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Messages - James Pond

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 ... 23
Completely Unrelated / Re: Puzzle for you
« on: 2007-01-03 18:52:11 »
Now, this is going to sound a strange question, but where is this conveyor belt setup?  Inside or outside?

I guess this is just to try and straighten things out in my mind.

The way I see it, the plane only can take off with the air moving around it, right.  Now the only way it can get enough lift, is by going fast AGAINST the air current.

If its on a conveyor belt, it is not going anywhere, therefore surely there is little air resistance being created, therefore no lift, therefore no airbourne....ness....

Meh, Ramblings.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Jesus is coming!
« on: 2007-01-03 16:51:39 »
I can see no logical reason for 2007 to be a date for "Jesus" second coming.
It may very well be a case of people voting that option, just because it is there.

Much like the UK Census of 2001, in which 390,000 people out of 52 million approx, Wrote down "Jedi" as their religion.

Quote from: Some fanboy in Brighton
"Do it because you love Star Wars... or just to annoy people"

Pretty much speaks for itself about how people act on official government documents.  Imagine what it would be like on a trivial poll.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Jesus is coming!
« on: 2007-01-03 15:22:54 »
If you want your oppinion voiced, dont do it in a topic with a completely different subject to what you are ranting about.

Then again,I'm having a hell of a problem figuring out what the hell you are saying anyway...

As for the actual matter at hand.

Cancer I can see having atleast a large breakthrough this year.  You my remember seing last year, Jari, that there was a large breakthrough reguarding, I think it was, the genetic code, of a certain type of cancer.  I really dont remember too well, but im sure it was something along those lines.

As for "jesus"... I have my veiws on Religion, I wont discuss them in public.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Jesus is coming!
« on: 2007-01-03 13:01:30 »
That was totally un needed and un called for in this topic. I suggest you think about removing it.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Puzzle for you
« on: 2007-01-01 09:09:59 »
Ahh fair enough.  Im not into physics and whatnot so I was mainly guessing.

Also, what do you mean "something happened"?  Have there been dissapereing posts again?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Puzzle for you
« on: 2006-12-31 16:28:14 »
Im going to say no. Because its not going anywhere.

Loving the change of Avatar Jari >_>

In other news, Saddam just got shot.  Or hanged.   Or shot while hanged, I dont know really.

Awww, you guys sure are picky about ass.

Maybe this will make you feel better (it really ought to be animated, but I couldn't find one right now).

That ass could wake the dead.

"Is that really the sweet ass of Cheri Blair?"

Jari, that comment is wrong on *SO* many levels.
Also, I think our version of SWAT are the SEAL's. Don't qoute me on that though.

 ;_; Damn you Jariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Completely Unrelated / Re: Ho ho ho
« on: 2006-12-24 17:53:58 »
Idd, Merry Christmas.

Completely Unrelated / Re: So it Finally Arrived
« on: 2006-12-22 10:13:27 »
Not to mention trying to "ride" a horse...

Monty Python anyone?

Completely Unrelated / Re: FMVs
« on: 2006-12-22 08:44:09 »
Im not even going to click that, because I know you're going to be a cockend and post one.

Completely Unrelated / Re: FMVs
« on: 2006-12-22 00:34:37 »

As Jari said, there are certain things that really annoy me.

Jari. I see your Cat, and raise you an invisible sandwich

Completely Unrelated / Re: FMVs
« on: 2006-12-21 23:42:27 »
No offense, but even if I did know, I wouldnt tell you, I detest the pointles "music videos" on places like youtube which some little kid has made on Windows Movie Maker that poorly mashes up crap metal music like linkin park with anime and game videos. 

Pisses me off to no end I say.

Oh, and welcome to the forums, Im one of the...Less cheery members of the forums.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Warning: Xbox 360 Kills Infants
« on: 2006-12-16 18:12:37 »
[Insert childish name calling and "Previous experience" here]

Wow, and there was me thinking you couldn't BE much more of a cockjuggling thundercunt.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Warning: Xbox 360 Kills Infants
« on: 2006-12-15 08:40:38 »
The kid'll pretty much be just fine, trust me..

Read the article, the kid is dead you tool.

Hell, you only had to look at THE BIG BOLD TITLE

Trial for father in killing of tot who broke video game

Its fucking disgusting anyone would do this to ANYONE for "breaking" a console

Completely Unrelated / Re: So it Finally Arrived
« on: 2006-12-12 08:00:45 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: Die boredom, DIE!!!!
« on: 2006-12-05 17:08:40 »
Isnt that....fraud?

Splinter Cell Double Agent.

All im saying.

Not entirely the AI, no.

It just doesn't FEEL like a stealth game. its far to action packed for it.

its not a bad thing, but meh

I aqquired GH2 the a fortnight ago, because its not out here till the 24th >_>

Its so dissapointing. Really had high hopes for it.

Started on medium as normal, played 4 songs and had to move onto hard.  completed hard in 1 sitting with no failed songs.

next day, got rather drunk, and still managed to complete the first 23 songs on expert with now fails.

I just dont understand where all the difficulty has gone.

Not to mention a load of songs i've never heard of.

And dont even get me started on that wank cover of Killing in the Name of....


The thing that gets me is the current "split" down the stealth game genre, One side is MGS, other is Splinter Cell.

Now personally, I much perfer SC because it really is a true stealth game, where if you do happen to get caught, chances are you're dead, With MGS its sort of "oh noes, best hide in a locker until the silly AI gives up.

Thats not to say I didnt enjoy the MGS series....

Well, I only really liked MGS2.  MGS 1 was a bit annoying, and MGS3 was one of the most horrible games ive ever played.

MGS2 had one of the best story lines ive played in my time game, and the ending wasa true mindfuck :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Bully AKA Canis Canem Edit
« on: 2006-11-07 15:40:12 »
Im not sure what to think of that.

Would they really risk fraud?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-11-06 08:14:36 »
I wish people would read the rules >_<

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