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Messages - Devina

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Alright, just finished it last night.

As a preface, I've played the original FF7 and only completed it quite recently.
I enjoyed this remake a lot, in spite of its flaws. Overall, I'd give it a 9 out of 10.
To me, Midgar is the heart of the original FF7, and my hot take is that the original gets boring after leaving Midgar and turns into more of a generic fantasy, so the idea of Midgar having its own game, I highly support. I also thought the original had some boring and nonsensical parts and bad pacing issues from time to time.


I like the battle system a lot, played on standard, even if I feel like I didn't full grasp it.
I somehow beat Rufus with a Limit Break, which seemed like a very tough fight. Sephiroth seemed pretty easy. I didn't have that much of a hard time with Hell House like others have, only died once. If anything, Air Buster screwed me over multiple times. I don't know if it was just me, but Fire/Blizzard/Aero seemed useless in comparison to Thunder? Thunder just wrecked all the robots.

I loved the graphics and music. The environments in the game are breathtaking, altho I wish there were less linear corridors. They did an excellent job with Wall Market.

I liked a lot of the expansion, like seeing Cloud's and Tifa's apartments in the slums, getting to
be with Avalanche more, learning more about Aerith's history, etc.

I liked the new take on the Shinra Building and seeing it like a museum. The "Ancients hologram" really floored me.

I liked how Tifa and Barret just seemed a lot more human in this game, and I liked the moment where Tifa breaks down in Aerith's garden. I'm glad I didn't get Aerith's/Barret's scene.

I thought the voice acting was also good, but I also think FF10 has good voice acting so take my opinion with salt. I was fine with everyone's voices, and I think Tifa's a perfect case. Something which bothered me was Zack's, it just felt off in a bad way. Not sure why they couldn't get a better soundalike.

I don't mind the timeline shenanigans, I think it breathes a lot of new life in this story. I can see why it would annoy purists, but to me, it sort of feels like I'm experiencing something with more weight, as a sequel. It sort of makes me feel more connected to the characters and story more in a way.

I got pretty emotional during Aerith's and Marlene's hug since I can relate to the subject of childhood trauma and losing your "home". It's really amazing how giving characters voices and going more into their histories just helps you bond with them more.

Aerial combat feels sluggish and awful.

I honestly have no idea why Roche and Leslie were in this story, they seemed a bit superfluous. I also don't see why Biggs survived, especially after his fakeout death. Imo, Biggs and Jessie should've died at the tower, and Wedge should've been revealed to be alive much later, like near the end of it. It would give us more time to let their deaths sink in a bit, but they reveal Wedge is alive not long after the plate fall.

Some things I found not-so-great were the padding (some areas went on for way too long like the sewers and Hojo's lab) and the robot arm segments.

Spoiler-wise, I really hope Zack isn't alive, it would ruin the remake a lot. I hope it turns out he died some other way in the alternative timeline (just because he survived the army showdown, it doesn't mean the whispers didn't Final Destination him later). The ending *is* confusing, and I think that's a bad thing here. I guess they want to keep fans talking for years, but I would've preferred something more concrete.

The game also suffered from some annoying gamey stuff, like repeating NPC dialog which takes me out of the experience. You can also knock chairs across the Shinra cafeteria and no one reacts. It comes off as silly.

I also got two glitches in my playthrough, one was a small one where Tifa walked through a table, the other one seemed to make Jenova Dreamweaver not spawn tentacles, forcing me to reload.


I'm very sad we won't get another installment for another few years. I hope the team seriously takes advice. I hope we don't get more than 3 parts.

I'm also a bit sad that this remake fell short of certain people's expectations. It's clear that a lot of love and effort was put into it.

General Discussion / Re: Which Steam version of FF8?
« on: 2020-05-06 08:40:57 »
Don't bother getting either version until Mcindus' HD background mod for the Remastered version is out, it should hopefully be out in the next 2-3 months. Once it does, that will be the definitive version.

WIP / Re: [CC:FF7 PSP] Crisis Core UI Upscale Project
« on: 2020-05-06 06:16:05 »
You're also welcome, I updated my post at the bottom of page 1 with a few extras (which I'm done updating now), trying to combine everything into a single pack. I'd say the game's HUD is pretty much done now, I don't know what else could be improved UI-wise.

If you need help with making an HD texture pack for the whole game, you have my permission to use my work. I can also help you out with making 2D elements like text, I'm pretty good with that sort of stuff.

I'm a bit disappointed because vierock (the maker of the other HD texture pack) just seems to have disappeared, and their work has a few errors/iffy design choices. For example, an enemy's hair texture has messed up transparency, some plants are completely different, the Shinra Building looks dirty with grime, many textures are unchanged so you have high-res textures next to low-res ones, etc.

I like the idea of a completely faithful upscale without changing the artistic direction. It would be awesome to have a definitive pack, as well as an active modder.

I would recommend making everything 4x the original. My mod pack and Kaosu's was designed for 4x in mind (for example, a 128x128 image becomes 512x512). Anything more sounds like it could be overkill and some players might not be able to play the game without lag.

Releases / Re: [FF8-R] Rinoa and Squall Texture Mod
« on: 2020-05-01 16:47:17 »
Those Devina-inspired updates are so, so much better. I especially like his lips, just removing the bright spots near them gets rid of the doll-like childish features. If I actually owned FF8 Remastered, I would use V2 because the yellowness of his skin seems different compared to everyone else.

Just a few questions...

Can you make a Rinoa comparison image? I'd like to see what's changed compared to the original and your edits.

Are Squall's textures ported to all his costumes?

Finally, is Squall's outfit supposed to look sort of low-res? Did you change it?

I notice there seems to be some odd zipper issue here.

Releases / Re: [FF8-R] Rinoa and Squall Texture Mod
« on: 2020-04-26 18:50:55 »

I did a rough sort of half-assed mockup Photoshop job of what I feel could be improved.

One of the things that I don't like about the remaster is that they gave him these droopy sleepy-looking eyes, which I tried to fix on my edit to make him look more alert. People underestimate how vital his eye shape is to the look of his character.

Imo, I prefer his original mouth. I also edited his lips to make it look like the original more, but I removed the odd bright lights under the edges of his lips. I feel like your edit of his lips are unrealistic, as his lower lip is too large. I'm not good at editing lips so I tried doing what I can, but I'd use the original as a reference point if I was seriously doing a mod.

Mcindus said he'll be including his own version of Squall in his update so I'm just going to wait and see how that goes first.

Tifa and Aerith are contrasts, I'm not debating you there, I agree with that.

I was just explaining that the whole "Aerith is a gentle/pure/innocent/demure/girl" notion is heavily flawed in many ways. She is in some aspects, others, not so much.

Haven't played the remake yet but I have no issues with Aerith's appearance and it's always how I imagined her. I got to say tho, her voice is a bit nerdier than I imagined, but I hope it will grow on me.

I do think Aerith is beautiful in both the original and remake, altho I wish she was a bit more dirty looking, perhaps with some parts of her outfit looked a bit ragged, dirt on her jacket, etc. It would help the idea that she's a slum woman easier and think make her look a bit more sympathetic.

I have no issues with Cloud looking a bit slender or tired, because (spoilers)

Spoiler: show
He's been in a coma for years so it'd make sense he'd look a bit atrophied and malnourished.

There's already a million buff and muscular dudes in gaming.

As for the story,

Spoiler: show
I'm actually interested in the idea of FF7 being an alternate timeline, it makes the story very exciting, I think a 1:1 story adaptation would be boring, especially for people who play the original. I hope Zack and Aerith stay dead and that confusing information for newcomers is kept a bit on the minimal side. If they aren't, then that's really butchering the original story and cheapens their deaths.

Point about Aerith is she isn't meant to be hot - she's meant to be cute, innocent, pure.  That's whole point of that love triangle - Tifa and Aerith are opposites.  Her longer dress was deliberately to contrast with Tifa's for example (developer interview from '90s).

I heard someone mentioning that their clothing is meant to be the opposite, in order to make the player surprised by their true personalities.

Aerith wears pink, a dress, does her hair in braids, etc. Someone could be led to believe she is innocent and introverted by her appearance. However, she is quite extroverted personality-wise. She is a young woman who knows the slums. When you first see her after the explosion, she's calm when everyone else is running around panicking (sure, she gets knocked down, but she immediately stands up by herself and brushes herself off instead of having Cloud give her a hand). She catches Cloud by surprise when he sneaks out of her house and she decides to choose the sexiest dress in the clothing store, a striking red dress showing off a bit of her cleavage, and she also does her hair and has earrings. She sees through Cloud's bullshit "macho" exterior, having experienced Zack, and tries to see him for who he really is. Aerith tries to dismantle Cloud's persona, asking him questions that challenge his core, while Tifa plays along with it and hides several truths. That's sort of the thing, Aerith's already been toughened up by her relationship with Zack and the grief she's experienced after, so I don't really get it when people say she's meant to be "innocent". She's also a flower peddler who tries to sell flowers in downtown, and if you've ever been in retail, then you'd know you have to grow a thick skin to deal with people. Another example is when they're threatening Corneo, Aerith says "I'll rip it off" before Tifa's threat. Aerith is very playful and a bit of a fun-loving troll.

Tifa wears no distinctive feminine colors and shows a lot of skin, especially her midriff. One would assume she's extroverted, but Tifa is actually very shy and introverted, and has difficulty asserting her true feelings openly. For example, during the Gold Saucer date, Tifa says "Okay, I'm just going to say it... Aerith probably be able to just come out and say it... Cloud... I..." but then becomes silent and is unable to assert her true feelings (her love) for Cloud. It's pretty clear that Tifa is jealous of Cloud's attention to Aerith and feels like a second banana.

I think a lot of players judge Aerith and Tifa by their appearances and accidentally switch their personalities. Aerith is cute, like you said, but once you analyze their personalities, I think it's pretty evident Aerith isn't supposed actually "pure and innocent" like some fragile flower. Imo, it gives them a lot of depth.

Hi Satsuki, thanks for your work.

I tried your DDS file pack and it doesn't seem to work with Reunion. I take it Reunion is only compatible with .png, not .dds, right?

I'd like to make a Reunion-compatible folder structure in the future so people don't have to mess with all this .iro extraction and folder naming shenanigans.

I'm so happy to see that the end is finally in sight. Finally, we're going to have *the* definitive version of FF8.

I think you should tell your Patreons to keep an eye out for any baked backgrounds models, and provide info/saves. This will make it easier me to Photoshop HD models later, and we can get a list started. Now that Cid is done, these are the ones I know are remaining:

- The students at the computers in the beginning
- The students during the school attack:

There's also various NPCs in this town:

Also, like I said before, I'd like to have a go at any strange individual elements, like the Balamb directory board.

Unfortunately, I don't actually own FF8 Remastered yet because I didn't want to give Square any money for screwing up the backgrounds, but as soon as I hear news that the mod is pretty stable, I'll bite.

The installer idea sounds exciting, a convenient all-in-one package. I'd also like to see an option (if not, easy instructions) for easy textbox backgrounds colors, as I'd prefer a more traditional blue instead of the greys.

As weird as it sounds and a bit of a strange workaround, I theorize plugging a USB keyboard into your laptop might fix the issue.
Let me know if it works.

Reunion saves are compatible with vanilla.

Vanilla save location: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Square Enix\FINAL FANTASY VII\
Reunion save location: save folder in game's root directory

You just have to copy and paste them over.

I tried hotfix 11 and battles textures work for me. Be sure to follow this:

Ah, I had no idea it was gun-dependent. Here's a GIF because it's so funny. :P

I did some testing and this is what I got:

Quicksilver - fine
Riot - bad
Winchester - bad
Peacemaker - fine
BB gun - fine
Sniper CR - bad
Outsider - fine
Death penalty - bad

Unfortunately, I never unlocked these guns during my playthrough:

Silver rifle
Long Barrel R
Supershot ST

So I can't tell you whether or not the animation is fine for these guns.

I've been experimenting with Reunion, thank you so much for your work.
It's a lot more convenient than 7th Heaven (don't mean to diss their hard work), I just like the easy configuration.

I was wondering if you have any more plans for graphical enhancements for future installments?

For example, I wonder if there's a way to make text crisper in the UI, sort of like this:

I tried putting HD fonts in the menu folder but no luck.

I think the graphical character mod is nice, although I'm not really a fan of Jessie's coloring, especially her hair. It makes her look ginger and really contrasts the remake, and her blue shirt sticks out. I think it'd be really cool if we can make the characters more like the remake. I noticed Biggs has sleeves on his shirt like the remake which I think is really sweet. I'm a big fan of consistency.

I'm also a bit sad because I don't know how to use HD models with Reunion. I think it'd be cool if you could include an optional HD model function, or a way to use other models (not really sure how to do that). I know you prefer some consistency, although an option for graphic whores like me would be great. I've seen these online and think they look amazing (not sure who made them, it's really hard to track down since it feels like there's a hundred models and versions out there these days).

One final thing I noticed is Vincent's running away animation in 60 FPS mode 2. It's really funny and sticks out like a sore thumb.
I don't know if it can be fixed tho.

Once you iron out the kinks, I'd love to play through the whole game again.
I finished FF7 for the first time a few months ago, but didn't use mods because I wanted achievements.
I'd love to go through again with the retranslation to get an idea of what the original devs intended more.

Troubleshooting / Re: Satsuki and Reunion in combination
« on: 2020-03-02 22:02:09 »
It's explained here:

Instead for the subfolders such as "blue, limit, limit2, limit3, magic, special, summon, weapon" into following folder:
C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII Steam Edition EN\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\yourmodname\Texture\magic

These 8 subfolders are found in the ff7 folder. Once you're doing placing them in the magic folder (yes, you will wind up with a "magic" in a "magic" folder), it will work. Then you can just delete the unnecessary ff7 folder if you want to be tidy.

Also, next time if you have any questions about The Reunion, please post it in its topic.

I didn't include those because I didn't think people would care, but this should work with my NTSC-U English conversion above.

00000000c08e99b55ddaa501 = UI/Materia Fusion 1.png
00000000cc4cb20bdad96a6c = UI/Materia Fusion Background Left.png
00000000cc4cb20b1b9a0fba = UI/Materia Fusion Background Right.png

Some useful stuff for anyone who wishes to use this with any English version, and doesn't want French UI.

This uses the "xxh64" instead of the "quick" hash algorithm (which the other thread uses). The two algorithms are incompatible so if you're using the NTSC-U or English PAL version, I made a fix (I basically copied English UI into the UI folder). As you can see in textures.ini near the top, I included the hashmaps that should work with all English UI. Although I only tested it with NTSC-U, it should work if you're using the English PAL version.

These updates also includes my updated DMW character portraits, although I didn't bother with finding the hashes for the summon DMW portraits as I'm too lazy for that and they rarely appear.

Just dump in the root folder and replace all files.

In case vierock decides to update their mod in the future, this should still be compatible as long as you copy over the "dev for ntsc-u eng", "uifrenchpal" and "uiengpal" hashmaps.

Finally, I noticed some extreme stuttering in the cutscene where Zack speaks to Angeal's mother. It seems to be fixed if you check "retain changed textures" in emu options.

Hi, some things I want to talk about.

First off, this is a really great mod and I think it looks very nice, it looks very close to an official HD remaster.

I did some of the UI and never got asked/credited for it. I'm fine with my work being in your pack, so feel free to use my latest updates in the other topic (for some reason, Cissnei/Aerith/Cloud/Genesis aren't updated, plus other things), but next time, you should really talk to people involved. It's the polite thing to do.

I think it's best if you make a NTSC-U compatible version. It seems that someone just has to rename the folder folder to "ULUS10336", and textures (beside the UI) carry over. I haven't explored everything, but it doesn't look like Gongaga is done? I guess you still have some environments to do?

All the English UI is gone and if you only rename the hashmaps, then we get French in the NTSC-U version which is bad. It's best if you make two folders, one for English UI, one for French UI, and two separate hashmap files (one for English, one for French) in your next update. Or perhaps three, it seems you did it for English PAL, but not English NTSC-U.

Now let's talk textures...

The grimy texture quality is great for things like sand and dirt, but not in the Shinra building. It looks like there's mud and grime all over the floor and walls in the Briefing Room, and it makes Shinra look unprofessional, so I feel it sort of goes against the intent. It'd be great it if you could find a way to make it look cleaner.

There's also some things that stand out a bit too much.

Some blurry signs and the tree edges are white. Guess you're still not done this, right?

If there's anything you need help with, I'd love to help you. Like, any signs you think I could upscale.
I could make the Lv. 49 SOLDIER floor map in HD for example.

The quality difference in the backgrounds is amazing, do you have a rough idea when you can release the background mod? I was also thinking, asides from baked-characters, we can also fix things like low-res text, flags, maps, etc. For example, I tried replacing the map here (I half-assed it a bit, but just wanted to show what it could look like)

There is no XNALara for FF8's HD models as far as I know, so no, ripping models isn't feasible.
If for some reason we're desperate for a certain model in a certain position, I can give it a try.

And that's what I meant by copy-and-pasting, with some digital touching. For example, I would copy and paste that girl sitting by the pixelated mess, then edit the hair.

I'm glad that Mcindus' porting process is going smoothly.
Once the mod is out, we should all band together to test that the mod fully works, and find instances of all baked characters, and possibly instances where we can grab HD characters. For example, I remember there's a blurry Cid in front of the school directory board. Maybe we'll screencap a pic of Cid at Edea's orphanage, and use it in the school.

In case anyone hasn't seen it yet, Maki released the tool here:

Once you're done releasing the HD backgrounds Mcindus, I wonder if I can have a go at the pixelated characters:

Pretty sure I can make it look HD using copy and pasting, with some digital painting here and there.

WIP / Re: [CC:FF7 PSP] Crisis Core UI Upscale Project
« on: 2019-12-28 22:33:58 »
I caved in and did Genesis, download link remains the same, just updated in my post above.
I'm almost done playing through Crisis Core again, and I noticed his portrait appeared more often than I thought it would, so now the quality is better.

I also made a mod for the most important thing of all... giving Zack nipples and a navel.
His lack of them is oddly strange and makes him look alien, and I hated it.
Even Cissnei in the same scene has a navel, so it just looks weird.
So while this beach scene is only like, 5 mins long, if you want people to not be weirded out, hey, this mod is for you.


This is amazing news, I always had hopes that FF8 Remastered would become the definitive version.
I can't wait to see HD AI upscaled backgrounds with the new models. Thanks to everyone involved.

That really sucks. How about battle field textures, as well as world map textures?

Those are all 3D so at the very least, they should be possible to insert HD textures, right?

Anyone know why there hasn't been an HD background mod yet?

Last I heard, people found a way to decompress the .zzz files.

If people have been able to replace textures, why not backgrounds too?

I can't find any discussions about this, so did people lose interest? Are there technical issues?

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