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Messages - DynamixDJ

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Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-16 15:46:18 »
Well that's annoying, I've spent enough time with corelin now, looks like I'll have to spend a little more  :(

I'll try messing around with the settings, if that fails then I shall try to render via Thea Studio and see if that works

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-16 10:56:30 »
Something strange is going on. When I run a full, unbiased render, the light source coming from the lamp disappears, however when I run an Adaptive (BSD) render, the lamp is on. What's up with that??

Unbiased (TR1):

Adaptive (BSD) - Interior Basic:

see picture in previous post

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-15 22:36:11 »
Thanks for the tips, they helped. It's done! I've added the right bump and displacement to the floor, carpet and chimney wall. I'll send you over the .skp file so you can judge for your self.

Here is a rough render for now, I'll start a full unbiased render before I goto bed and I'll upload in the morning

7th Heaven / Re: game not loading mods
« on: 2016-05-15 20:47:07 »
OK, I tried installing Aali's driver, then mounting my actual FF7 Disk 1 '98 version to the E drive, then setting the .exe path to play the ff7.exe - the PC version (instead of ff7_en.exe - the Steam version), and the mods worked , however their was no change to the sound; it was the same crappy default midi .

The mods still won't work with the Steam version, I'll try uninstalling again and this time run the registry cleaner in the faq section I'll also try uninstalling the '98 version.

7th Heaven / Re: game not loading mods
« on: 2016-05-15 19:22:12 »
I have the same problem. Before installation I wiped FF7 then reinstalled outside of program files, then followed the 7H installation instructions, including installing GC.
No mods activate when I play the game...
Also no music plays. I can get music to play by copying the .ogg files from ...\FINAL FANTASY VII\music\vgmstream  to  ...\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\music_ogg but obviously if the mods were working properly the music would play from vgmstream

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-15 18:01:21 »
Thanks Salk!

Ok, the light is good, the windows are good, the very last thing I'm struggling with is the carpet and floor. what displacement and bump settings are good for a carpet / floor? Also, what black & white texture should I use? Th tutorial is slightly vague in this area.

Once I get the carpet and floor correct this scene is done  ;D
2 weeks to complete! The next one should be faster because I know my way around the programs now.

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-15 13:43:46 »
Yes, I understand, the scene doesn't have to be absolutely perfect to that of the original; it can also be a reflection of ones style. If you look very closely, you'll notice a mini figure of Cloud on the shelves  ;)

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-15 13:11:10 »
Yes, I shall read you tutorial again, I've read it many times, but everytime I read it I learn something I missed previously, I'll spend some more time with my scene later on

In regards to the carpet, I actually think i can get it better. Look at the shapes of the original carpet, I don't think that they are too hard to recreate... but does it need it? If people think that the current carpet is good enough then I'll leave it as it is! In terms of texture I mean; you are correct about the carpet being too thin, I shall add displacement!


Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-14 23:53:46 »
The problem I was having was assigning the correct material to the light source, it wasn't that straight forward. Anyway, here is a render of my work so-far

It still needs some more work, the fireplace is too white at the core, the light source in the top-left corner isn't right; it's supposed to be emanating from within the lamp (the pointlight is in the lamp itself so I don't know what's going on), and the windows aren't transparent enough (easily fixed), but other than that I'm quite pleased with the result.

the next step is learning how to test the scene within FF7 itself.... I haven't got a clue how to go about doing that....

Also, how long should the render take? Using the Unbiased TR1 engine it was still rendering after 3 hours! I cancelled in the end and just saved the render in it's current state

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-14 17:55:56 »
Sorry to hear that, and i hope you resolve your problems quickly  :'(

Good news is I've managed to remove the Thea Render water mark  :D

Bad news is no matter what I try I just simply cannot add colour to my light source; it's always white! I'm going to keep trying, but any advice would be appreciated because I'm getting rather annoyed!

-edit- OK I'm starting to get it now..

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-14 14:03:12 »
Thanks for the advice jmp. I'm not going to beat around the bush; I'm finding the lighting stage the most difficult, and I'm really not doing too well. On top of that, I cannot remove the damn Thea Render waterlogo, which means I'm trying to use Thea Studio for lighting..... Thea Studio is a very difficult and advanced software to get used to (unlike Sketchup which I took to almost immediately).

I'm going to spend all day trying to get the lighting right, but I'm really not enjoying Thea Studio... maybe a few hours of youtube will help, but I'd rather try to install the license properly so I can do everything in Sketchup.
I'll PM you my current work so you can see where I'm at!

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-13 19:21:41 »
My scene is done, I just need to add lighting. Most of my time was spent learning Sketchup, which I am pretty good with now, however I now need to spend some time learning Thea. Youtube has helped me, however I'm questioning what would be the most appropriate light source for a fireplace? Projector?

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-12 21:19:16 »
OK all I have to do is finish adding a few bits to the bookcase and the scene is done. Texture is finished. Then I have to add light in Thea and I will be ready to render, however there are a few things I'm not  sure of as this is the first time I've ever worked with graphics. I've tried asking via PM, however there is an obvious language barrier, so perhaps if White Wind could translate?

I would like to add change-able states to my scene. By that I mean background parameter changes; smoke coming from a vent; moving background whilst on a train; flowing water; rotating propellers etc. The scene I'm doing is corelin, and there are no state-changes in the original, however I would like to add a glowing fire effect. Naturally field script will have to be written within Makou Reactor, and I'm fine with that side of things, however I haven't a clue how to create these states within the background. The fire itself is mostly obscured due to the angle of the camera, however the "fire" effect will still reflect off of the ground, and will really help to make the scene look realistic.

Also, the license activated succesfully for Thea Render, however when I try to render through Sketchup using the Thea Render plugin, the scene is still rendered with the "Thea Render" watermark plastered all over the scene. Any ideas?

For the sake of professionlism, I may give the scene to you to render, as there a lot of settings that I'm too inexperienced to know how to use, unless you suggest to just stick with the default settings?

Thanks JMP, and I'm loving your work!! I noticed the Moogle in mds7_w3 too  ;D

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-11 18:21:27 »
Lol, I was just looking closely at your work JMP, and I've noticed in mds7_pb1 that you have a funky picture of Barret in the background. Lol  ;D

I've made more improvements to the Crater.  I think you're gonna be pleasantly surprised how I've handled the problem with duplicate items and so on, DynamixDJ.
Looking forward!!!

Looking at Yuffie's script in las4_0, I can see that at one point she was going to hand over the W-Magic Materia had you sent her alone along the left-upper path, but in the final cut she hands over nothing. Do you think this was intentional? I.E., they had initially intended for her to hand W-Magic over, but then changed their minds and didn't delete all lines of script, OR, do you think that her handing nothing over is an error, and that she was meant to hand over W-Magic if you sent her alone along the L-U path?

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-05-08 12:47:58 »
Everytime I see you post jmp434 I get excited  ;D

I've been working hard all week on corelin, and I've had LOTS of fun with sketchup; I've learnt about components, how to make a dome (thankyou youtube), I'm about to make a grandfather clock  :P

I'm hoping to have the 3D model complete by the end of today, ready for adding texture tomorrow  :D The BIGGEST mistake I've made is not making a group out of everything, so I'll have a fair amount of work to do when I do add texture. I now turn everything into a group and/or component pretty much instinctively now, to anyone who wants to try this themselves - ALWAYS turn your objects into a group!

I'll PM you jmp with a link to my work so far, so you can see where I'm currently at.

-edit- and with that post I am now a CrAzY poster lol!

WOW! I new there were errors with the N Crater item vars, but I didn't know there were that many!!! Good work DLPB!!

In regards to Materia being the wrong colour, (obviously) there are a dozen or so within the game (Turbo MP comes to mind). Have you fixed them all yet?

Also, how have you fixed the item dupe trick? Have you disallowed Cloud from traveling back from las4_1 until he has received the items from his comrades (bad fix)? Or have you made it so that if Cloud travels back and picks up an item that a teammate already has, when you talk to that teammate they are holding nothing (adequate fix)? OR have you made it so that when you travel back through a path you've sent a teammate, the chest/item has already been collected (best fix imo)?

It's worth noting that if you have chosen the latter, then heading to the Highwind before receiving the items from your teammates will result in them losing the items they are carrying. I can't remember why this occurs (it was a while ago that I looked at the North Crater), and you may have already inadvertedly fixed that bug when fixing the similar bug we've discussed via PM. Definitely worth testing for though!  :D

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-05-03 21:20:25 »
See, I'm not 100% sure. I would have said that Nullify overrides it as well but someone on the thread mentioned having a Half and a Nullify equipped (Armour and Accessory) and that the Half effect won out. It left me wondering if it works differently for characters because they're loading the elemental resistances from several different places (as in, do Armour elemental resistances take priority over Accessories?)

Interesting notion, however I think when the checks are performed it doesn't matter where the resistance comes from, it just sees that there is resistance, and the priority check plays out. I may have the priority incorrect as I was going from memory, it could be that it goes Absorb, Halve, Nullify, Double.... I've just had a quick look at TFerguson's FAQ:

In summary, the various resistances have the following priority:
  Death Weakness

I hypothesis that the person who mentioned that Halve won out was incorrect. Again, I experimented on the Sea Worm, and not once did I notice two resistances work against/with each other. I'm just not 100% sure though.....

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-05-03 18:17:06 »
It's intended to nullify every element, including Restorative. These don't stack either, because they're flags. If there's more than one flag though then they can combine (so if you have Absorb + Half, then I think you absorb it but it's reduced by 50% and same goes for Absorb + Weak, you absorb 2x the damage). Null and Half will override each other though based on which one is read first/last (not sure which).

Is this entirely true? Have you changed the mechanics around, or is this true for vanilla? I did some digging into this a while ago, and I ran some tests against the Icicle and the Sea Worm, both of which have multiple elemental properties. I'n not 100% sure on this, but I'm fairly confident that the priority order goes:


Meaning, if the nullify flag is ticked, then the other elemental properties are then ignored, and if the Nullify check fails but Absorb is up, then Halve and double are disregarded.

I would like a second opinion though!!

Only 3 more currently in progress.  Then I can get back to the installer and text.
Wow nearly 400 strong now, good work WW!

Sounds awesome!

The biggest song I ever made consisted of just over 100 tracks, a couple of hundred is just nuts!! With all that automation, it soon builds up!!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-04-30 17:18:47 »
I can't copy-paste a new set from the default flevel (it won't carry across two flevels)

You can now  ;D ;D;topicseen#msg240509

Excellent, now we can copy scripts between Makou reactors!!   ;D

I meant to ask this earlier, in previous version we were able to drag the scroll bar to the right if the line of script exceeded the window width, however I'm not able to do this anymore. instead I have to double click on the line to read it in full. It would be better if I could drag the scroll bar along again, as I have each bit mapped out within the variable manager, and this occupies a lot of space!

Other than that, excellent work!!

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-04-28 15:37:26 »
I'm going to be having a play around this weekend to try to create jailin4, which I'm looking forward to  :D

Team Avalanche / Re: [FF7] Recreating scenes in 3D
« on: 2016-04-25 22:34:18 »
Excellent work!

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