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Completely Unrelated / Re: Favorite TV shows?
« on: 2011-02-22 05:08:11 »
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead

Battlestar Galactica

Oldies but Goodies:
Buffy (yes, I know)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Knight Rider
Quantum Leap

Runners Up:
Alias- would have made it, but it jumped the shark for me.
Being Human (BBC) - would have probably been at the top if I'd seen all the eps. But I cancelled cable recently.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Great Thread of Avatarness
« on: 2011-02-19 15:07:16 »
Marlene drew a picture for you? I AM JELLY! She's such a sweet little loli; I wish she'd draw pictures for me :(
Well, actually I stole it from her fathers boxing ball which was hanging in a cellar with a pinball-machine-elevator.... :-)
She gave me a nice flower though...  8)
Wow, that took a lot of explaining.

Team Avalanche / Re: Newsflash !
« on: 2011-02-17 22:33:53 »
Must be Jessie. Bombs weren't the only things she was lighting up, apparently.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Warnings and etc
« on: 2011-02-11 20:42:38 »
Just a thought - but I frequent another forum, where they have an infraction point system. I don't know if this would be possible to implement on this board or not.

There, if you are warned once for something trivial it only appears on your User CP and as a message in your inbox.

It only shows up publicly, under your username in threads, if your infractions points are greater than 0 (Minor warnings have no points, unless you receive a second minor warning before a previous one has expired.)

Also, different violations carry different weights of points. So if you do something obviously being rude, your warning could carry high points - whereas if make an honest mistake, it can have low or none.
Or if you do something warn-worthy before a previous 0-point warning has expired, then second warning carries more weight.

I realize this might make it harder for the mods to keep track of who was warned for what. I also realize this might not be possible on this board. -Just a thought.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Buster Sword's lame
« on: 2011-02-08 19:50:35 »
You'd have to look like
to get anywhere with that large a weapon. :)
I love this picture.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Buster Sword's lame
« on: 2011-02-08 15:20:59 »
He did break it eventually.

Actually, I have a buster sword that I can wield and I'm a pretty skinny guy.  It's like almost 6 feet (About 5'7", though the blade's a little flimsy, and made out of steel...  I have a hard time swinging it around, but I'm pretty sure someone who works out would be able to wield it (Maybe not like Cloud, but shoot, atleast they'd be able to hold their own I'm guessing). @.@

Does this happen to be you?
It just took him a while.

Dragon Ball Z
Don't bother. Dragon Ball Z Kai improves on it in every way. Less filler, fewer reused animations, dialogue changes so that it's closer to the manga, five minutes doesn't take three whole episodes, better English dub. Seriously, DBZ Kai > DBZ.

Thank you for this. I never watched DBZ. It was aired on CN back when I was new to anime. I tried watching it once, but I couldn't stand the animation style. I have grown in my tastes for anime, and was considering giving it another try. But now I know what to look for when I'm ready to try again.

Dragon Ball Z Kai
Actually, it's just Dragonball Kai for some reason  ;)

To be honest though, although I haven't ever watched DBK, I don't think I'd prefer it to the original.

It's probably just a nostalgia thing, but some of the filler parts are part of the experience of it all.  For new watchers though, I probably agree that cutting parts out etc. is ok.
I still think they should have re-animated it like how they did the intro though ;D

For some reason Wikipedia lists it as DBZ Kai

Completely Unrelated / Re: Wooden Swords!!
« on: 2011-02-04 17:52:45 »
Actually, I have a buster sword that I can wield and I'm a pretty skinny guy.  It's like almost 6 feet (About 5'7", though the blade's a little flimsy, and made out of steel...  I have a hard time swinging it around, but I'm pretty sure someone who works out would be able to wield it (Maybe not like Cloud, but shoot, atleast they'd be able to hold their own I'm guessing). @.@

Does this happen to be you?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Anime Suggestions for g/f
« on: 2011-02-03 01:03:32 »
Ayashi no Ceres.

Also, Noein. And possibly Canaan.  But definitely Ayashi & Noein. At least IMO.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Handheld to Console?
« on: 2011-01-30 22:10:14 »
Oh please Dissidia.
And Crisis Core.
And KH whatever the title of the missing time game was.

I don't have handheld things.
Of course, if they came to console, they'd probably go to PS3. Which I also don't have. So I guess it doesn't really matter for me.

P.S. But while I'm requesting things I'll never have, also, the remake of FF4. kthxbai

General Discussion / Re: FF13 by FF7????
« on: 2011-01-30 21:04:37 »
Ooooh, yeah. It's true, he does look quite girly  :-D

General Discussion / Re: FF13 by FF7????
« on: 2011-01-30 17:31:46 »
Lol, no. It's just someone's take on what Cloud in his dress would have looked like in AC.

General Discussion / Re: FF13 by FF7????
« on: 2011-01-30 17:26:32 »
Well, he always was pretty enough to win a beauty contest:

Completely Unrelated / Re: BAWWW!
« on: 2011-01-23 15:56:12 »
Can you even apply to be anything on 4chan anymore?

Today only.

Completely Unrelated / Re: BAWWW!
« on: 2011-01-23 05:10:04 »
In related news, I have just been banned.
Geeze, I had been thinking you were going to apply to be a janitor. Apparently you're on the other end of the spectrum, there.

Unless they have athletic talents, the only way for stupid people to become famous (now that Big Brother has finished) is if they are extremely good-looking.

Kinda like Sarah Palin?

I could see this being the truth on a basic level. But not to the point that this article is trying to make it sound.
I worked at a vet clinic for a while. Seeing the general public really hit home how stupid people really are. I had grown up going to good schools, and was surrounded by peers of similar intelligence levels. I simply assumed that was the way most of the world was.
Seeing the people that came in to that clinic - I realized daily that I was overestimating the general intelligence level of humanity. Every single day someone even dumber would come in - and I'd have to say to myself "oh, I was STILL overestimating the general level of intelligence".

Not one of these people who were stupid was attractive. But I agree with Bosola's reasoning. They had bad hair, bad teeth, bad outfits, and bad english. While I'm sure no one with an iota of intelligence would have been attracted to one of these people - the larger factor was probably simply that these people had never tried to better their appearance. Maybe if they brushed their teeth or their hair they'd look a little  better, but it was obvious they didn't want to try.

Take as an example of what I'm talking about. There is presumably an intelligence-ugliness correlation there.

I think that's about where it ends though. Hot bimbos and ugly nerds are already out of the realm of the intelligence-attractiveness scale.

I saw an article about a guy in CA who became a lawyer so he could sue spam companies.

Edit: Found a better link for the same story.

Completely Unrelated / Re: America will have gay soldiers!
« on: 2010-12-18 21:02:40 »
It's funny cause it's true.
C'est la vie.

Completely Unrelated / Re: America will have gay soldiers!
« on: 2010-12-18 20:59:06 »
I already said that.
But still yay.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Take heed...
« on: 2010-12-18 16:40:20 »
OMG this was hilarious. Like, if it was a warning about pedos or something... but no...

Maybe this is the real reason people stopped hitchhiking. My dad said when he was younger everyone used to do it all the time. But then the news started spreading horror stories of murderers, etc. asking for lifts. So people stopped picking up hitchhikers. I'm wondering if these were the real horror stories they were spreading!

In other gay news (finally).

Completely Unrelated / Re: Video Game College Advice
« on: 2010-12-13 01:47:30 »
Just weighing in on the online schooling thing.
While I don't know about full sail, I do know it's easy enough to throw your money away on an online education.

I currently work at a university (not doing anything interesting), but I know that it's tough to get credits accepted from online schools, should you want to transfer. And I also agree with that many employers scoff at an online degree, regardless of the time money and effort you put into attaining it.

well what america stands for and what it has turned into are 2 different things. The f*cking liberals conservatives have raped this country and all the morals the founders stood for. I agree if you hate america now, but don't hate on americans, because most of them who matter don't meddle in politics, and ruin this country.


Sure, some people get exploited, but no-one forces anyone to buy anything. If you're too stupid to see through advertising BS and thus get tricked into spending all your money on things that you don't really want, then you deserve to be a tool for making ambitious business and engineering ventures financially viable.
Hmmm. Can't say I agree. My SO used to work for an online school. Turned out they were simply ripping people off. High pressure sales tactics to get students enrolled, even is the sales reps knew the students a) didn't really have enough money or b) weren't smart enough to finish school. (Not to mention the fact that online degrees aren't acknowledged for credits by most institutions, and employers tend to scoff at them.)

Smart people preying on the dumb just doesn't sit right with me (or my SO who quit after seeing the dirt under the rug). I realize that swindling is part of American history (I am familiar with how some families with big names really got their fortune, before business rules were more strident). But. I dunno, maybe I'm a socialist at heart, as well. I just feel sorry for those poor people who spend their last cent on something that they think is really going to improve their lives, only to get ripped off.

They're always trying to show people happier or more successful because they own things.
Yeah, I remember this commercial they used to have for medicine to treat herpes outbreaks. The people in the commercial all looked so happy and fulfilled. It's like "if you don't have herpes, you better contract it so you can buy our medicine and be as happy as these people". Every commercial, every product, is marketed that way. Well, either that way or with fear. Envy and fear, they probably sell the best.

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