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Messages - Messiah99

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Awww, that hurts. Bit hard to say something worthwhile through the back and forth don't you think? I haven't been here long, seeing as I didn't find this site before just recently, because I didn't have the need to look for it. Consequently, I have no reason to hate anyone here. But I see I walked into the middle of a fight anyway, so I shall let it run it's course rather than say anything else to draw the fire my way.  :erm:

General Discussion / Tribute Video
« on: 2004-05-15 21:49:05 »
I downloaded it, but my lovely little junkyard special of a machine here decided I should only get to hear the audio and not see anything.  :o Maybe I can mess with this thing some more and get it to play. If I can I'll let you know...... unless this thread is dead by then, in which case I shall keep my mouth shut, lol.

Now now people, remember: fighting over the internet is like participating in the special olympics, even if you win you're still a retard.

General Discussion / Ok, call me stubid but....
« on: 2004-05-05 19:44:42 »
Well, at any rate, at least I know I'm not a total moron, other people ran into that. I don't have the manual for the game, never did, I got it second-hand, didn't buy it new, so I've never seen the manual. I figured if I asked then someone would tell me, thanks everyone.

General Discussion / Favorite FF game
« on: 2004-05-03 21:48:13 »
o0o0o0o, a thread I cna muck up by posting on the topic when everyone else is off it!  :D Haha, sorry, had to do it. But anyhow, in order of me own preference.....

FF7 and FF3 (6 Jap) are equal
FF2 (4 Jap) (the first one I ever played)
FF5 (Jap)

I haven't played 9 or any after, as they were never ported to PC, and I never had a PS or PS2, and as much as I love FF games, I ain't shellin out a shiny red penny for a console that I'm only going to have for FF games, haha. Also I haven't played any of the ones on the NES, though I have those 3 somewhere backed up on a CD with my other NES roms and emulator. Maybe I'll get around to those at some point, who knows. But anyhow, thought I'd drop in my two cents for all to be annoyed by, muahahahaha!!!  :evil:

General Discussion / Ok, call me stubid but....
« on: 2004-05-03 21:15:01 »
Ok, maybe I'm a complete moron, but I got somethin of a problem. Recently I got FF8 for the PC, I'd only played it on PS before. But I've played it a good bit lately, and I've found somethin of a problem. There's no option to exit the game! In FF7 it was conviently placed in the menu right below the Save option, but it's not there in FF8. So far I've been Ctrl+Alt+Del-ing to the task manager and closing it that way, but that gets old, plus its not exactly the best way to close running programs, but it's all I can do right now. If anyone knows anything, if there's a Quit option somewhere, if there's a button combination to press, or if there just isn't a Quit option, please tell me. I just want to know if I'm just confused or if I'm a moron of if anyone else has run into this. Thanks much in advance.

Archive / 3D battler attack paterns?
« on: 2004-04-25 05:27:29 »
Wait, TWO after Afro Thunder? Well, I think I know one certain Gold Saucer game that I'll be staying clear of, hahaha. Well, I thought that the game was bad enough with 3 opponents, and here I thought that you could actually win. Guess I was wrong, muahahaha!!! Well, just thought I'd put my two cents in there, heh.

Archive / 3D battler attack paterns?
« on: 2004-04-23 06:18:08 »
Wait a sec, there's someone else AFTER Afro Thunder? Oh man, that's weak, I've never even beat him, anyone else after him I don't even want to think about, haha. But as for your question, I don't know, I tried to find that out myself and after a while just gave up, haha. Oh well, just my two cents.

Yep, it worked :D Hooray! Haha. Well, good to know that you people know more about these things then I. Even better to know that I'm not the only person who has so much appreciation for a great game that I continue to play and discuss it. Well, thank you again for the help, and I'll keep looking over these boards for anything else of interest...

Well, haha, thank you so much for making me look like a jackass there. Hahah, just kiddin, that's a million for that, I didnt know that had been been gone over. Well, you bailed me out of hot water there, and I thank you, now I can get past a snag and continue on with my all time favorite game.  :D Well, I think I'm off again, and on to beating that. If anything else comes up I'll come here and make a fool of myself again, haha.

Ok, I've been browsing these forums for about an hour and have yet to see anyone mention the problem I'm having, so here goes....

System specs:
Windows XP Pro
Pentium 4 2.66 ghz
512 mb RAM
nVidia GeForce2 32mb

Now for the problem, I got the Chocobo patch, and got past the races just fine and dandy. Now I'm on disc 2 and ran into another problem, this one I haven't seen mentioned here or on Eidos' site or anywhere else. I'm at the submarine mini-game now, and when it goes to load the mini-game, it crashes just like it would at the races. Now I'm stuck and can't get any further. Someone help please, or at least tell me if you've had this same problem.

You can reach me by e-mail at [email protected] (which also doubles as my address for MSN Messenger), on Yahoo as hundreddeadsaviors, and on AIM as Failed_Messiah99. Someone please help....

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