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Messages - Borde

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Crazy dust cloud over sydney
« on: 2009-09-24 21:02:00 »
Those photos look actually pretty cool for me for a while. Too bad the dust is likely to cause some serious breathing problems. Besides, they will provably have a hard time brooming their houses :-P

Mmm... yeah, it seems all PS3 has backward compatibility with PS1:
Which is nice. I guess they could just give away the PS2 emulators in case they manage to make them just like MS did. And, at the same time, put the games on the store for download and make some extra cash from those who still don't poses them... again like MS.

I think software emulation of the PS2 on the PS3 would be pretty hard though. Even with all the documentation about PS2 innards, it looks seriously hard. PCSX2 has been in development for a very long time and it's still far from perfect. Not to mention it needs a machine seemingly way more powerful than a PS3 for the most complex games. I know with money and certain knowledge things are easier but still...

As for the DC games on the store, yeah, that would be nice. And feasible. Time will tell.

Releases / Re: Custom Battle Scenes
« on: 2009-09-22 22:53:28 »
Doesn't Fice's map viewer work correctly pyrozen?

I've got a question. Does the PS3 have backward compatibility with the PSX? I mean the current PS3, not the old one with the PS2 hardware.

Releases / Re: Custom Battle Scenes
« on: 2009-09-22 12:59:20 »
It's looking nice Costa07, but you should try adding some dirt. You should also do some adjustments to the shading. For example, on the ground with boxes around, you should either change the textures or add some vertex coloring. Here is a little test I did with Kimera:

Archive / Re: Mods
« on: 2009-09-22 11:19:02 »
Don't quote me on this, but I think Aali could actually make the battles run at 60 fps if he wanted. All the animations and scripts should be interpolated in order for them to not look 4x faster, though. And, while this could be done for animations rather easily, I don't have the slightest clue how scripts and camera movement could be fixed.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2009-09-17 21:54:49 »
Well MXster, the pivot point is the origin of coordinates relative to each part. You can change this point by moving the part. A good way of seeing where is exactly the pivot point is by enabling the "Show axes" option on the P editor.

FF7 Tools / Re: Image2Tex - 24bits textures for FF7
« on: 2009-09-17 11:40:51 »
You're right pyrozen. I should do something with that.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2009-09-17 11:19:58 »
Well, nice to see you haven't encontered any problems using this version. Unfortunately, I have  :|. I'm working to solve the problems.

As for your request obesebear... it's problematic. The only real way of telling which animations is a model using is by going through every field file (which are stored in flevel.lgp and conpressed with LZS) and searching on the HRC loader section. And that's quiet a lot of work... Kimera just takes a look at the filename and tries to find one animation that PROVABLY fits the model you loaded. And it seems it usally suceedes. However it's not unsual to see the game using several copies of the same animation depending on the field. For example, Cloud's standing animation isn't usually the one Kimera pick (even though both are basically identical). Some animations are even shared among several models.

You know Squallff8, that picture of Jesse has inspired me. I think I'll try and see how close can I get to that design.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2009-09-15 01:48:40 »
Finally uploaded the new version. Hope this one works better. Here is the changelog:
-Bugfixes. A lot of them:
   -The produced animations now work correctly in-game
   -The textures are now correctly updated.
   -Several vertex/polygon picking glitches.
   -Jut too many more...
-Added the option to use point ligths (the way thing should have originally been...)
-Added an option to show the axes on the P editor.
-Added an external configuration file (kimera.cfg). Only the Undo/Redo buffer length can be set up.Setting it to 0 will disable it.

I don't really know NeoCloudStrife. That's something that should wait anyway. I'm already delaying the new version of Kimera too much.

I think I could do it (should have a closer look to the format), but if someone wants to do it instead, that's less troubles for me :-P

EDIT: By the way, it's also documented on the wiki (with a clearer format):

Mmmm... seems you're right. I thought I saw all towns models, butit  seems only some of them are stored as independent P files. Anyway, it seems we have enough inforation to chage the world map geometry. It would remain to be seen it such change wouldn't cause bugs.
The format is descrived in these threads:

A program to do that should be written, though...

Nop, don't worry, towns and co. are stored in separate P files. Which in some way leads me to belive the world map is some kind of heigth map. I guess It's got to be explained somewhere in this forum.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2009-09-13 10:37:23 »
Mmmm... that's a problem. It works fine for me, but using that much memory could end up being a problem for a weaker computer. Well, I guess I'll just shorten the undo buffer length.

Team Avalanche / Re: Help Identify World Map Textures!
« on: 2009-09-12 16:16:33 »
pyrozen, I must say I very impressed with your work. It really breathes new life to that old pile of polygons. Very good job, and looking forward to see the final result.

Team Avalanche / Re: Lighting
« on: 2009-09-11 23:30:12 »
Ahhhh... the old "Hide knows files extension" option. I think i'll never understand why the hell was it ever included. I hate it with passion.

The filed reescaling must be done manually. It can be done using Palmer. Someone has to do it, though.
The only think I herad from Aali's plan was adding per pixel lighting, which certainly would look nice. It seems somewhat complex though, due to the way FF7 computes the vertex color.

Team Avalanche / Re: Lighting
« on: 2009-09-11 13:03:57 »
Hello Costa07.

I tried using your texture and it worked flawlessly. Here you you have an image:

The only thing I think could have gone wrong in your in your experiment is the .tex at the end of the filename. Battlefield textures have no .tex extension so instead of "opac.tex" it should be called simply "opac". Hope this helps you.

Team Avalanche / Re: Lighting
« on: 2009-09-10 18:12:01 »
I think Costa's problem is the name of the output file of Img2Tex. If you don't change it explicitly when prompted, it will be the same as the input. So let's say you load a file called xxx.bmp. When you clik on the save button, the save dialog will say the output file is also called xxx.bmp. Thus you should change the name.

Please, keep in mind if the output file has a .bmp extension the resulting file will efectively be a standard windows BMP. Otherwise it will write a TEX file. If the resulting file doesn't work on FF7, please send me both the original and the resulting file and I'll take a closer look. Thanks.

I'd like to state also that 24bit textures work even with the original FF7 engine.They look awful, though, because they are downscaled to 16 bits by the driver. Also the transparency bit is completly ignored. Anyway, I don't see any reason to not use Aali's driver at this time.

By the way, I found out the current version of Kimera uses directional lights instead of Point lights. This is actualy a bug and it's the reason why changing the light position has very little impact. Also, due to this it's not possible to replace the flat shading by some nicer smooth shading. It will be fixed on the next bugfix.

Oh, nothing too fancy. I had to program a videogame as homeworks for the university, so I made a simple beat-em up game. I wanted to do something much better, but my partner was too lazy and didn't do his part of the job. At least he was kind enough to tell me that 18 hours befor the deadline...
If you feel curious about how it turned out, here you have a screen shoot:

I'm pretty sure that's Kimera's fault. You might think I would have tested if field animations written by Kimera actually worked fine in game right? Well, guess what, I didn't. I didn't do so because I just need the thing working on a custom game engine I wrote 3 years ago, and it worked. Soooo... well, sorry. For some reason I never heard it wasn't working. I'll fix the bug soon.
Meanwhile you can use the original animation file.

Team Avalanche / Re: Help Identify World Map Textures!
« on: 2009-09-07 18:58:18 »
If I recall correctly the world map format is more like a Doom/Quake/etc. map. It contains infomration that allows the game to process only a small part of the map each time.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2009-09-07 18:54:10 »
Which one do you need sl1982?
These are the versions that are currently uploaded:
*Kimera v0.7:
*Kimera v0.84c:
*Kiemra v0.9:
*Kiemra v0.9a:
*Kiemra v0.9b:
*Kiemra v0.91:
*Kiemra v0.91a:
*Kiemra v0.92:
If you need something older, let me know.

-mod edit-
*Kimera v0.93:

Here a file I found some time ago that contain all the libraries I ever needed.  So if anyone lack some dll, ocx or any library files just download this, install it and it should work :-).

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