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Messages - Lion

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Completely Unrelated / Re: How old are you all?
« on: 2010-06-11 19:13:25 »
i'm trying to make him feel better. you're not helping =/

Completely Unrelated / Re: your languages
« on: 2010-06-11 02:14:16 »
i'm fluent in the language of women.

Hmmm? Sorry I didn't understand.
next time i'll make sure i post it when you're logged off =P

Completely Unrelated / Re: your languages
« on: 2010-06-11 01:59:27 »
i'm fluent in the language of women.

General Discussion / Re: Shinra's horrible management...
« on: 2010-06-11 01:54:53 »
ok in advent children. rufus finds jenova but decides to keep it on him even though kadaj is looking for jenova. then when kadaj finds out he has it he tries to destroy it at the last second by jumping off a building and shooting the box containing jenova cells with his gun.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Your political views!
« on: 2010-06-11 01:48:33 »
you're right, come to think of it, i probably won't read anyones response to me either =P. i came back to the topic to change my post cause i'm too lazy to get into a debate.

General Discussion / Re: Square-Enix Mangas
« on: 2010-06-11 01:46:15 »
i'm sorry brah. you need a hug?

General Discussion / Re: Shinra's horrible management...
« on: 2010-06-11 01:44:46 »
the reason they're searching for the promised land is cause rufus's dad had a hunch that there would be mako.
Dude. Way off topic...

no it's not. shinra mismanagement. they're searching for the promised land on a hunch that there might be mako. an uninformed decision made on an arbitrary belief.

Completely Unrelated / Re: How old are you all?
« on: 2010-06-11 01:43:25 »
lol well one dude voted 66+ =P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Your political views!
« on: 2010-06-11 01:42:45 »

btw, seeing as i believe in regulation, i would be a socialist freak  :-D i believe in regulation because 1) monopolies 2) great depression 3) quality control 4) social/enviromental concerns. 1) and 2) speak for themselves. Quality Control --> Look at China, it's more deregulated than the US, every other month you hear about lead in paint or hormones in milk and other things. 4) Social + enviromental, look at BP's oil spill. or for example wages --> until labour laws were established classical liberal America had children working in factories, and an entire family worked 14 hour days 7 days a week just to barely put food on the table. Nowadays, I believe the government must regulate the economy to some degree. Else it leads to some sort of problem. The most infamous case of classical liberalism gone awry is known as the great depression.

And the most infamous case of governments who tell people what to do and thinking they knew better than the people going awry is that thing that happened ten years after the great depression ;D

Oh, and a sizeable number of economists would greatly disagree with the idea that the great depression was caused by underregulation by the government, but I have a theory that most people's opinions of the causes of things like this will actually be cases of them trying to use it as a way to support their own philosophy.

actually, i don't think you can criticize the idea behind communism. let's not jump the gun and automatically think communism = evil. (i'm not pro-communism, i believe the soviets had a very disgusting form of communism; gulags anyone?), it's just that the idea behind communism was horribly executed and infringed on basic freedoms. I personally do not believe that the economy should have that many regulations and control measures upon it. just enough to ensure prosperity and safety. Not regulation to the point of communism. my belief is that the government should guide the economy, not control it. look at the various labour laws passed in the United States since the industrial revolution. Child Labour, Minimum wage, maternity leave, paid vacation, etc etc. All government influence in business. Or perhaps product screening. The FDA screens many drugs, and requires a fair amount of testing before a drug is released to the public. I'm a bodybuilder, and protein supplements are a fantastic example. when you buy them they say "statements not evaluated by the FDA." some companies are actually quite shady and the products sometimes can be .... subpar to say the least. half of the products they come out with hardly do a thing over the old version. Creatine Monohydrate does more than CEE or liquid creatine (both proven to be LESS effective) yet companies still come out with these newfangled creatine products that are supposedly an upgrade over good ole creatine monohydrate. The lack of FDA guidance means XXX company can just put "proven to add 100 pound in 1 month" and will not suffer any legal consequences. Hell, some of the stuff supplement companies release can be downright toxic and they still wouldn't have to worry too much. FDA helps us alot. Rarely there will be drugs that pass FDA inspection and it is later found that it is harmful to health. I remember the vioxx incident from a few years back. Oh man, they got sued for tons because it killed a bunch of people. Now just imagine if there was no FDA to regulate drugs, imagine the amount of lethal and dangerous drugs out there. Vioxx would be a daily occurrence. Expect to see 11 finger infants, sterile adults, genetic mutation and everything in between.
It's generally accepted that Hoover inaction led to the Depression b/c he strongly believed in laissez-faire and did not feel like interfering in what he believed was not the governments responsibility. He saw the imminent economic peril, yet chose to stand and watch rather than act. Roosevelts claim to fame, was a stronger government presence in the US. FDIC (federally insured banks) and government programs led to a huge drop in unemployment.

Completely Unrelated / Re: TADAIMA!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 2010-06-10 23:42:43 »
so..... is she like a sailor scout or somethin?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Your political views!
« on: 2010-06-10 23:34:07 »

btw, seeing as i believe in regulation, i would be a socialist freak  :-D i believe in regulation because 1) monopolies 2) great depression 3) quality control 4) social/enviromental concerns. 1) and 2) speak for themselves. Quality Control --> Look at China, it's more deregulated than the US, every other month you hear about lead in paint or hormones in milk and other things. 4) Social + enviromental, look at BP's oil spill. or for example wages --> until labour laws were established classical liberal America had children working in factories, and an entire family worked 14 hour days 7 days a week just to barely put food on the table. Nowadays, I believe the government must regulate the economy to some degree. Else it leads to some sort of problem. The most infamous case of classical liberalism gone awry is known as the great depression.

General Discussion / Re: Shinra's horrible management...
« on: 2010-06-10 23:24:04 »
the reason they're searching for the promised land is cause rufus's dad had a hunch that there would be mako.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Your political views!
« on: 2010-06-10 23:02:33 »
I'm a bit old school with social structure. not really a proponent of gay marriage/adoption. though i do support free choice (abortion!!!) and some limitations upon the corporate world (otherwise there'd be oil spills all over the place).

last time i took this i got almost dead centre.

EDIT: there's a rightwing side and a leftwing side to it O________O. Asking about bottled water is countered for example, do you feel nationality blah blah blah 1st generation immigration blah blah blah. imo it's pretty balanced.

General Discussion / Re: Square-Enix Mangas
« on: 2010-06-10 19:25:06 »
i dislike manga and anime.

Completely Unrelated / Re: TADAIMA!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 2010-06-10 18:19:09 »
what's a konata

Completely Unrelated / Re: Cosplay!
« on: 2010-06-09 22:53:11 »
LOL, we had a friend in our dissidia group who was gonna cosplay Jecht. He bailed for the same reason: didn't have enough time to get Jecht muscles. :P And also cuz he didn't have enough money to do it or something... which is dumb cuz he just needs to wear pants and a bandanna. >.>

lol, yeah it takes a long time. i'm workin on it =/. Doing an HST program atm, so hopefully it'll be a bit faster. you know now that i think of it, i actually have a squall griever pendant irl. wouldn't make a bad cosplay thing. though i didn't buy it for the FF value. i got it cause i needed a chain and the dissidia one had a really nice design. =P

Completely Unrelated / Re: More time-wasting flash fun!!
« on: 2010-06-08 22:26:07 »
it says
"hallo unbenkannter"
should i be offended?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Cosplay!
« on: 2010-06-07 22:00:38 »
odd thing was i didn't even know what cosplaying was O___________O. is this some anime thing?
too bad i don't look like any of the characters though.... except maybe jecht, though i'd still need like a year to get all the jecht muscles.

i actually hated yuffie. she made me mad. how are you gonna steal my materia =/. and trap me in a metal box.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Do you know your origins?
« on: 2010-06-06 15:42:33 »
its actually the other way around. asian people have trouble growing beards but indians can grow like carpets out of their face.

some of the old threads are hilarious lol. i was reading the one about everyones name being sephiroth

General Discussion / Re: Voice acting in FF8
« on: 2010-06-05 22:34:28 »
Not sure if this is what you meant  It seems that they've dubbed quiet a bit of ff8.

that's not how I imagined the cast of FF8 to sound like.Seifer and Squall just don't sound right. Squall most definitely would seem quieter than that. and not only that, they voice act like they're doing a play where they need to project their voice to an audience. this isn't the case; it's an fmv

Completely Unrelated / Re: How old are you all?
« on: 2010-06-05 22:28:53 »
Yeah I am obviously in my late early twenty's >_>.

On a side note should you be explaining bestiality to anyone in a modding forum?. There are forums for that you know.

i'll try not to. :]

btw I fall in 18-23 category. Not getting more specific than that.

Completely Unrelated / How old are you all?
« on: 2010-06-05 21:53:11 »
Just wondering how old everyone is and trying to get a rough gauge of the maturity level. Looking to see what I can talk about. Don't wanna be caught explaining bestiality to a 12 year old ya know?

Completely Unrelated / Re: your view on internet dating
« on: 2010-06-05 18:07:48 »
i think that as long as there is some degree of human contact that it's good. just can't imagine a date going "lol u r so beautiful <3 <3"

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