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Messages - unab0mb

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7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-24 20:34:00 »
Have a bug where dialogue wont show on the flashback at the temple of the ancients. Turned the field models off and its back to normal. I was wondering if its just me that have experience this one.

Ask for help in the thread for the mod that is causing issues for you. You'll want to provide your profile details. This thread is for 7H as it pertains to the standalone program itself.

127, you can google translate it and check if you want ! This retraduction's patch is compatible with the FF7.exe French-Pal version but i don't know with 7h. Do you think it can be compatible ? Do you think i can install 7th on my FF7 French steam version or convert it ?

Sorry for my questions  ;D

Also, do you know where i can contact those french traductor for start the work ??

Thank you

Sorry, I won't be downloading it and taking it apart (it's not my mod to support and would take up my time) to see how it works and what it modifies. I'm busy with other things. You should try contacting the author and see if they can package it differently than an exe (sounds like it is an installer?). 7H's big advantage is that you don't have to make any changes to your game files. The author or someone can easily take the changes and package them differently in an IRO with the files that need modified such as the .bin files, flevel, world map, and other data, hext, and even provide custom exes (although that is frowned upon and hext can accomplish the same thing). As I mentioned before, almost anything can be made to work with 7H and from what I've read, this patch isn't doing anything out of the ordinary that would prevent it from being compatible.

youffie is the primary translator for the French UI if you want to reach out to him.

FAQs and Tutorials / Re: [FF7]Big List of Bugs
« on: 2020-04-24 12:05:45 »
Just encountered a bug playing 7th heaven 2.0. In the temple of the ancients when your watching Tseng talk to Elena and Sephiroth there are no words on the screen anymore. The scene still runs when you press enter but without words. I was using the previous version 1.54 and the scene was fine then. Just a small problem but any ideas guys ?
You don't "play" 7th Heaven, it's a mod manager. Nor is what you're describing a bug in the program but something wrong in your mods and/or load order. Disable your mods and play vanilla first (or choose to play without mods from the play menu), then enable mods one by one as process of elimination to find out what mod is causing the issue.

Change your paths in Settings>General Settings. If you can't even get that far, try deleting your 7thworkshop folder under your 7H install folder. If that still doesn't work, you have an old ff7 install that has hosed your registry. Uninstall and reinstall ff7.

You can set whatever controls you want in the game then import them into 7H. If you use a remapping tool, you must run it as administrator.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-23 22:28:50 »
Guys one question. I tryed to edit some text strings on ffvii.exe with touphscript. The tool does dump and ancode correctly but when i lunch the game with 7th all my edits come back to default. But if i rename the exe, to ffvii_bc.exe for example, all edits remain also in game. I use default ffvii.exe because I use ESUI for the menĂ¹, i don't use The Reunion mod. Is this an "issue" with 7th?

If 7H is pointing to ff7.exe it should always be the English 1.02 patch. When you screw around with it, 7H knows it's not the correct EXE and fixes it. If you want to use a custom exe, name it as such (e.g. ff7_mycustom.exe) then point 7H to it under Settings>General Settings. 7H won't attempt to fix your custom named exe. ESUI doesn't require your exe be named ff7.exe either. You can name it whatever you want and ESUI will work fine.

This should be obvious, but I'll explain anyway. Your example, ff7_bc.exe is traditionally the old EXE used in the Beacause Menu Overhaul. ESUI isn't compatible with that exe because the content of that exe obviously conflicts with ESUI because they both significantly modify much of the same things in the UI, etc. It has nothing to do with it being named ff7_bc.exe. You could name your exe the same and ESUI would work fine with it, provided it doesn't change the same things that ESUI changes. You're talking about a conflict of mods, not 7th Heaven.

I'll also mention, everyone has moved away from custom EXEs. You can accomplish your same goal with hext, which is how ESUI does the same things as the old Menu Overhaul but without making permanent changes to or requiring a custom exe file.

I don't know what those are, but there's no reason to believe that any translation wouldn't be compatible with 7H. It supports replacing all files that would need to be modified to translate the game, plus hext and/or custom exes. So it would just be a matter of how the mod author designed it and if they decided to package it for 7H.

7H also doesn't look for/care what language version of the game you are running either. The only exception being the built-in Game Converter expects English files to convert from. As stated in the first post of this thread, the built-in game converter will support other languages in the next release, but that shouldn't stop you from using the old game converter to convert the game first then running 7H 2.0 on top of it.

Any time you experience crashing, the first thing you should do is run the game without mods to determine if a mod is causing a problem. Many have said the Animations mod causes problems for them, I'd start there. Also, since you have an ATI/AMD card, check to make sure you have PBO turned off in Settings>Game Driver as it is pretty unstable, particularly on ATI/AMD cards. Shaders (post-processing) can also cause problems.

7th Heaven / Re: World Model Not work - Remako
« on: 2020-04-23 21:48:03 »
V-sync interferes with 60fps. Check to see if that is on, and turn it off if needed. For some reason, many people have said the same, that the 60fps in the Animations mod doesn't work--or even crashes their game. I'm not sure how it is implemented in the animations mod, but there have been many variations of it over the years some work or don't for different people.

Mmm, no. Something is still wrong with your install or your paths are not pointing to the correct locations. Make sure all of your paths are correct under Settings>General Settings.

7th Heaven / Re: World Model Not work - Remako
« on: 2020-04-22 19:16:54 »
That doesn't show what your path is set to. Check General Settings. Also check your 7H_GameDriver.cfg file under your FF7 folder for your mod path. It should be:
mod_path = Textures

It must point to ff7.exe, not ff7_en.exe (that is Steam version that you don't want when modding). If you are getting the missing files error, it is either because A) Your install is corrupt/missing files (run the verify files option in Steam) or  B) you are attempting to use a language other then English. Make sure your game is installed in English by right-clicking FF7 in your Steam Library>Properties>Language tab.

Direct support for other languages is coming in the next version.

7th Heaven / Re: World Model Not work - Remako
« on: 2020-04-22 19:01:45 »
So did you actually turn off the texture cache? I'd recommend leaving it off during testing of this issue. Also try checking your Textures path under Settings>General Settings. Textures should point to your FF7\mods\Textures folder.

I've registered to this forum 5 mins ago. Only to help translate stuff from english to german. Never did that before, but sounds like fun in quarantine. Just contact me for what I can do for you :-)
Contact me on Discord on either the Qhimm forums or Tsunamods server. Maybe you 2 can join forces in translating.

There is one person currently working on the French translation. If you're serious about helping for the French translation, contact me on Discord and you two can work together. Oddly, I've had 3-4x the number of offers to help for French than any other language, with the least number of people to actually start working on it.

7th Heaven / Re: World Model Not work - Remako
« on: 2020-04-22 18:39:12 »
My guess is you have the texture cache turned on. Therefore, you will not see changes in game when you make changes to your mods.

Troubleshooting / Re: 7 Heaven crash on first battle
« on: 2020-04-22 01:55:43 »
Please post your app.log to a pastebin or something. That's too long to put in a post and doesn't show any error messages because the end of your log is getting cut off. Also, please also post your 7H_GameDriver.cfg and your profile details (Settings>Profile>Profile Details (eye icon)).

If I hear of anyone that actually uses an Nvidia Shield, I'll send them your way. I don't have one, so unfortunately, I can't help you with it.

This has been covered multiple times already in several other threads. Long story short: Aali driver issues. Save often.

Try deleting your "7thWorkshop" subfolder underneath your 7th Heaven install folder first before I ramble on about a bunch of other stuff.

7th Heaven / Re: Steam Controller Functionality
« on: 2020-04-22 01:44:44 »
Steam controllers are a rarity and I'd imagine they have some really stupid mappings.

1. You can always know what a preset's buttons are (in 7h>Settings>Game Launcher>Controls) by selecting it, going into the game, the go into the controller config menu. You will see all keys/buttons that are set by that preset.

2. If you want to make your own preset, go into the game, change your controls in the game, exit the menu. Switch to 7H, go to the previously mentioned setting/section and click the Floppy Disk icon next to Controls. This will save/import your keys/buttons to a new preset that you name yourself.

3. I'm not familiar with the Steam controller, but if there's anything not directly supported in the game (not detected when you try to map a button) then you will need to map buttons to keyboard keys using a 3rd party remapping program like AntiMicro. Be sure to run it as administrator. Also set your preferred gamepad device in Control Panel.

7th Heaven / Re: World Model Not work - Remako
« on: 2020-04-22 01:39:08 »
Why did you install Remako on top of the Qhimm mods? You have 2 problems:
1. Your sort order is all wrong. Click Auto Sort.
2. You installed Remako when Remako options are already included in Media, Field Textures, Battle Fields, World Textures, etc. You just select the from the drop down in Configure Mod.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-21 18:44:10 »
I did try to put in a PS1 disc to see if that would work, but for some reason it seems they named the PS1 and PC discs differently.

When I said I was curious about this requirement I really meant it.  Does the Steam version somehow have an ISO mounting tool built into the launcher that I'm not aware of?
If you've got an optical drive, just burn the previously mentioned ISO to a physical disc and that should work just fine. If you don't like running several programs because it's a hassle to open and close them, you can always use a combination of 7th Heaven switches (see Help file for Shell Integration), the "Programs to Run" in the Game Launcher settings, and/or a batch file.

Steam doesn't have to use discs of course. They removed the disc checking code from their exe.

Catalogs / Re: [FF7] Qhimm Catalog 3.0 Reports / Requests
« on: 2020-04-21 18:31:39 »
thanks but I was hoping to edit the file
1998 Original.cfg to make the d-pad work as well
for not having a thousand things open but does nothing thanks thanks.
sooner or later my thumb will understand to leave the d-pad alone ahahahah

You will be able to do this in 7th Heaven 2.1.

7H currently only supports the English installation of the game. Will support other languages in a future update. Or, you can use the old Game Converter if you can find it, to convert the game first, then run 7H 2.0.

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