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Messages - Fraggoso

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Support / Re: Final Fantasy 9 mods: UI/Backgrounds/Cheats
« on: 2017-05-28 11:44:12 »
It's all done with Memoria, nothing is stand alone.
And I disagree that running a lower res is better in blending the characters. The real problem is not that the character stands out, at least not for me, but the real ugly filtered Backgrounds are the real problem.

And you would be amazed that some Backgrounds have a 3k resolution to begin with.

The problem is that shrinking the ui is code based and HW doesn't modify the files to that regard.
Hopefully albeoris keeps his word and make memoria compatible with HW any time soon.

The card and exclamation sprite doesn't bother me at all. :)

Here's a temporary fix for the overworld stuff.
Again, I couldn't test that much but at least it worked for me for the parts I saw.

And here's the one package for everything texture related.

@Dclem The Polka is still going on in that one. ;P

Support / Re: FF9 Sound Mod official thread
« on: 2017-05-28 07:56:17 »
Very excited for the sound mod but in particular the rest reads great as well.
Can't wait for a final release.

Mcindus what's the problem in FFVIII that character models are unable to blink once you apply custom character textures? It seems the same way in FFIX. In FFx i didn't had such problems.
I may be releasing an update today that lowers the texture for the field texture so it behave normally.
The ref needs to wait sadly (blinking eyes and things as garnet ribbon).

Mcindus thank you very much. Also for your time to help me with some questions I had.
I'll still work on the worldmap mod and with your awesome help i think it'll look better than ever. :)

Oh I understand.
That would really be great but as you said, that's forbidden.

Not possible, nor that easy.
The UI isn't easy to edit in this case. And this coming from the only one who's managed to change all UI's.
If I find a way I'll do it. But currently, have not. Too busy with the sound mod nobody cares about

There's a UI scale mod, released yesterday over Steam.
It's not working 100% but it's a great start I think:

If you mean the HD Art, no I'll include them in a future package.
I already talked with Rowell, who has the majority (if not all) of his work as higher resolution Masters. But the copyright is not with him and i really don't want to slip on SE toes.

@Dclem Right now there's no upload for them.

@NFITC1 You'll see the benefits on every Monitor as the texture are bumped up in resolution, so yes, a 1080 Monitor will let you see the difference. :)

About the animation I don't know. I've to look why the engine behave that way.
For the polka, yes this will be fixed.

I don't know if it interrupts the model importer. The textures for sure but the Modell itself is kept as it was.

Support / Re: FF9 Sound Mod official thread
« on: 2017-05-23 12:44:26 »
Hi Dclem,

as said in the PM, I think it would be better to let an admin move this to the sound subporum or directly under audio releases so it gets more attention.

The "Problem" is that I have a wife and a 16 weeks old son so time (and time management) becomes more essential then everything else.
Like Kal said, I use the community to test this as I could do only a handful of testing and my worldmap worked before I did something wrong... I'll work on a patch.

Maybe the UV Maps on the worldmap meshes are bunked and it doesn't scale the upsized textures that well.
The "polka" is a sideffect of my filtering. I said it in another Tread: I wanted to release the sharper Textures now and will work, if time allows, on a more refined version where the seams in the textures are also working.

Thanks for pointing that out, Dclem.

Edit: I think I found the problem. I don't know if it's fixable as it seems not related to the upsized textures.

@Dclem I never said I beta tested anything. I went trough all the textures after importing it back in the game and they looked good.
The Fields you mentioned are already fixed (and a few more). If you should encounter more of them, please let me know so I can repair them as well.

As far as I understand the engine scales the Files no matter what Size the files have.
Maybe talking with albeoris might do the trick as he can do pretty much anything with memoria.

Something's gone wrong with your comparison shot link

Thanks for pointing that out.
Copy and Paste from steam doesn't always work as intended.

It's getting hot in here, so take out all your cloth... well...
I filtered all the NPC's-, weapon- and battle background textures.

Let's make this Game more awesome! :D

Here are comparison shots:

Just unpack the 7z into your streaming assets.

If you've downloaded the old version, here's a temporary fix so the overworld stuff is vissible again.

Known Issue:
Worldmap model texture seem to be broken like Zidane and the vehicles (download the temp fix from above).
Characters don't blink. I'm investigating this and will release a patch ASAP. Sorry for all the inconveniences!

I come to the Memoria/Time Warp

and see this:

And just what is this?
Zidane isn't positioned right in the corner...

Thanks for pointing me to that field.
The Field is fixed, as well as others which also had some bugs.

A patch is in the making. :)

If he replies I highly doubt you'll understand anything so why asking?
Are you that eager to get slammed with mathematics?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF9]2016 release
« on: 2017-05-16 18:35:41 »
As long as the csharp is from HW yes.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF9]2016 release
« on: 2017-05-16 17:48:45 »
I did post it there as well.
And I don't know what you mean regarding compatibility with hw. This mod was made with HW.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF9]2016 release
« on: 2017-05-16 16:57:20 »
Background Mod released! :D!AuiCrYsY4i_FhBJ6bWIImohYov5P!UNIVyI6L!vZuUrit2MQa5KvhwmH6L9gXc8wMQBJT7CoP-ZI8rkCI


- Backup in your FFIX install directoy under "StreamingAssets" the bin files p0data11 till p0data19.
- Backup in x64\FF9_Data\Managed the Assembly-CSharp.dll file.
- Download the 7z and unpack it directly into you Final Fantasy IX install directory where "StreamingAssets" and "x64" sit.

Play! :D

If you don't want to use it anymore just copy over the old bin files as well as well as the Assembly-CSharp.dll.

Mod released! :D!AuiCrYsY4i_FhBJ6bWIImohYov5P!UNIVyI6L!vZuUrit2MQa5KvhwmH6L9gXc8wMQBJT7CoP-ZI8rkCI


- Backup in your FFIX install directoy under "StreamingAssets" the bin files p0data11 till p0data19.
- Backup in x64\FF9_Data\Managed the Assembly-CSharp.dll file.
- Download the 7z and unpack it directly into you Final Fantasy IX install directory where "StreamingAssets" and "x64" sit.

Play! :D

If you don't want to use it anymore just copy over the old bin files as well as well as the Assembly-CSharp.dll.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF9]2016 release
« on: 2017-05-16 16:27:00 »
After my next project, upsized Textures, I'll take a look into the sound effects as well. Give me some time.
Just because someone isn't willing to release anything it shouldn't be hold by the whole community, right?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF9]2016 release
« on: 2017-05-16 13:48:27 »
So the hell what others do? That shouldn't matter what some jerk does.  Thanks for nothing, there are people who about this mod and now you're gonna bail once again?
Edit: I'll just PM the loser and give him a piece of my mind.

You know that tirlititi is the guy who made Hades Workshop right...? You really PM'ed him because dclem is stating something?
You know that dclem is going around shouting nonesense and then reverting back (and no, I'm not attacking his illness).

I don't know why dclem is behaving that way. I'm working with tirlititi for the last 3-4 months on my Backgrounds and he's so a nice guy.
Even if Ii ask him stupid question 3 times in a row he's not bitching at me.

Is the mod in a working state and do you want to release it? If the answer is yes, I don't understand why bitching against tirlititi will be making things better...

Uploading the mod now to Mega! I've reworked 9 broken backgrounds and looked trough all of the remaining. Couldn't spot anything off so -> Chooo Chooo! :D
If someone could provide me mirrors that I can link, that really would be great.

Hey Kal, if the mod is released, do I need to open a new Thread under released or is it possible to move that either by you or me?
Yeah, feels like DB for sure. xD

I'm uploading the Mod now! :D :D
Just need a final approval from tirlititi if everthing seems good then I'l hit the button!

Chooo Choo Hypetrain! :D

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