't get it. In there, in sicz there is no more info about polygons, and the original data are somehow screwed up. Maybe there are some poly-number-offset movers, some number that has to be added to poly number. Because as i look at the file, there arent used all vertexs, but some are used twice.
This is my analyze about that file" TARGET=_blank>sciz.txt

[This message has been edited by mirex (edited August 18, 2001).]

General Discussion / Seph 3D: "I have(or had) a dream"
« on: 2001-08-16 11:57:00 »
When Im 'listening' to your dreams, i feel lucky that i have nearly no dreams at all.

General Discussion / Expressions...
« on: 2001-08-16 11:50:00 »
If you guys want to get even smarter, read this" TARGET=_blank> .

General Discussion / Expressions...
« on: 2001-08-15 11:43:00 »
I remember one more, BRB (be right back), but that is more for IRC.

General Discussion / What is Spamming?
« on: 2001-08-09 11:34:00 »
Spamming is defined as 'when someone is anoying you with mails you did not asked for'.
as Caddberry said, you would know about it. You are no spammer Edeas.

General Discussion / new guy here
« on: 2001-08-09 11:27:00 »
Welcome SirKegSaLot, i bet you're gonna like it here, this is great place.

General Discussion / Here's an Idea
« on: 2001-08-09 11:50:00 »
Yuna: your eyes look so ... strange, too colorfull, no black dot in center. Ain't that pic retouched ? Or color lens ?
I can't belive that is real. If it is real, then .... really cool eyes yuna.

General Discussion / Don't bug Qhimm anymore, ok?
« on: 2001-08-07 11:42:00 »
btw, Halkun, im programming in C too, (bc++ and msvc6), and also in some other languages.

And sky in-here is white-gray on horizon and pearl blue above me... with a few clouds... beautifull.

Saint: congratz

I don't see anything bad about kisses. I havent seen those scenes, but if it is nothing more ...

General Discussion / Good Deals...
« on: 2001-08-01 10:33:00 »
I would buy some computers and stuff, if you would send it to me to europe. That are really good prices i think  :)

General Discussion / FF7 and Windows 2000
« on: 2001-08-03 11:27:00 »
My comp:
P200 mmx
32MB ram
20GB hdd
14" monitor
Voodoo II

don't laugh  :wink:

General Discussion / FF7 and Windows 2000
« on: 2001-08-01 21:21:00 »
But miners are in tents in front of 'lift' to Golden saucer, no ? So there should be that city.

General Discussion / FF7 and Windows 2000
« on: 2001-08-01 10:50:00 »
Threesixty: yea, as i remember those rooms look similar (in my mind). Weird 8-

General Discussion / How many girls in here?
« on: 2001-08-01 10:22:00 »
Dunno why, girls aren't so technical types as boys, so there is allways little of girls on forums like this. I would guess 1:10 - 1:20.

General Discussion / Eyes on Me..??
« on: 2001-08-07 11:13:00 »
Yuna: I'd like to see it too, if you don't want to post it here into forum, please send it to my mail too.

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