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Messages - xLostWingx

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Favorite FF quotes
« on: 2013-05-01 00:48:56 »
Kingdom Hearts:
"So, Jafar is after Jasmine and this “Keyhole”.


"Gawd what a dork!" hahaha


Completely Unrelated / Re: Random FFVII Thoughts
« on: 2013-04-28 19:07:26 »
I'm gonna call these Plausible but Improbable.

It would have been interesting to see what transpired between the time the WEAPONs woke up and the time Cloud arrived at Mideel.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-04-28 04:28:54 »
So I think I'll play through Lost Wing.  Make Fixes once I'm done.  Play through Revisited.  Make Fixes and Finish the Project.  Then I'll hopefully start work on the Job Class kernel.  Hell.  I'll make a package with 3 Kernels and 2 Scenes and you can make up to 6 different combinations!  I'm thinking job Class Kernel Revisited Scene is gonna be awesome

EDIT:  I am at junon huge materia.  Although I've encountered a few overpowered enemies and a few underpowered enemies, overall the balance seems decent.  Even leveling up seems good...ive deliberately kept my team at level 30 (29-31) and I feel just a bit underpowered...ordinarilyi think i would be at level 37-39 at this point in which case I think the balance would still be good.  or team might be a little OP.  I have found out that you cant level all your materia.  you definietely have to commit to certain materia b/c without cheats you wont't level them all up, unless you want to be level 60 or 70 by midway through disc 2.

Wow.  I feel so underpowered (I stopped exp gain for about 90,000 exp and now I'm wishing I hadn't!)  But I am gaining levels and making it through.  Rude did just wipe me out hard.  Going to have to find a way to beat this guy.  Not opposed to going out and gaining a few levels.  Everyone is at lvl 32 right now.

Carry Armor was pretty underpowered.  I've since cheated a bit and given my party all items so I don't remember how many Hero Drinks I had (i think about 6 or 7).  I used 2 in Carry Armor Fight.  So i can use up to 5 in the Rude fight.  Just need to find a way to survive his initial onslaught.  Forcing Cid into my party doesn't help either.  Gonna have to use Red or Barret, lotsa HP plus materia, physical rings, with back row sadness and barrier.  Tank the whole team!  That oughta do it.

Wow that Rude fight was epic!  Did he seriously just start casting Bolt 2 and Cure 2 after he had less than 1/4 HP?  lol  what an idiot. beat him I got everyones HP over 5000 max.  Physical Rings on 2 and Imperial Guards (idk....I think they helped).  Meteorains, TS Bombs, Graviras, Big Guards, Mights, Quadra Bahamuts, Elixers, Mega Potions, Megalixers, Regens, Marlboro Tentacle.  Thats how I beat him!!! It was ridiculous.  Definitely a Hardcore battle.  Oh....and lots of Pausing to think about the next move hahaha !!!

And Now I Fight Diamond WEAPON.  I think i need to gain about 10 levels haha.  He is brutal.  Definitely gotta gain some HP, LVL and Stats

EDIT: level 40 I beat Diamond WEAPON with a party of Aeris, Yuffie, and Cloud.  Yuffie didn't do much.  Cloud servered a generic role, and Aeris carried the party.  Aeris' planet protector big guard hero drinks comet 2 megalixers lunar curtains light curtains holy ribbons.  yeah apparently Diamond smacks you with Death attacks!  and silence and berserk attacks.  i beat him, but idk how it wouldhave gone without aeris.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-04-27 19:21:54 »

I saw that Full Enemy Skill as well...that wasn't suppose to happen, but there are a few things in Lost Wing that you have to make a concious choice not to use...guess that will be one of them.  But seeing as you can get Big Guard anyway, its alright.  Yeah I was working with the 9999 dmg limit in mind so the Blood Weapons should become staples by that part of the game.  I like your setup on yuffie.  I imagine you were encountering Vlakorados that did the 9999s.  But you managed to beat Rude right?  If you beat him then we're good lol.  Glad to hear your using the physical rings.  I hope there are still a variety of strategies you can choose to use at the end of the game instead of just Blood Weapons and Physical Rings.

I've been playing myself.  I just made it to the 2nd Disc.  Jenova Death was a decent boss I think.  She beat me the first time because I tried without Big Guard.  She can Berserk your party and Regen/Haste herself!  Red Dragon seemed relatively formidable.  Demon's gate was a little easier than I wanted.  Did you get the Superball for Yuffie?  Damages = Current HP.  Was Overpowered when I got it, but by the Huge Materia portion of the game, it should be about right.  At the end it should be a little underpowered.

White Wind doesnt work >_< dammit.  Thats the best recovery spell in the game if you ask me.  I will have to fix that.  I'm finding that I am not using a lot of my magic materia...I don't know if this will change once its all at max level and I have more Blue Materia to pair with it or what.  Also I'm thinking that Vitality Plus and Spirit Plus are crap.  MP Plus and Speed Plus are definitely more useful. 

What level are you?  My Party is like lvl 27 - 30 at end of Disc 1.  I'm feeling like I am not over or under powered - unless I abuse the physical attack abilities of a character - boost someones Strength/Attack as much as possible and put weapon on with *Dead Allies increase power!* and add lucky Strike and i think I'd be hitting 9999s right now. But I suppose it would be tough to keep that character alive in a boss fight.  Or prevent them from getting confused statused some other way.

Thanks for updating.  Let me know your input as far as any bugs or suggestions.  I intend to update Lost Wing after I complete my current playthrough.

EDIT:  Wow...Blue Dragon!!  He is can't beat him.  At least I haven't yet with my general setup.  Guess I'll see what it takes to beat him.

EDIT  Let me rephrase.  I couldnt beat him with my general setup with Aeris and Tifa.  I beat him with my general setup with Yuffie and Red.  Yuffie's just better than Tifa and Red has enough HP to survive a smack from that dragon's tale (Aeris just dies).  And I was lucky he didnt toss dragon breath or w/e it is at wiped me out in an earlier battle.  But I a Dragon Armlet...i want Dragon Armlet to be good so bad...but its only really good for like 50 minutes of gameplay lol.

Water 3 Doesnt work?!!?!?!?!  You can't select the enemy.  Cast Water 3 on mysel during Blue Dragon battle lol.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Favorite FF quotes
« on: 2013-04-27 18:45:52 »
Sephiroth:  "What are you saying?  Are you trying to tell me you have feelings too?"

Completely Unrelated / Re: Favorite FF quotes
« on: 2013-04-26 13:56:55 »
Hahaha, yeah I still find myself laughing at some of these over a decade later.  I saw something else a little funny

Yuffie and Elena are already suspended on the face of cliffside.  He presses his button and they turn upside down.  He proceeds to say something like "Ha!  Now they are upside down!  So If they fall, they will go splat!"

Umm...what does being upside down have to do with it lol?  Suddenly, now they are upside and NOW it is a dire situation?  Does that mean that if they fell feet-first they would have escaped the fall unscathed?  The whole situation was pretty ridiculous anyway.  Elena and Yuffie are both overpowered/kidnapped by Corneo and one of his henchmen?  Prior to this Yuffie helped defeat the Red Dragon, Demon's Gate, Materia Keeper, Jenova Birth, and after this she goes on to defeat Godo...but Corneo is just too much to handle.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Favorite FF quotes
« on: 2013-04-26 00:03:58 »
Corneo:  "Hee-haw.  What...what's going on?!  Who's there?"

Staniv: "What?"
Yuffie: "Of Course  ;D"

Completely Unrelated / Re: Random FFVII Thoughts
« on: 2013-04-25 19:20:00 »
I disagree with most of this; But I lost my train of thought. Maybe later.

Zack and Cloud were in the mansion's basement for four years (according to Crisis Core).

I'm just playing thinking games.  Something like 8 years have passed since I since I've metacognated (yeah I'm gonna call that a word) on VII's covert stories. 

And yeah!  4 years in the basement is what I thought (and I only treat info obtained from original vii as valid)...thats a big deal.  Zack and Cloud shoulda both been totally crazy by the time they escaped. I've lost my train of thought.

Among other types of playthroughs, I used to periodically make it a point to playthrough the game focusing on the story and engaging in dialogue with every NPC and making sure I check all documents etc. dispersed through the game.  The past several playthroughs I've been fast forwarding through virtually all dialogue...can't let me VII prowess and knowledge build up any rust!

General Discussion / Re: removing cloud from party
« on: 2013-04-25 17:13:00 »
Yeah typically this would only happen to me from abuse of the USO menu and running around the world with Yuffie, Young Cloud (forcefully enabled after acquiring Cait Sith) and Sephiroth in my party.  Although it happened a few times with Yuffie, Red, Aeris parties. 

What you're describing kuugen, is the method that I knew about but had forgotten how to properly use! haha.  I kept making like Triple Cloud parties, running back and forth between screens and in and out of Towns/Worldmap with Triple Cloud Parties, Single Cloud only parties.  I ended up just Debug Rooming myself to the part of the game where I was at because nothing else was working.

So...and I know I've seen this talked about in some other places, so I apologize, is there a simple way to go through the game without Cloud in the party?  And by that I mean, complete Storyline events without Cloud (or the temporary party leader) being present.  Nevermind.  Don't answer that, I know it has been asked so many times - I will find the answer after work.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Random FFVII Thoughts
« on: 2013-04-25 14:43:55 »
The New Cloud, huh?
I had this discussion once and I got to a very interesting clue... the new Cloud is the last WEAPON.
It is said that the planet has created the Weapon at a moment of great danger.
So it would make sense that the planet decided to cure Cloud and forged him as new Weapon to defend itself.
Also his last weapon is connected to him and his health.

Next question. Where does the children from RedXIII comes from? Wasn't he the last of his kind?

Hmm.  So when Seph refers to Cloud as a Puppet - Cloud might simultaneously be a puppet of Sephiroth, a Puppet of Jenova, a Puppet of Hojo, and Puppet to his Subconcious, and also a Puppet to Gaia?  I could see that.  So Cloud's entire purpose/being could just be as mindless Vassal and everyone just takes turns using Cloud for their purposes, or all the powers are fighting for control of Cloud.  Hojo failed in this endeavor. Sephiroth served as a carrot to move Cloud forward long enough for Jenova to take control.  Then Gaia converted Cloud to the Final WEAPON (operating under the speculation in the above quote).

I mean...did the WEAPONS do much to safe the planet?  Ultima tried to kill Cloud and friends (why?).  Sapphire tried to destroy Junon/Shinra.  Diamond tried to destroy Midgar/Shinra. Emerald...chilled under the sea?  Ruby hung out in the Desert...the WEAPONS didn't really address the issue of Sephiroth, Jenova, or Meteor.  They just woke up once the Black Materia made it into Sephiroth hands....and thats about it.  They spent far more time trying to destroy mako reactors, cities, and Cloud and company.  Cloud did enter the Lifesteam, he did destroy the real threat to the planet, he did clear the way for Holy. 

Sounds pretty good, unprovable and probably gonna be countered by some...idk if I'd go so far as to say "yes he is the last WEAPON", but definetely plausible.  Nice job suggesting that idea.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Favorite FF quotes
« on: 2013-04-25 02:33:42 »
"When I grow up I want to be a blitzball!" - a kid in Kilika

lmao, I didn't know about that one.  I guess FFX is good for something!

Completely Unrelated / Random FFVII Thoughts
« on: 2013-04-25 02:05:39 »
Little boy Cloud is wimp.
As gets older, decides doesn't want to be a wimp.
Will join SOLIDER.
Becomes an MP.
Won't reveal identity to anyone at Nibelheim.
Fails to save Tifa.
Has Limit Break or goes Super Saiyan or Seph just shouldn't have acted like he was invinsible.
Gets dunked in a tank of Mako.
Jenova cells.
Zack dies.
Cloud still hasn't regained thoughtful conciousness.
Tifa finds him.
He thinks he is Zack?  Acts like him.
So...needs to show Tifa he isn't a wimp.

So, at the beginning of the game - its the first time Cloud's done anything thinking hes Zack, and the first time hes done anything since he has gotten the Mako dousing and Jenova Cells.

**I'm not clear on how much time Zack and Cloud spent in the Nibel Mansion basement.  How long it took them to get from Nibelheim to Midgar.  And how long it took Cloud to be found by Tifa.  I think there are enough variables to make different time ranges all seem plausible.  I forget, do those documents in the basement indicate how long ago the subjects escaped?**

Which also means that Zack had only died...what?  a few days earlier?  a week or two maybe?  when Cloud meets Aeris.  And he shows up acting exactly like Zack.

Through the game he goes several different kinds of crazy.
Reunion/Jenova Crazy.
Track down Sephiroth Crazy (separate from Jenova crazy).
Who am I/Who is Zach Crazy.
Catatonic Schizophrenic.
and Journey into the Subconcious in the Lifestream.

And then after the Lifesteam, he comes back with a new personality.  It isn't any of the previous ones.  So who is this new Cloud that we finish the game with? 

So i guess it goes, Young Wimp Cloud, Older Wimp Cloud, Comotose Cloud, Zack Cloud, Confused Cloud, Catatonic Cloud, Mysterious New Guy Cloud.

I just finished the Ancient Temple on my current playthrough and I just found myself laughing at how crazy this character is.

General Discussion / Re: removing cloud from party
« on: 2013-04-24 22:33:34 »
Careful though.  I don't know how it works on the PC version, but on the PSX version you can get yourself into a situation where you won't be able to advance the game because Cloud's field model just won't show up.  I don't know the cause of this, but it has happened to me more than a few times (when swapping Cloud out for too long).

Completely Unrelated / Favorite FF quotes
« on: 2013-04-24 04:08:52 »
Cloud: "ha ha ha black materia" "ha ha ha call meteor"
"I'm Cloud?" "Mm? Whats wrong? Is something wrong"

Hahaha what a lunatic

General Discussion / Re: Give Fort Condor $$$$
« on: 2013-04-15 15:20:45 »
Ok.  That is a lot closer to what my understanding of how the Prizes worked.  Because I missed the Magic Comb once and I was confused and Pissed Off!  The whole thing seems further complicated by the fact that sometimes you get "Tincture" and "Potions" that never appear in your inventory (or maybe the Tincture gives you an Ether or something) and there are series of battles that are impossible to be at Fort Condor for!  Bottom line seems to be, if you want a certain item, make sure you're fighting the battles yourself at the appropriate times/sequences.

Its funny...they can drop to 0 gil and apparently fight battle after battle yet Fort Condor still stands!  Should have the option of permitting Fort Condor to be completely obliterated if you offer no physical, tactical, or monetary assistance.  For me, I just need that Magic Comb at the beginning, the Super Ball mid-game, the Imperial Guard off the Commander in last battle, and the Phoenix.  Oh and Huge materia too...which huge is at Fort Condor anyway?  The Green one?

General Discussion / Re: Give Fort Condor $$$$
« on: 2013-04-15 02:32:38 »
Yeah.  I'm mostly concerned with fighting enough battles to get the Superball.  I just never knew that you could still get the items if you gave them gil.  There are very wierd times you have to go back in order to fight every battle!

EDIT:  I save stated and gave em money and told em to fight it themselves.  No item.  I fought it, won, got item.  Am I confused?

Completely Unrelated / 666 w00t
« on: 2013-04-14 03:01:45 »
Made it to 666 with this!  Playing some Lost Wing, doesn't seem to be too much wrong with it so far.  up to Cosmo Canyon.

General Discussion / Give Fort Condor $$$$
« on: 2013-04-14 02:59:26 »
Anything happen when you give Fort Condor funds for their war?  I haven't noticed anything whether I give them cash or not.


@DLPB:  Oh really?  I see.  Well then they will be getting some of my cash.  Gotta make sure I get that Super Ball!  or you mean......they only fight without me when i am actually there.  I can still miss the battles if Im not coming to chill at fort condor?  lame

I think I've only ever managed to take part in every single fort condor battle in one gameplay once.  That would be a good mod, to alter the items you recieve for Fort Condor wins.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Cool / funny pictures
« on: 2013-04-11 19:04:35 »
Ugh, posting funny and awesome things while I'm at work!  Yeah.....pic of James with breasts exactly what I need to be on my screen when supervisor comes round the corner!  Testing the power of my explanatory abilities are we?

General Discussion / Cloud Field Model Gone :(
« on: 2013-04-08 23:13:29 »
To those of you who play VII PSX on ePSXe.  You know that thing that happens sometimes where Cloud's field model disappears...

Well it happened and I cannot remember how I get him back.  I know this has happened to me dozens of times and usually swapping party members a bit and walking between a few screens will get him back.  I'll probably figure it out right after I post this, but in case I don't, I'm sure other people have experienced this.


Got it.  Thanks to LazyBastard

For anyone else who ever experiences this problem.

In-Town Character Graphic Mods


Err...not initiating events :(  Spoke too soon.

EDIT 3:  Fixed it by going into Debug Room and then talking to the right people to place me where I was lol.  This has saved me from breaking my saves so many times.

Congratulations!  8)

Aren't there multiple hidden pages scattered throughout Nibelheim?  And read the books in the basement where Sephy hung out while he went crazy.

There aren't currently any methods of altering Card Refining Items are there?
There aren't currently any methods of altering Junction Bonuses are there?

If there is a way to nerf Junction Bonuses that would be ideal.  Also if there was a way to alter card refining would be nice (i.e. 1 Samantha Soul from Quistis Card instead of 3).

None of you ever tried to bypass Kalm before?!  I guess I shouldn't act like I've always known about this though haha.  I played through the game probably 20 times or so before I found this.  I am trying to remember if it happens if you don't have Tifa in your party...idk.

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