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Messages - Ragna

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Is Tifa in your party?

Completely Unrelated / Ten worst captchas!! lol
« on: 2008-03-20 11:00:36 »
See this. xD

I didn't say anything about editing fonts nor what you said... O.o
I was talking about re-coding menu settings, and re-aligning the menu windows.

Hmm... I feel bad if I didn't explained well... O.oU

General Discussion / Re: Weak Barret?
« on: 2008-03-12 23:19:24 »
Missing Score damage is based on Materia AP, as Ultima Weapon for Cloud is based on current HP.

The best use you will do with Missing Score is having a lot of mastered Materia, like Knights of The Round.

I want to do some menu hacking, like making BETTER, or new
menus, and recreate some things missing from the final version.
Also, I want to re-align some menu windows... to fit better.

I think that if there is more info, it should be in the wiki updated.

I think, you guys have more info than what is in the wiki... O.oU

That is the ******* same answer you told to me a while back.  :lol:

Any DETAILED info?! T_T

Well, I am sorry, what I really wanted to know was how are they aligned in the screen.
I already knew that they are called from battle/field scripts...

Also, I asked some time ago, but:

Any info on menu scripting?

Ooops!! Sorry, I've meant FF7.

I have still not worked with any other higher than 7.

Any info on how are they displayed?

I couldn't find anything in the forum nor the wiki...

Archive / Re: Debug Room Found in flevel.lgp
« on: 2008-03-09 09:24:28 »
Debug levels are the ones named as: BLACK***.

Duplicated data is just to fill space, or due to an error when programming (who knows).
Only data attached to level is used, all of the rest is unused data...

The only "neighboring" in field levels is name ID and script functions.

FF7 Tools / Re: [Release] Hojo 1.0 - enemies editor
« on: 2008-03-06 15:14:54 »
Here you have, I translated it into Spanish:

Archive / Re: Has anyone ever heard/seen one of these....
« on: 2008-02-20 10:22:20 »
Hi guys.

I just want to tell you all that we can actually start the new game with cloud equipped with masamune. I mean the real masamune. If just anyone can tell me how to upload file to this forum, then my statement can be proven and you all can experiance playing cloud or sephiroth equipped with masamune.  :-D

Is it a file from the game or a save-file for the game...?

It is illegal to upload copyrighted files, you know.

Why did you revived an almost three years dead topic? X_X

Also, this forum doesn't have "that kind of support" of uploading copyrighted files. O.o

General Discussion / Re: Tease
« on: 2008-02-18 18:34:40 »
What is this a tease of/for?

I guess it is a tease of a cool photoshop image.  :lol:

No, really, what the hell is that...?

I think he is a bit pretentious.
I hope it will be something great. ^^U

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Item data format.
« on: 2008-02-16 09:21:19 »
Yeah, I were gonna ask the same. O.o
Also, isn't there information about items ID sorting (name, type, +, -, etc.)?  :?

I thought it was in the kernel... ._.U

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2008-02-09 16:31:22 »
I'm waiting for a new release, gjoerulv. (I pronounce your nick G-Joe-Ralph, lol :-P)

Would you make a document or something about editing battle scenes, please? >_<U

FF7 Tools / Loveless - a FF7 text editor [v.1 - 2.5]
« on: 2008-02-08 14:40:22 »
Did you search for the person who made the program..?

I guess the answer will be yes. u.uU

FF7 Tools / Loveless - a FF7 text editor [v.1 - 2.5]
« on: 2008-02-08 14:30:19 »
Okay!! ^^

Oh, and for the background previewer algorithm, I know a program
called '7mimic' that works for the PSX version and it does really, really well.

But don't have the source nor know if it would work with the PC version..

FF7 Tools / Loveless - a FF7 text editor [v.1 - 2.5]
« on: 2008-02-08 14:13:37 »
Hey! When is going to come the new release? >_<U

I thought it was gonna come soon... ._.U

General Discussion / FFIV DS voices.
« on: 2008-02-05 17:59:36 »
I've extracted and encoded in *.WAV* all of the voice files within the FFIV DS ROM.
It has also the 'Theme of Love' song (it was with the voice files together).

Just for fun, it took me 15 minutes. xD
Now, if you are such a freak like me, download it.

P.D.: The original files were in Nintendo DS *.AHX* sound format.

Gameplay / Final Fantasy VI - Definitive
« on: 2008-02-05 09:45:27 »
Quote from: Changeling
I would like to change everything to a smaller font so the right names can fit.

Did you finally used the ADVANCE version fonts?

Quote from: Changeling
*still need to learn how to make an IPS patch.

Download 'Lunar IPS'. With that you just click on 'Create IPS Patch',
it asks you for the ROM, and there you have it.  :wink:

Gameplay / Final Fantasy VI - Definitive
« on: 2008-02-03 07:04:42 »
Will you change the font?

You could exchange the in-game font with the one from the
GBA version, it could be useful for space problems solving... maybe.

Oh, and for making IPS' files you should search for 'Lunar IPS' in google.

Did you changed the storyboard on Aeris' death and all that stuff,
or you made a subquest for returning Aeris alive, or what?

It could be interesting if it's what I think it is...

For me the best way of getting 'Ribbon' is by collecting 'Dark Materia'... slow, anyway.

And my best armor choice's are those too:

HP Break.

I would say my best choice for weapons but I've played the Spanish
version and I don't have a clue on how the names are in English...

Well, let's try:

Damage expansion.
Turbo x3 (?).
Magic+. (I think...)
Initiative/First attack. (or whatever you call it o///o)

If I remember right, those are what I've used...

Well, a question: Who has maxed out the Aeon's statuses?
(My save file is about 900 hours and still don't have them maxed... u.uU)

Oh yes, I have to say: Now I hate this game ¬¬U
Maybe I would play it when a remake of it in PlayStation 10 :lol:

FF7 Tools / Loveless - a FF7 text editor [v.1 - 2.5]
« on: 2008-01-24 19:13:04 »
Shhh!! Don't say that!! I need those unused texts!!! xDD
(Anyway, I don't think it's possible to avoid them... {?}).

I still think an asterisk would be the best choice for coding special characters
(I guess no one would use maths in FFVII dialogs... @_@).

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