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Messages - sfx1999

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General Discussion / Is this technically cheating..?
« on: 2005-08-11 22:34:51 »
You might be able to do it with the card ability, but I don't think you would have the magazine to learn how to do it.

General Discussion / Sephiroth vs Kefka
« on: 2005-08-11 22:33:16 »
I haven't beaten FF6 yet, but I think Kefka would win. He sure as hell kicked my ass.

Troubleshooting / C++ Question
« on: 2005-05-11 04:10:07 »
OK, listen, this topic is very OLD, and the user who started this topic has been banned.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-04-16 15:56:44 »
By any chance are the normals in the wrong format? For instance, in Direct3D, the Z-axis goes from back to front, and in OpenGL, it goes from front to back.

I don't think that the XG Software Synthesizer drivers work on Windows XP. Switch the midi device to the Microsoft Synthesizer.

Also, you can slow down the bike game by enableing VSync.

Well, what I was planning on doing in the first place was to take the dot product of the frustum planes' normals and the points and compare it to the plane's distance. Then, I thought about that scenario.

Anyway, you gave me an idea. I could first check to see if the box has points on opposite sides of that new plane you suggested, or after the orignal test. The only thing I will need to add another two planes for the other dimensions. I might only need one, because I don't see a chance in hell that something would span from all the way behind the frustum to all the way in front of it.

That is odd because I have the same card and do not have those problems.

Anyway, did you try updating your video card drivers?


As you see, the first one has a point in the frustrum, so it works. The problem is, the second one intersects, but has no points in the frustrum, so it fails.

OK I am having a problem with this. I want to test if an AABB lies within the view frustum for my program. The problem is, it will always say that a box is not in the frustum if all points are outside the frustum. This means that if I have an AABB with all points outside of the frustum that STILL intersects with it, then it will say it is not in the frustum. Does anyone have an idea on how fix this?

Archive / FF7 - No sound effects
« on: 2005-04-06 02:04:52 »
Give us more specs please.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / SEQ and VAG files
« on: 2005-03-21 14:27:29 »
Hey Halkun, did you try looking at the PSF ripping documentation?

Archive / My notebook doesn't have a number pad ;_;
« on: 2005-03-16 16:29:23 »
You could just buy a USB keyboard. Or that one numpad only keyboard.

I like the Tonberry summon. DOINK!

General Discussion / FF for mobile phones?
« on: 2005-03-06 21:59:14 »
They will probably port it to the DS. At least I think they will.

Archive / Can Anyone Alt-Tab during FF8??
« on: 2005-02-27 16:44:18 »
I need the ctrl+alt+del feature in which game was it, FF8 or FF7.

You could try asking here at Bots-United how they did theirs. Look at their wiki here. I think they used the same thing wikipedia uses.

Oh and mirex, let me explain how they did it. They created their own object to deal with file stream. You could probably use a file stream to create an object and have the read function check if the file is in memory or on the disk, and use fread and such. This would not involve looking at the FILE data at all.

Mwahaha! I've just located a feature in the new version of Corona that allows me to create a fake file. Score!

Yes DragonZap, I did intialize it, but it still crashed.

Anyway, look what I found while looking through stdio.h:

Code: [Select]
 * The structure underlying the FILE type.
 * I still believe that nobody in their right mind should make use of the
 * internals of this structure. Provided by Pedro A. Aranda Gutiirrez
 * <[email protected]>.

I've tried to use DevIL, and it didn't work. It crashed whenever I told it to load a file.

I have no idea if it works with strings, anyway. Corona works really well. I like it. I am hoping it gets DDS support.

FF7 Tools / FF7w Download (update from FF7win)
« on: 2005-02-13 14:58:51 »
Looks like the problem involves pbuffers.

I am developing on MinGW and I am intending to load PNGs, TGAs, and JPEGs. At some point, I'd like to load DDS files, but that isn't going to happen for a while (or at least until Corona supports them).

Anyway, I could probably just use the tmpfile() function.

The library I use doesn't support a steam, only a C style file.

OK let me explain what I am trying to do. I have an image library that accepts either a file name or a FILE pointer. The problem is, I will be loading some images from ZIP files, so it would need decompressed first. Is there anyway to cast a buffer to a FILE?

I have a problem. Let's say I have a string. Is there any way to make it into a FILE pointer without actually saving it?

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