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Messages - Shankifer

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Team Avalanche / Re: Verdana Font
« on: 2010-08-13 19:07:51 »
What do you use to create/repaint your bars and borders. I've tried photoshop/paint/adobe flash (because it doesn't pixelate) and all of them seem to lose their appearance as bars when I zoom in or out, or resize the image. I'm trying to make 2 separate large "blue box" images with the border for a background. At the same time though, I also need to make some of them VERY tiny to mess with my aero.msstyles images (if you know anything about them, windows makes them so tiny they are barely visible without zooming a good bit.)

And as for on-topic thoughts (  ;D )

The "imi" in Limit just seems to really catch my eye, along with the "at" in Materia

Something about all the "i"s in the screen shots, it looks like they're taking up more space than they should.
Is it just me, or is it just one of those things you have to just deal with?

It's not a huge problem, It just caught my eye  :)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy Theme (WIP)
« on: 2010-08-11 07:03:23 »
There is a teaser file at the bottom of the first post with all the so-far-done stuff inside. Perfectly useable!  ;D

Team Avalanche / Re: New Project: Bombing Mission!
« on: 2010-08-07 04:54:19 »   :D

Vincent's Properties would be somewhere along the lines of two different options.

The peashooter-
-Avg HP
-Avg MP
-High Accuracy
-High Magic Defense
-Low Reg. Defense
-low weapon damage to start (if barret's machine gun can't one-hit, then a pistol shouldn't be able to either :P)
-possibly increasing the Limit's attack power but thats a preference really. Limit could actually be untampered and fine

The Sharpshooter-
-High Damage
-High Accuracy
-Low Defense
-Avg-High MP
-Low HP
-High Magic Defense

Those would both be fairly well-rounded vincent's

Completely Unrelated / Re: Completely Unrelated
« on: 2010-08-05 21:34:50 »
In truth. I'm sure it sucks donkeyballs to mod the completely unrelated thread. Since there is no "off-topic". But you still are required to make sure none of the general rules are being broken.

I don't know exactly how the forums are modded but I would reccomend maybe moving to a "report only" moderation of the CU forum.

People will always shoot there shit.

Another option IS to eliminate the thread : Let them shoot their shit elsewhere

A third option is possibly to add some strict rules in completely unrelated, such as limiting people's ability to CREATE posts so many times in a week. That would prevent Mirenhearts games and surveys ;P (nothing personal, just noting how he dominated the CU for a while :P) in other words : Make rules for the b*llsh*t :P

Just some thoughts.

Team Avalanche / Re: Verdana Font
« on: 2010-08-05 06:58:19 »
Is the font change having any effect on the flashing "limit"?

Or is that just an implemented color flash that the game gives it?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Completely Unrelated
« on: 2010-08-05 06:35:36 »
I agree, I mean, I contributed to the annoyance, but i see the point you make.

I personally didn't post to up my count.
I posted because The only thing I can really contribute to these forums is an opinion and seeing the games and bullsh*tting threads is something relatable and easy to be involved in lol

I'm creating a form page and atm the only form data collection I can get to even function is the mailto.

Does anyone know a good way to collect form data?

I don't have any information of the server i'm hosting on but atm I'm just trying to get it to work off my computer.

So far I've tried to learn Perl but I have had no luck, none of my test pages work with the CGI.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy Theme (WIP)
« on: 2010-08-04 22:54:07 »
The hand will be included along with three other cursors :D

Cloud's Head
Animated Buster Sword
titeguy3's Buster Sword

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy Theme (WIP)
« on: 2010-08-01 07:06:53 »
Ahhh, I'm glad you mentioned the cursor, I was really considering using the Buster Sword lol, I might add one of each. And for the Icons, I have a few. I don't really want to use the meteor or any Icons that the game itself uses in its program files folder so they don't get mixed up. I've been searching. I have some of the original character Icons which are pretty neat lol. I was thinking of going out on a limb and asking either millenia or TA in general to get some Faceshots and screenies that i could convert. But still debating on that :P

Edit: What about making them interchangeable. Like, Buster sword as normal curser, Finger when you scroll over a link or something? Just a thought :P

Edit 2: You asked about Icons, I think I'm going to try to make a few that are like, Blue Boxes with the title names in them to fit the desktop kind of look. I'll also make a few other styles too :D

Edit 3: Would it be too wrong to have the FF7 logo as the recycle bin... and use the FF7 AC Logo as a full recycling bin logo? lol :P

Edit4: Last edit for this morning i think xD I've been working on this for a while, Got some nice Blue icons.

I need some feedback on the most important icons. Or the ones you use most.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy Theme (WIP)
« on: 2010-08-01 06:16:06 »
That was a general Idea of what I was looking for, I also made one using the classic Menu too. I'll post some pix up in a bit. Thanks for the Pic, I'll def ask TA about it.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy Theme (WIP)
« on: 2010-08-01 05:34:53 »
Yeah, TBH it would've been better to start with an XP theme. Win7 is surprisingly diffifult to customize things without a windows preset. IE- Start Menu, Taskbar, ect.

The sounds are interchangeable so Far, I will save the ones I have as the names of what they show in Win7 and do my best to make a list for Vista and XP as well.
Because I really don't know of any way to save them as a .soundscheme type of file, because nothing like that is in the preset sound scheme folder of Win7

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy Theme (WIP)
« on: 2010-08-01 04:53:24 »
Suggest whatever You'd like for any system. Around my house I have 7, Vista, and XP so I can do my best to help you out :P

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Cel-Shaded
« on: 2010-07-29 23:42:09 »
I actually considered cel shading a while back. It's pretty easy to do in 3ds, i just didnt have 3ds and still havent mastered blender enough lol.

It wouldn't be a bad idea for fun. It would actually make the game look a lot more recent haha.

Completely Unrelated / Final Fantasy Theme (WIP)
« on: 2010-07-29 03:12:59 »
Okay so here's the deal, I'm currently working on a Win7 FF7 Theme.

I'm currently Finished With the sound scheme  ;D It actually sounds fairly authentic. :D
I'm currently Finished Creating main cursors. (If you want any others besides the main pointer, Please REQUEST it) :D
I'm currently waiting on feedback. ^.^
I'm Currently Stuck recreating the the task bar and start menu through aero-styles recreation.

***These 3 pictures will be included in the Download when made available, also a Flash background will be included when I complete it***

Buster Sword #2 I have also converted the sword in this to a pointer! It's quite sharp, no pun intended!  :P

By Titeguy3

Buster Sword #3 (The Original FF7 Image)

By Shankifer

FF7 Wallpaper

By Iron Jaden

These are all portrayals of original FF7 concepts. (Excluding the Buster Sword In the First Image)

I Will give credit where credit is due to all contributing members and will post screenies when I start getting into visual effects.


Credits Roll:
Overall Design: Shankifer
Tools: Ficedula, Audacity, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash
Programs/Features: Winamp ( & Ahvia For creating the awesome FF7 Plugin)
Pictures: titeguy3,Iron Jaden, Square Enix

I will share with the public when I am done if that is alright with Qhimm Forums.

First Download!
.Themepack file included!
STUPID ME! I forgot to add the Concept art picture from Iron_Jaden, If you would like it as a wallpaper, please just download from here for now. I will have it in the next release, Promise! :P

Well it hasn't. But thanks to this I'm going to have to be a slave to trends... Up until now my text sound has been the "!" from MGS... but a Chocobo wark... that sounds awesome :P

Victory can't beat my Super Mario Brothers ringtone atm though  ;)

Edit: Just set the Wark, found out I can set a seperate tone for Text, media, voicemail, and calender alerts. Woo, more room for the FF invasion ^.^

Completely Unrelated / Re: Umbrella Corp. Theme
« on: 2010-07-28 03:46:46 »
Well if I'm correct this is a vista-theme right?

So I'd have to manually install your theme anyway to get a decent Win7 theme :P

But I was wondering because I was going to do up a new sound scheme just to have one lol, didn't know if you had any good tips/tricks to get them in quicker :P

There are a few Sound Scheme programs out there and I'm going to try Using Audacity along with this IFx Program. I'll let you know if it makes things easier, or "saveable" as like a compilation kind of save  ;)

The site where the links connect to seem to be down, just in case no one knew, and i literally JUST deleted my old 7.3 driver installer!

My "feedback/question" is:

Is it a bug that 7.3 is required to use TA's overhaul? and if so, is it being repaired in a newer release? (that is if there will be any newer releases)

Last thing, I still have 1 of my 2 FF7 installs on my computer with The custom driver. Is there any way that someone could supply a list of File and folder names that are needed for Aali's Custom driver (thever. is the last one that used the REG. File, I apologize for not knowing exact one i'm pretty sure it's either 7.3 or 7.5) , that can be found directly in the "Final Fantasy VII" folder, no need for sub-folders or any complicated lists. Just a general one so i can grab the correct files and transfer them over to a fresh install.

Please and thank you.

*Bows graciously*

Completely Unrelated / Re: Umbrella Corp. Theme
« on: 2010-07-28 02:18:18 »
Ahh that sucks bro, I feel for you.  :'(

*attempts very long/complicated/lengthy handshake that leaves both people feeling awkward and uncomfortable, but at the same time, takes your mind off women*

have you been using any certain programs to change sounds? or just doing it manually?

But they should be able to PM still. So just in case they might have VITAL information to the success of a mod they can voice it to a creator, who can easily read/delete the message

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Vending Machine
« on: 2010-07-27 02:32:27 »
You get... nothing, machine ate your Chocobo ^.^

*Inserts a Colt .45*

Completely Unrelated / Re: Umbrella Corp. Theme
« on: 2010-07-27 01:50:40 »
Any luck with the .theme making process? I've been looking for a way to make something myself for a really unique sound scheme  :-P

I've followed this forum for a while before I made a profile.

Not defending the noobs, or the noob-haters here.

I might be a noob or I might not be. Although my profile says I'm a fast newbie :P

My thoughts on the subject, since I'm assuming this thread isn't for non-noobs only, are that you get irritated and aggravated by ignorance of people in general.

Most "Noobs" are told they are doing something wrong with sarcasm or threats. Not saying that is right or wrong, just saying that if you truly want them to be something other that annoying, it may be best to help them out. I know it seems so much easier to give someone a sarcastic response or threaten them and tell them how stupid they are for not reading the rules, But if the time was taken to send a PM or even just answer the "noob-post" with a generally informative and friendly answer, it might encourage them to go read the rules or even to just be careful of what they post.

I really didn't spend much time reading the rules *although I did* and I kind of got flamed for some of my very early posts debating Legal issues. But since then I've just stuck to giving opinions and whatnot, being careful what I post, and steering away from any threads talking borderline material.

My 2 issues with the way that new members are treated is 1.that there is 0 respect for them, and everyone acts superior unless they contribute something. I'm sure a lot of people that join this thread are very interested/inspired by what people do in these forums and are interested in helping and/or learning more. Unless they have something to show though, It's like they're just a nuisance.

Issue # 2 is that they are labeled as noobs. Because face it, If it wasn't labeled, you wouldn't be able to know for sure. and might think twice before blurting out a threat or something

Okay to wrap this up I just want to say that everything I typed here is an opinion of the GENERAL things that I see.
This is not a text-wall trying to bash you Furzball, you just kind of sparked my interest to type my thoughts up. The things I mention are just some things I see while browsing around. A key thing to remember is that everyone has struggled understand something new at one point, and for the "noobs" being in a forum/ a new forum might be something they struggle with understanding. I'm sure there are members of other forums that come here thinking that their forum rules are all that apply here. Okay that's all for now.
Feel free to criticize my opinion :P
Sorry for the long reply

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Vending Machine
« on: 2010-07-26 23:13:03 »
*inserts all four books of the twilight series*

.... Isn't there just 3?


You get lolicon

*inserts a Pink Floyd CD*

You get comfortably numb. ;D

Inserts a piano. o_o

I'm not a fan, but, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, And Breaking Dawn.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Vending Machine
« on: 2010-07-26 22:33:19 »
You get a compatibility issue

*inserts all four books of the twilight series*

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