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Messages - willis936

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Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2010-03-21 02:44:05 »

I loveee itttt!!!

Only criticisms:  that vent and the walls seem bland in contrast to the rest of the textures.  I'm not sure if you're going to touch those or not because you said "not much" meaning "some" but I think even a basic texture would go a long ways for the wall.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Main Cast Project
« on: 2010-03-14 01:35:24 »
You two are officially my heroes.  I keep yuffie an vincent in my party at all times. ;D

Seriously guys.  Why nay say?  So far the graphical overhaul has picked up so much momentum and accomplished so much that there really isn't a reason this wouldn't get done too.  When Summer comes I'll start learning my way around texturing since that's what the project is short on.  Right now in terms of actual noticeable difference the GO is winning the mod battle.

Archive / Re: STICKY: FF7 Music
« on: 2010-03-10 02:42:57 »
Thanks for the help on this..

OK so I got FF7Music all setup with a Midi input plugin but, how do I route the ingame Midi music through FF7Music?

You should be able to find them all online then it's a matter of getting all of them named properly and put into the right directory.
They question I have is WHY you'd ever want to do something like that.  If you want to use the midis at least use the games midis that way they'll play stably and come in when they're supposed to and stop when they're supposed to and never crash or create errors or headaches.

Say didn't someone say a while ago people were working on redoing ff7music?  No small venture, is that dead now?

I'm running windows 7 x64 and I could see how this could be the issue, but I get to the last step where I choose the syth's .inf and I get an error message.

What I was getting at is that rusty wall, those signs with bubble letters, and the general lack of patterns among the textures.  I'm no texture artist but that seems like a task even with the modeled scene.

Releases / Millenia's custom models
« on: 2010-03-06 00:29:41 »
The majority of the amazing things in this thread are awaiting conversion.  :-(
It seems stupid to ask if it's difficult or long/arduous since if it wasn't I'm sure they'd be released by now.  :/
Also, that barret model was released by you Millenia if I remember correctly.


It'll take ages to texture that...

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Ultima weapon
« on: 2010-03-05 00:10:28 »
Well it looks like it's just a color variable on the model and the game produces a value for what it should be depending on x, y, and z.  So if you modeled an ultima weapon which looked just like the original in 3ds (except of higher quality of course) and had the same features, I assume it would also change colors accordingly.

Also, could someone link slayersnext ultima if he released it?

Okay so I've downloaded the 4mb woundtable but this is the first time I've ever manually applied an update to windows so do I move the contents of the extracted cab to a specific location or just drop the entire cab somewhere in sys32?

Also, the biggest difference I notice on the config test is that the XG midi that came with the game does not have any drums (at least for this test).

Team Avalanche / Re: Stepping down from WMRP
« on: 2010-02-25 02:26:42 »
I apologize for derailing this thread completely.


I thought this game gave the option to install the yamaha xg midi package.
I tried to tell the difference between them in the config but if there was one it was very moot or maybe it just wasn't properly installed.

Can you upload a youtube vid of some back to back musics from ffvii (general midi vs xg)?

Team Avalanche / Re: Stepping down from WMRP
« on: 2010-02-24 19:02:40 »
I still think we should get Halkun to sign off so there's no middle ground.
I'd love to get my grubby hands on those delicious models though.

Team Avalanche / Re: Stepping down from WMRP
« on: 2010-02-23 23:03:15 »
Will this project include remodeling and retexturing cloud, highwind, tifa, and other models that are on the world map?

Ladies and Gentlemen I think we have a winRar

EDIT:  This is semantics I know but could you post a png version? ;D

wait, is that just the flare effect?  Yeah I don't think artifacting is that noticeable.

If there's a shine on the sword visible from the front, that suggests the light source is in the front; the shadow should be behind the sword in this case.

The light source is obviously from the back, though. It wouldn't be accurate either way:

personal favorite thusfar

Hmm :/ well his work is great anyway and for the purposes of this thread he can be asked permission to use it.

I like this spark of new submissions  ;D they all look fantastic!

How close to the original are you trying to get?  I still like the idea of the masamune there but as far as I know there aren't any redone textures for it.
I suppose an artist could add it for the final cover.

EDIT:  Garrr I can't remember who made the cloud weapon mod, they're working on remodeling and retexturing all of his weapons.  Their buster sword looks closer to the original though it's slightly less detailed according to what AC showed (though it's definitely high quality).  Not sure how that would look sticking out of the ground.  Here's an image of it from the folder (no build, release, or artist names in the folder anywhere).

I just had an idea.  I was watching an episode of numbers and they briefly talked about the predictive algorithm used in the police image enhancements on still frames of security cameras.
I was wondering if anyone knows of similar software and if they've tried it on these backgrounds.  That seems the most feasible and realistic way to get this done: just to re render them.

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2010-01-31 22:10:40 »
Woah just checked in after a while and I'm excited!!
I never heard what came of the field model idea, did that ever get released?

Ah, yes, they are.  Everything looks amazing as always.  A few things:  the field pointer (the one that hangs out over Cloud's head) looks like the original rather than your new one and the materia slots don't seem to be 100% lined up and lastly Yuffie's avatar looks like it's a pixel too high on the load screen (but not the menu).

Hey, this is just a suggestion thing though I know there are probably a thousand other things on your priority list before this:

What about an autosave feature?  In the cfg you could set which save number it saves to and the increment in which it saves.  Obviously this would only work when you were on the world map or you run over a save point but I think it'd be neat.  Also some saves get corrupted at points so maybe a folder of saves at major points in the game (like getting to Junon or Northern Wastes).

Team Avalanche / Re: Romeo Materia Final
« on: 2010-01-29 00:59:58 »
Are you guys sure that's the materia png and not the UI png or possibly an issue with the texture injection?
I thought I saw a similar issue with the materia slots when they were blank a while ago.

This isn't really a problem but I have the latest beta and I still have the light time, limit, and barrier bars.  They look really icky.  I thought these were redone a while back and I don't know where they went.

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