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Messages - Ant

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General Discussion / SHIT!
« on: 2001-09-17 16:55:00 »
I really wish people would not just remember the people in NY but also in Washington and Pittsburgh, sure more people were killed in new york but people should still remember the other places as well.

General Discussion / SHIT!
« on: 2001-09-15 21:52:00 »
I just read an article in the Mail and it had this bloke from england who said he would do anything to become a suicide bomber, carazy, so its not just those kids in those crazy camps who are brainwashed but also people in England who are not under those influences.

General Discussion / FF7 Game Question
« on: 2001-09-08 16:25:00 »
I completed it in 32 hours and I never saw a spcial ending.....then again I've only played it once so how would I know if it was special.


General Discussion / programming???
« on: 2001-09-15 21:48:00 »
I just read in my Computing textbook that Bill Gates invented BASIC, how interesting.

General Discussion / programming???
« on: 2001-09-11 17:42:00 »
Thats cool Dag,

Do you know of any actual programs where that works?

General Discussion / programming???
« on: 2001-09-11 15:18:00 »
Doesn't everyone think that its pretty cool how most C compilers are written in C.

Poses the question "What came first, C or the C compiler?"


General Discussion / programming???
« on: 2001-09-01 19:45:00 »
Fice:  Isn't VB.NET going to be totally object orientated?

General Discussion / IM BACK GUYS
« on: 2001-07-20 00:20:00 »
Well, well, seeing as how everyone is saying where they are going holls I thought I might add my $0.02 worth.

I'm going to Iceland for 4 weeks to cross the Vatnajokull ice-cap with some peeps raising money for this hospital.

Icelands near Sweden is it not? might pop down and see Qhimm *only messin* :-D

General Discussion / Final Fantasy? Not every time...
« on: 2001-07-01 22:18:00 »
Im looking forward to Dungeon Siege and Neverwinter Nights.

How can anything be bigger than the internet?

Oracle 9i : 2 gigabytes.


Just messin:

FF7 Demo c.70MB's on 56kbps

General Discussion / And now, the forecast for the summer
« on: 2001-07-07 18:28:00 »

Look at the times
00:29 1st Msg
00:31 2nd Msg

I doubt you'll hold onto her 4 very much longer if < 2 mins is all u can muster + if your post-coital activities consist of logging onto the net you are one sad little man.

General Discussion / And now, the forecast for the summer
« on: 2001-07-01 15:23:00 »
What did you do to get suspended? at our school the mutha fuckers aka teachers set huage essays to do on really obscure topics if ure suspended so you cant just chill @ home.

General Discussion / Your new mod is......
« on: 2001-06-16 22:09:00 »
Or you were using reverse psychology?

General Discussion / A New Mod for General Chat
« on: 2001-06-02 20:51:00 »
I nominate Ficedula as he seems to be one of the key players w/r to the FF7 remake plus he is a code monkey what with cosmo seeming to be just as popular as Qhimms proggies plus he hasnt been made a Moderator in any of the other Forums, whereas other people have, and he is a regular poster.

SaiNT: Dont'cha mean January 2001 ?

[This message has been edited by Ant (edited June 02, 2001).]

General Discussion / Posting Habits
« on: 2001-05-31 22:41:00 »
Hey lads.

I have a theory

MMiller8 == CuddlesWings (remember her?)

Ya all know what Qhimm did to her :-D

Any mod: check the IP's!

Joey:  You implying that you think they're gonna make FFXI using atmosphere?  SOmehow I dont think so.

Mind you I do like the idea of using avatars.

It sounds a lot like VRML?

General Discussion / I'm curious...
« on: 2001-05-29 22:32:00 »
Joey the reason everyone is annoyed with you is because, not only do you spout so many lies but also you contradict yourself so many times which just emphasizes what a bullshitter you are.

For example at one time you say that you work at square copying code (why programmers would need someone for this is beyond me ??????) but then in another topic you are asking questions about FF9 which if you did help work on it you should know the answer to.

General Discussion / *ANOTHER* FFX pc post...
« on: 2001-05-31 22:44:00 »
By the time FFX is ported DX9 will robably be out so following squares patterns it will utilise DirectX8

General Discussion / *ANOTHER* FFX pc post...
« on: 2001-05-25 18:05:00 »
Did Square ever give a reason for not making FFIXPC?

Nice one, can I have a look?

Ours are sent away to be marked by the examining board as we have to do a question paper on it, so I dunno if we'll ever find out our marks.

Yeah VBA's damn useful, IMHO thats what makes the Office Suite the best out there :-D


Yeah, but now they've changed the style of A levels this year and for the AS project it was a set task with certain requirements to meet, but next year for A2 you can do whatever you want as a project which is great.

[This message has been edited by Ant (edited May 27, 2001).]

I did AQA

Did you have to do a project for it?

I did, but it had to be a databse in Access which was pretty boring to say the least.

[This message has been edited by Ant (edited May 26, 2001).]

What was it in?

I've just done my AS Computing exam and it was sweet :-D !

[This message has been edited by Ant (edited May 25, 2001).]

Yeah, I used to use subdimension till it got banned as well :-{ is good also.

General Discussion / Picture formats
« on: 2001-05-25 18:00:00 »
I had this demo of a program called Advance JPEG Compressor.  Its really good.  It cut almost all picture sizes by more than half.
But it didnt let u save them.  

Does anyone know of any that are totally free-ware?

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