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Messages - PitBrat

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I'm already made a few improvements for the next release of Bootleg.
I've fixed to faded faces problem with the PRP models.
It really bothered me that all the field models had that faded pink tint to their eyes.
Now you can see the whites of their eyes.
It's a subtle change, but it makes an huge difference.

I also fixed another problem with Bloodshot's HQ Bike model.  Another one of Cloud's body parts was attached to the wrong model.

Please let me know of any mods that just have to go into the next release.
What do y'all think of some of the new soundtracks that are available?
How about these tracks:
3-06 - The Nightmare's Beginning-rev8.ogg    Bryan Bilocura  NetHead - Remastered Song   Qhimm FILE
3-16 - Interrupted by Fireworks-rev18.ogg    Bryan Bilocura  NetHead - Remastered Song   Qhimm FILE
3-20 - Buried in the Snow-v.2.ogg            Bryan Bilocura  NetHead - Remastered Song   Qhimm FILE
JenovaRemix.ogg                              SymphoniC       New Music Track             Qhimm FILE

I also need to sort through all the field textures to find the ones with palette glitches.
I'd appreciate any information on identified glitches.


The next update of Bootleg will include the ability to disable the new sound fx.

Eventually BFE will display screenshots of all the mods in action.
Obtaining said screenshots is very slow going; I could definitely use some help.
If you have any great screenshots, please share them with me!

I'd like to enable Bootleg to individually add and remove mods in real time.
Not many mods are packaged in a way that would make it feasible.
In the meantime, I'll work at adding switches for enabling/disabling every mod in Bootleg.
BFE makes configuration much easier.
Now it's time to add more options and confuse things again!

The Wiki page is very outdated.
I unsuccessfully attempted to edit the Wiki entry.
I was unable to create an account.
Who is in charge of maintaining the FF7 Wiki?

Download all of the mods.
Place all of the mods together in a folder with Bootleg.exe.
Do a FULL INSTALL of Final Fantasy VII.
Run Bootleg.exe as administrator.

Attempting to run Bootleg again without restoring FF7 to vanilla settings will result in anomalies.

The mods must have these exact file names.
On missing file errors Bootleg skips the file and attempts recovery.

Make sure that every installer launches and completes successfully.
The order of installation is very important.

The Bootleg folder should contain these files.
File names must match exactly.
    aerith 5yrsold Release new version.rar
    aerith 10 yrs old.rar
    Avalanche GUI v2.0.8.exe
    Avalanche High Res.exe
    Barret Navy Model PRP.rar
    Battle Scene enhacement lgp
    blue limit V2 by kela51.rar
    blue limit V3 by kela51.rar
    BMEE Release.rar
    BOHE release.rar
    bpdc release.rar
    bunny girls.rar
    Classic Models.7z
    corel prison and bonus.rar
    DarkFang's avatars.rar
    FF7 HQ Aerith mod.rar
    Field Files Pack 1.rar
    Field Files Pack 2.rar
    Field Files Pack 3.rar
    Field Files Pack 4.rar
    Field Files Pack 5.rar
    FL-BSE v0.1.1
    FL-WME Beta.exe
    HQMBV2 - Classic Buster.rar
    ice by kela51.rar
    limit original by kela51.rar
    Magochocobo ff7 battle pack 2.rar
    Magochocobo png battle files.rar
    Nikfrozty Transparent Avatars.rar
    sailor mars.rar
    Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack.7z
    yarLson Field Upscale Project

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2011-08-22 17:07:18 »
DLPB, Whooooa, oh-oh . . . nobody's watchin' you!

It's probably inconsequential, but when showing the FPS while using Menu Overhaul the FPS font is misaligned.
Edit 2:
Now that I think about it, that's probably Ali's problem.

Yes, Qhimm needs a mod registry to keep all of the download links in one place.  Even after months of scouring the forum, I continue to find new treasures.
I'm trying to keep track of everything in a Bootleg Mod List, but it's really not satisfactory.

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2011-08-22 13:00:31 »
Wow, I never even ran windows 3 at 320x240.
How would you ever find the 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons?
Is he playing FF7 on his phone?

I'm very excited about the upcoming release of Menu Overhaul 0004!
I hope the full retranslation project is part of the new release.
FF7 with Menu Overhaul and all the rest of the mods is simply beautiful.
I can't wait to explore the beautified world with the original story and dialogue restored.

FF7 Tools / Re: FF7MovieDir
« on: 2011-08-22 08:18:59 »
Just wanted to mention that the system variable %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% is useful in distinguishing between 32 and 64 bit architecture.

Bootleg 0031 is now available.

I fixed a bug in Bootleg 0030 that resulted in a missing ff7.exe.
Please download the newest version of Bootleg and BFE.

Bootleg .0031 Changes:
    +Fixed bug with missing ff7.exe
    +Fixed missing registry entries
    +Fixed crash in Corel Inn
    Revised Install Path Discovery

Bootleg now recognizes non standard install paths automatically.

In the next release, I'm including a new selection of FMV's based on suggestions by Vegadawg2 and Covarr.

Thanks for the support.
Please let me know how I might improve Bootleg.

FF7 Tools / Re: FF7MovieDir
« on: 2011-08-22 03:18:12 »
Check the system variable for 64 or 32 bit architecture.
This batch will generate an appropriate .reg file for a full install of FF7 with the movies folder and Aali's OpenGl driver.
Code: [Select]
SET FF7RegPath=%*
SET FF7InstallPath=%*
SET FF7RegPath=%FF7RegPath:\=\\%
ECHO:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>"FF7Setup.reg"
IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" (ECHO:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]>>"FF7Setup.reg") ELSE (ECHO:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]>>"FF7Setup.reg")
IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" (ECHO:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics]>>"FF7Setup.reg") ELSE (ECHO:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics]>>"FF7Setup.reg")

It's annoying enough when I plaster my sig at the end of every post.
Can you imagine if everyone were doing it!
ACK!!! :o

Bosses able to change resistance is a theme in Final Fantasy.
Barrier Change Bosses

You're right, everything is in place to create such an encounter.
FF7 needs a more notable encounter with such a creature!

Releases / Re: [WIP/REL] Project Blackfan
« on: 2011-08-20 14:36:40 »
Extract the 'field' folder from 'yarLson Field Upscale Project'
If you're using Avalanche place the 'field' folder in .\mods\avalanche\
If you're using Menu Overhaul, it goes in .\mods\DK\
Edit ff7_opengl.cfg to set the mod path to the same mod folder into which you placed 'field'
For Avalanche:
    mod_path = avalanche
For Menu Overhaul:
    mod_path = DK


The optimum resolution is:
window_size_x = 1280
window_size_y = 960

Turn off vsync.  The driver might work at a different refresh rate than your screen.
enable_vsync = no

Does it still tear in windowed mode?
fullscreen = no

Are you playing videos from the CD-Rom drive?
Copy the videos to the .\movies\ folder.
Configure the movies path in the registry.
Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]
"AppPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\"
"DataPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\Data\\"
"MoviePath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc\\Final Fantasy VII\\movies\\"

Maybe it's a buffering issue?

Do a clean Bootleg install with all of the mods on a vanilla FF7 for the first time.
Customize to your liking while keeping track.
Then you can remove most of the already installed mods, add new mods and run Bootleg without all the old baggage.
Bootleg should be much quicker on subsequent installs.

That first run through is very important.
Bootleg needs all those models from the installers like Remix.
If any files are mismatched, the game goes haywire.

Bootleg 0030 in ready for release later today.

Bootleg Front End is now working with every Bootleg switch!
It's still missing many of the screenshots and the layout is terrible.
Does anyone want access to the BFE tech preview?  I'd appreciate any feedback on making things more visually appealing and easier to configure.  If I receive any requests, I'll release BFE as a separate download with the upcoming Bootleg release.

Bootleg 0030 is now available with BFE!
BFE-- Bootleg Front End-- is a graphical front end interface for the Bootleg configurator.

New in 0030:
    Changed Version Numbering
    Added /I Switch to Install from Image
    Added /W Switch to Select Soundtrack
    Added bunny girls.rar
    Added sailor jupiter.rar
    Added sailor mars.rar
    Added Hi Res Sephiroth Model
    Added Cloud Carries Masamune
    Added Fixed Rebuilded Models: Man 11, Mr. Coates, Old Man 4, Punk 2, Punk 4, Sumo 1, Sumo 2, Wrestler 3
    Recovered Mike's Masamune Sword
    Recovered Kela51's Missing Ice Textures
    Updated Strayoff's Condor Minigame Mod
    Optimized Install Order

New Mod Downloads:
    bunny girls.rar       Aaiki14   Bunny Dress Field Models      Qhimm FILE
    sailor jupiter.rar    Aaiki14   Aeris Sailor Jupiter Model    Qhimm FILE
    sailor mars.rar       Aaiki14   Tifa Sailor Mars Model        Qhimm FILE


May I use your work in my Bootleg project?

I totally dig this mod.
I'm quite fond of the Condor game.

Releases / Re: FF7Music Installer
« on: 2011-08-19 03:03:31 »
In your next release, you might forcefully remind people to correctly configure their sound and midi devices.
Seems like every other problem posted has the same solution!

Bootleg really needs the Remix installer and the rest of the listed mods.  Most of the models come from Remix.  It's the only source of APZ Freak's Cloud model that is available on Qhimm.

Remix has the PRP models with all the flicker fixes.  There are also quite a few additional models in the Remix that are not in PRP.  Titeguy3 did a great job of sorting out the PRP models, so there is very little clutter in the LGPs.  Remix has many world textures-- nearly all of the cities-- that are not available anywhere else.  Additionally, the Remix has all the hex edited textures that make the 'textures' folder work.  Some of the limit textures will not work without the Remix.

While Bootleg is running, it generates a few patch folders.  These folders contain most of the changes made to the LGP files.  You can locate the folders in:

BFE is nearly complete.  BFE offers visual feedback for all of the switches.  Just tick all the buttons and check the boxes for the mods you want to install.  BFE shows a picture of what the mod look like when it's selected.  It's in a working state now.  I'm just missing quite a few screenshots.

Many of the new models were removed due to copyright issues.

Here are a couple more HQ models:
FF7 HQ Aerith mod.rar                       megaten    Aerith battle model    Qhimm FILE
patch for ice_cold513 sephiroth   anifiga    New Sephiroth Model    Qhimm FILE

Rename the PNG textures and you can use them in the 'mods' folder.

osaf = stage12_t03_00.png
opac = stage09_t00_00.png
opad = stage09_t01_00.png
opaf = stage09_t03_00.png
oqac = stage10_t00_00.png
pjac = stage29_t00_00.png
pjaf = stage29_t03_00.png

I use the mashup of Trojak with DLPB extras and the opening and logo from these:                                       Rumbah          New Opening and Mkup Movies             Qhimm FILE
    eidoslogo.avi                                   Xion999         Eidos Logo from FFVIII                  Qhimm FILE

Please let me know what mix of Trojak vs DLBP you end up using!

Regarding the errors you've identified, what version of Bootleg are you running?
Are you starting with a clean install of if Final Fantasy VII?

As far as backups, I'm leaning toward just backing up saves and ff7input.cfg.
I don't keep many backup now because Bootleg can recreate my install in just a few minutes.

Quite a few of the options already have a '0' option for no change or don't install.
When the individual mod installers launch, Bootleg has no control over what they change.
The best I could do is back everything up before the installer starts.  Then restore bits and pieces afterward.  The number of configurable choices becomes overwhelming. 

The APZ Cloud model in Bootleg comes from the Remix.  Bootleg does not install any other Cloud battle model.  Is the Remix installer completing successfully?
I'm not sure how you are getting Mike's Cloud weapons.  Bootleg does not install any of Mike's Cloud swords.  Is Millenia's installer completing successfully near the end of Bootleg?

I'm unable to recreate the problem with the Yufffie stick model.
Here's how I install her weapons:
Code: [Select]
    CD /d C:\Temp\Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack\Battle\Non effect\Yuffie"
    DEL /F /Q rxcn
    XCopy "C:\Temp\Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack\Battle\Non effect\Yuffie\RXC*" "Battle_lgp\" /Q /H /R /Y
    XCopy "C:\Temp\Trish(aka Mike)'s custom model pack\Battle\Non effect\Yuffie\RXAE" "Battle_lgp\" /Q /H /R /Y
How many of y'all have this same problem?

Gjoerulv's Hardcore Mod always installs when the Remix is installed.  There are two ways to launch FF7: in Hardcore mode and in Normal mode.  The Hardcore part of Remix is outdated.  Bootleg installs the 1.04 Hardcore Mod.  The Menu Overhaul install twice so that you can configure Hardcore and Normal modes separately.

Models changing depending on what save game is loaded is very unusual.  I haven't figured out how that could happen.  All saves should show the same models because that data is stored in a different file.  I don't think it's related to Bootleg.

General Discussion / Re: Best FMVs Replacements for FF7
« on: 2011-08-18 14:07:11 »
Copy the AVIs to the 'movies' folder inside the FF7 installation folder:
    C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII

Then update the registry to point to the new movies folder.

FF7 Registry Update
Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII]
"AppPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\"
"DataPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc.\\Final Fantasy VII\\Data\\"
"MoviePath"="C:\\Program Files\\Square Soft, Inc\\Final Fantasy VII\\movies\\"

General Discussion / Re: Glitch super armor
« on: 2011-08-18 03:10:33 »
I had that same glitch when I installed the Menu Overhaul on a Yamp patched ff7.exe.
The Guard Materia is really messed up.
I even had the item menu pop up when I selected a materia slot.
When you set the armor to a blank line, it creates garbled accessories.
It seems like an overflow error with the materia.
I read somewhere in the forums about a similar problem.

I found no fix.
It doesn't seem to break the game.
The error didn't start for me until I reached the 2nd disk.

I'll work on some way to customize the final installation.
It's complicated by all the various installers and order of installation requirements.
Here's one sloppy solution:
I can implement  a 'Custom' folder where you put the videos you want.  When Bootleg finishes, it installs the contents of the 'Custom' folder.

BFE-- Bootleg Front End-- offers more control.  I can add switches for nearly every mod in Bootleg. 
The movies from the Remix will still cause problems.

The next version of Bootleg will back up the existing FF7 installation folder.
Then it extracts a vanilla FF7 installation folder from a ZIP file.
At least all the data is preserved.  Still, you'd have to move the movies from the backup into the current game folder.

Alternatively, you can move all the FMV mods and the Remix out of the mod search path.  If Bootleg doesn't find a mod, it just skips it.  If Bootleg skips installing the Remix and FMV's, you'd keep the same FMV's you started with.
You can use that trick for any mods you don't want to install with Bootleg.  Just move them to a different folder.

BTW, what are your favorite FMV's?  I found so many versions of the movies.  I feel the need to add another profile to use all of Grimmy's mashup videos.

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