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Messages - cloudiar

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Ok, first sorry to all members for this problem!

I understand you seriously whitERaven, and thanks  :lol:

Maybe it'll be better if you send this things thru PMs, no need to get the whole forum involve in this right?

You only need to convince the admin, just pm him. All this arguing in public is unbecoming.

You say the truth, but lies.
You can say that I do wrong, but his friend lying and nothing to say? (lol)
Being a true friend!

No wait, I will not steal! just save! But thinking better ... I do not think it will affect this person get some things x_D

Yes it could do better, I will try from now, but with so many enemies is hard xD

Anyway when I finish this parody of situation I hope never write long, costly write, and my english is bad <. <

Good luck

My decision is this:

Kuugen informs me he has effectively disabled your scripts in his mod by disabling the triggers that activate them, while technically the code is still there none of your enhancements will ever run. This satisfies my order to remove them as far as I am concerned. If this is not the case then I require you to provide proof (your script vs his script) since I cannot download OVA to compare.

That's lying, I play with her flevel go to Sector 7 and all my work is there, same with others.

But well,  I'm going to prove it.

To start using my field.dec almost always, you should not use the original?
However spare soldier in that scene, not that hard delete.

Events Sector 7, these scenes add full days cost me, but this is not the case, the problem is that not what it tells you, then this spare.

Wallmarket events, completely separate my code, I see that is code in several places.

Follow before during and after the scene, also spare.

Same case in building sequences Shinra

Know that everything save for future use, very clever, but I do not want even one visible in your demo code, if in a hurry to re-publish the demo work harder and to separate the content, especially the events of Sector 7 , all that code to use weeks, wants to have it there for future? perfect, but you take it out of your product on this page.

This was only a small testing time, if you want I can spend here demo to give more reasons.

Be sad to see my full fields with changes in text only xD

I understand, but you are wrong, the admin told that in this community do not allow copying without permission, rather, "It has come to my attention that your inclusion of the OVA remake was done without permission. So I am giving either you get the opportunity to express his permission or remove it from your release ", must respect.

He wants to copy? Perfect, but outside of this community, those are the rules.

My game bugged? It is normal to miss adding another mod changes.

Yesterday my demo play full and never crash, only minor faults, all the arguments here used to say all good! author manages failures! all lies, changes are needed to perform well in this mod, and translate it, then be hero? seems joke.

I am very surprised and disappointed, I understand fully any published work may be used by others, but the community has its rules, publish my work anywhere, but in qhimm respecting the author's work, that I have understood so far.

I comment to the administrator, is easy work, if allowed to continue in this website work stolen, I cancel the mod, and all happy, but I doubt that the administrator change of thinking days after.

I checked, here you can see some things that used:

This is only some examples, besides those videos are my alpha version, currently uses corrected versions of my demo.

I thought the only finally use some, but surprise, uses 90% of the changes (events) offered in my mod.

Oh, I see that you are still using my material in your mod, but now instead of using everything you only use the most important material of my mod, thanks!, you used my code only (partially or completely) in these fields:


You "forgot" to remove the torrent. So you admit that you were distributing the game illegally. And there only is 'no problem' because that site is not Qhimm. It's still stealing their work, no warped double standard for you good sir. If I'm a thief, then so are you, as evident.

Nobody Told me this bad, and moderator qhimm view the page, you can not say "you're stealing," They publish to share.

The mods are for playing mainly and to respect their development.

But then again, I can take your mod and put it into Nightmare as much as I want as long as I do not host it elsewhere and link to it here. 8)

You're a genius

Correction: they did for you, since you were the instigator of the question.

Correction: for you also.

I have no idea what you are trying to make a point of anyway. Right now you're yelling at me for using your work without permission. You host several mods without permission. Maybe you should yell at yourself first?

Not for me, just make it easy for members, only for them, not a problem to remove the links, but I think it's no problem for authors.


You also host Aali's driver and other mods without permission ( and you didn't ask for permission before you hosted them and have your users install them by requirement to use OVA. ) so by your own logic, you stole those mods.

The moderator saw my page and there were no problem, it only forgot the torrent of FF7
In the end I'm going to be the thief, right? xD

I remember when you kept asking me if NFITC got back to me on that materia growth hack. Or how to disable new materia being born at master. Or the rotating battle bgm, or the field variables I used.

Right, others did that work for you again.

Your idea of being ironic is not accurate. I didn't complain about whether he was stealing, and I didn't comment at all on the truthfulness of him asking or not. Those are irrelevant to my comment, and I leave them for you two to dispute.

What I said was that you originally posted a website link with torrent downloads to illegal game files. That means, as some point, you stole the game. The irony lies in the fact that you posted a complaint in the Announcements about someone stealing your work. Therefore, my comment still stands that it remains ironic how you started on this site dealing with the topic of stealing, and will probably now end on this site with the topic of stealing. That is irony at it's finest.

For that reason I have to share my work? By forgetting to remove a link?

The problem is abuse, annoy me at the end.

When you first posted your OVA, it had links to your website with illegal torrents of the game. I find all your comments about copying work ironic.

The only thing ironic is apart from your complaints about stealing (taking any material without permission is steal, he didn't ask me if he could use the material before he uploaded his demo) you stand like the bad guy, but finally is the only person that can't upload the content is he.

Did you put anything after the end of Demo? Your videos show event in Kalm, Wutai, Whirlwind Maze.
I finished translating your mod and successfully put it into Nightmare 7 ( I fixed quite a few bugs, too, and added more stuff )
If you need help to test events or code them, I might be able to help now. I learned a lot from fixing your script.
Because I'm busy too, I will only be able to help if in exchange I can use your events ( you are credited in the prelude credits ingame and thread in forum for new field events )  in Nightmare 7.

He didn't conform with the work of my demo, he also wanted the work I show in my videos (not published), in addition he offers his help in exchange of this.
This is a joke?
Hadn't I help him enough?
Its main of the problem, abuse.
Really is this good for the community too?

Also share If he agrees I can think in offer everything, or better, if you want I can change the name of my mod and call it nightmare 7.

Copying the work of others and also can show private messages?

You are a god!

Think what you will. Nightmare is more than just a couple of new longer events and several smaller. The core element is the difficulty mod and everything based around that.
The events from OVA are an addition, not the core of the mod. As such I'm not advertising the mod solely for 'new events'.
You say, you're limited to make parameter editing that is as simple and fast, nothing new, watching his flevel has nothing really nice, I have a huge quantities of events and improvements, alchemy pot, auction, unique and personal things, so I want to protect my work.

I got to the point of being able to make events of my own because I spent considerable time fixing yours. Because there were a lot of hangups. Getting stuck in reactor 1, infinite materia gain in two places, dialogue loops that force you to restart the game ( thrice ). I'm grateful for the learning experience still. Not for the drama you're creating here.

As I said, not only edit parameters, and you exaggerate, many failures due to wrong import Makou Reactor, since my game it works perfectly, except some fault for forgetting, and your game is a combination of other works, must be installed in the original game.

I remember that it is normal to see some failures in a "demo" of a beta, this is a job that is in full development, the main reason they do not give permission, very logical.

This makes me sad  :(

Did Kuugen learn how to script his own events? If he can make his own version, I don't see how anyone can claim ownership.

Of course, but be easier to copy and modify text, the problem is it does not that respect the work of others, You should not steal from a project has just been announced that, there are other ways of doing things, never asked before posting your demo.

I already made my own events for Nightmare. OVA is just an addition. ( and yeah, it did take considerable time to add either OVA coding to Nightmare or Nightmare coding to OVA )

This is to laugh, really that significant time is the author of that work.

Your lying, I watching your flevel with my work and apparently the demo is absolutely all important content of my demo, also to use any small event, really an absolutely abuse.

It's necessary rectify, and start doing things better, if you have questions about making events then ask, all are going to help, I honestly do not see major events created by you, the majority of this demo be mine, many hidden items only places added of you, but it costs little time to do.

I said if you want my events empice done you, but not like the idea of working.

The most serious is no respect the job very long events, I do not accept others from copying the work before finishing.

Ah good.  A thread that I can actually endorse when it comes to changing the "numbers" in the game.  Off the top of my head, not much to add to that...

Magic cost?  And I suggest we also scale down the Gil and shop costs  etc... the Gil gets ridiculous.  (Perhaps the 'All' Materia Master sell value needs to be reduced also.  But that's for a difficulty mod really)

Very important, too high selling prices, specially matter "all" (1400000), unbalance the game.

Hmm maybe:

- Stats sources obtained via morphing
- Equipment boneses

Remove some objects using morph I see successful.

Maybe, but I remember it very difficult to use (less with conformer, the cheat xD is bug damage of morph? think this always).

Personally I would morph cost magic, maybe upload some damage, too long to do the same finish.

Pretty sure it is %, it even says so in the ability list.  Poison damage is also %, as is gravity of course.

True, but not like the poision personally, I prefer not to "hit" (toxic) only later damage by poison, and "temporary", is as if "haste" but this case really disproportionate play equally "slow".

Damage based on% MHP not like, it would be simplest to adjustment. (%) (Is possible to change the time it takes to receive?)

Stat curves give me problems, it is not very easy, especially calculating HP / MP crazy to change values, but I do not like it I want to change the original system, 1 or 2 stat points to level up being little, not very important when you have weapons / armor / accesory something good, or some magic (hp + magic + ..) also lower in case if necessary attributes.

A funny way to level up, strange:

Level 2

Strength +2
Resist +0
Magic +0
Spirit +0
Agility +2
Luck +0

Level 3

Strength +0
Resist +3
Magic +0
Spirit +0
Agility +0
Luck +1

Level 3

Strength +0
Resist +1
Magic +3
Spirit +3
Agility +0
Luck +0

Originally to level up not seeing differences, so much more personality, typically "repeat" of +1 to all (or similar), never surprises, a system that adds similar amount for point level (of total) but differently distribute, sorry if not explain well.

This is just what arrives to think, but the real idea after this.

First, there an opcode to ask if you use magic? (in IA of character)

Now will understand ... adding a battle system based on FF4, refer to magic penalty (and not only difficulty, is a system with more possibilities).

From the Character IA assign a second shift action (new mysteries) and that the character does not do anything until you finish it::

If use magic ---> turn pass ---> continue fighting and second load while using bar Turn temp = Barrier-> In passing finish all this turn (characters, enemies) and proceed to magic attack.

If use summon ---> turn pass ---> continue fighting and second load while using bar Turn = temp M.Barrier -> In this turn finish passing all (characters, enemies) and proceed to summon attack

The time of the second turn be conditioned bar shift exactly as normal turn, but in this case the more magic (state points) increased the higher the speed of the second turn.

Crazy, just wanted to say my first thought xD

Then I thought that maybe something can be done, but would first have to know if it is possible to ask from IA:

if magic attack>

If it is true that you will use magic, then your turn will take more time then (remember hero drink but in this case negative) would be subtracting points "agility" of player every time you use magic or summon, really possible?

Good thing the original points of "agility" character does not change after battle  ::)

Thanks for read and sorry for leaving some of the main issues

Hi everyone!

To begin, I'd like to say that I don't want to create any controversy,
 but I'd like to discuss an issue which is important to me.

The community is here to sharing, thanks to their members we have a lot of tools to edit FFVII, the work of the people is amazing in practically every aspect, I have to say I'm proud of it, because I can make a very complete mod thanks to this people, but Is really right that you publish a demo of my own mod (which cost hundreds of hours)  for another who steals my hard work and days later publishes it without my permission?

I'm annoyed not with the community, but with a member,  he makes me think about what's the limit of "sharing, I'd like to protect future mods to evade problems like my mod.

If any admin doesn't take actions I'll stop making updates, but the problem doesn't end here, in the future this will be happening.

I support sharing (with the creator's consent, of course), I allow the use of my work in a private form, but if I don't give any permission to publish my changes in other project until I finish my work I think it shouldn't be allowed.

Very nice idea, interessed specially in stat curves, always think this not nice in original game  >:(

Gameplay / Re: Lose MP with death
« on: 2012-10-10 03:45:24 »
Add in start "Death counter" in Aeris...Run in Yuffie, Tifa, Aeris!!

But Barret fail...This fix rewrite this opcodes in there IA.

Cloud new fail buged, in death only can loser 113 PM , and never repeat lose in new death.

In case changes comment.

Gameplay / Re: Break 255 MP cost
« on: 2012-10-10 02:03:43 »
Jenova's Witness thank you for understand (and understand the english xD)

You said, people can use it, but only one person to understand this rate is sufficient to say  :roll:

A mod is something you made, it is the result of your hard work and creativity, so you should be the person who says what can be done with it.  That's what I was taught, and that's what I teach others.

This is the most interesting reflection I could see, just really think about it, hacking and everything would be better that way.

I do not want anyone to feel offended, just that things can be done differently.

If a member post a project and want to use your content must ask, always, is really logical.

In my case if you ask me, I would certainly help, but take no permissions is really bad.

It is normal to want first all enjoy my work, absolutely.

Maybe first to do completely new scenes, this is precisely the main issue, people do not do that kind of sequences to be really complicated, very long time too, so personal and unique for another use later, without waiting I finish the mod, logical anger.

Gameplay / Re: Lose MP with death
« on: 2012-10-10 01:35:11 »
Thank you, I try and go back to talk to you about the result.

You're always offering support to the people of the community, thank you for helping me develop the mod, your contribution is important and everyone will know that you are part of this work.

Gameplay / Re: Break 255 MP cost
« on: 2012-10-10 01:14:42 »
Jenova's Witness see the website and ... it's impresive!

Very nice ... good work your forum friend, thanks for shared ;)

I try to help the community with some ideas, do not really know a lot of programming, in future I'm sure many will thank contribution.

Always I'm proud of the community, many do an amazing job, people can enjoy the changes and developments.

"Shared" is essential for evolution is true, I support you, but with limits also thinking.

The only thing not to like Is that other person stealing the hard work on the mod (tens of hours, even more), I say steal for a reason, When someone do not ask permission to use a long work in your mod, really sad .

Sometimes I really thinking to cancel the mod, after much time doing work really "personal", and then another day after use without permission.

I am the first to want to share, but not this way.

I say this so that in the future will "protect" the moders work and try to do everything better, probably some may think exactly.

Sorry to say this in here, but to read you and understand something I do think about it, no intention to generalize, it is only a special case, I hope people understand me, I do not want controversy, is only a reflection.

Gameplay / Lose MP with death
« on: 2012-10-09 22:34:15 »
I try the new system for battle, to expand difficulty.

To try character loses all MP in case of death, somes problem but finally to obtain, this change its possible in IA of player!
(run in Death Counter)


    12 2060
    12 4140
    02 2060
    02 4140
    02 2060
    02 4140

-- ASM

    0000:   PUSH (2060) Type (12)
    0003:   PUSH (4140) Type (12)
    0006:   MASK
    0007:   PSHA (2060) Type (02)
    000A:   PSHA (4140) Type (02)
    000D:   MASK
    000E:   PSHA (2060) Type (02)
    0011:   PSHA (4140) Type (02)
    0014:   MASK
    0015:   SUB
    0016:   STRA
    0017:   END


    Self.MP <- Self.MP - Self.MP

The opcodes run very nice, first problem in case lose PM limited to 255, though this problem is solved and can reset PM to 0 even 65535 :-D

The really problem?

Only run in Cloud...try in Barret and Tifa, ¡not effect! death and MP not change :|

Anyone know possible reason? The opcode in other character is some of Cloud.


Gameplay / Re: Break 255 MP cost
« on: 2012-10-09 22:08:36 »

Topic continue with life?

I prefer not to speak very much, the english is bad  :-\

But reading all...Conclusion very very very hard!!!

Some solution like, concretely case of modify IA of player:

If ( character.MP >= [desired MP cost] )
    character.MP -= [difference in desired cost vs actual in-game cost]

Become in later post the penalty death is very agressive, other solution can to be assign other effect example "death sentence" x_D

I think the logic it would be apply lose %HP penalty.

Gameplay / Re: Break 255 MP cost
« on: 2012-10-08 19:41:43 »
DLPB no thinks this case exactly how example "+99" level, but understand, not is necesary, no need to upload at +99...But case of 255 limit is very hard for apply in mods, much limitation, even the original game is not well balanced...example is:

Bahamut ZERO = 9999 Damage = 180 MP
Kings of round = +100000 Dam. = 255 MP??? Logic cost is minimun 500 MP  ::)

But repeat understand you...also very hard manipulation, the ultimate solution is example of kugeen, change the IA of players for apply extra MP, but in this case only of somes magic.

Sorry for english and thanks to all  ;)

Gameplay / Break 255 MP cost
« on: 2012-10-08 16:35:47 »
Hello everybody, first of all thank you for your time.
I would like to receive help of someone, because I want to increase the PM cost limit more than 255, I don't need to make it to 65535 (nice to 999 for example), but it's important not only for mine, for everyone that is making a mod will achieve ths goal.
If someone knows the offset to make it, please tell me out.


FF7 Tools / Re: [1.5] Makou Reactor - a FF7 field editor
« on: 2012-09-25 13:55:52 »

Not possible fix this problem in future?

It's epic fail not run this comand in game  :-\

This is a problem for me, events designed to "ask materia" for continue or need master! Or exchange materia.

Then deleted possible changes in "pot alchemist"?

Not exist solution? :cry:

Gameplay / Re: Index (ID) locations of inventary
« on: 2012-09-25 13:38:14 »
You mean the sort order.  So I was wrong to delete my message.  That is a table.  See touphscript which can automatically correct the table for you.  I worked with Luksy to add it.

I do not understand about me, up touphscript does not work on my game, strange reason <. <(Dump always failed).

But yes, I once exchanged names from touphscript but too long, I need to collect all locations offset to use.

Original           Later

1.Potion        1-X-Potion
2.Hi-Potion    2.Hi-Potion
3.X-Potion.    3.Potion

I think change many names, then just put position index ID "exchange", is not the best way, but exchange all parameters for change positions of item is horror, is better get all offset locations for massive modification, until finally we can create utility to make these process.

Sorry for English

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