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Messages - xLostWingx

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Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-04-02 01:31:16 »
Hey man, I love your mod! It adds the older Final Fantasy feel, with all the new materia and the status bonuses on equipment and such.
I'm playing through now, and I know a load of my friends are - I'd love you to keep working on this!

Thanks dude.  Very glad to hear that.  Luck may be on your side as I am playing through Lost Wing myself and paying a little more attention to the fanbase since it is apparently not nonexistent lol.  Document your playthrough and let me know about bugs, broken anythings, and imbalances.  Thanks!

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-04-02 00:43:44 »
Hey thanks for the report Nikkolas.  Enemies are dealing 5k damage?  What is your HP?  like 6k?  I'm thinking I may have made it so you have to go through the normal process of OPing your party in order to handle random encounters near the end of the game.  I hope it doesn't get to the point of being unplayable.  I do know that I deliberately made some random encounters too powerful at the time you initially make it to the area.  I think I designed it so that you would still have challenging battles to choose from on the world map on the 3rd disc.  Avoid these enemies for now or OP your party to take them.

EDIT:  The enemy using Thunder is probably using it because Thunder Occupies the Cure 3 Spot on the magic list I think...I will have to identify that enemy and give it Lightning Elemental Absorb.

Vincent's Limits may be Broken.  Since I modded the Kernel for the use of Sephiroth as a playable character, Vincent may have suffered the consequences. 

You should have access to Wall-type support spells, plenty of items with these spells, and accessories with auto-wall.  These are almost essential at during some parts of the game.  And you should be able to have your entire party in the back row depending on who you use and how many Long Range materia you have.   Back row, wall, sadness, those enemies definitely won't hit for 5k then.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-04-01 03:24:48 »
Thanks man.  I appreciate your comments.  As far as Revisited goes...its one of those things that I will get to someday.  Unfortunately its been like 2 years or something since I've worked on it and it may be another year or two before I work on it again.  I'm playing through Lost Wing right now to see if its playable through to the end.  I am going to play through what I have done of Revisited afterwards (probably months from now), and then I will at least know what remains to be done.  I really wanted to make my job class kernel too >_<  Someday.  Glad you are enjoying LostWing!!!

EDIT:  I am only at Gold Saucer on my Lostwing playthrough.  Some have reported ridiculously high HP enemies that are only damaged by certain attacks at the beginning of Disc 2.  If you could confirm or refute this, I would appreciate it.

Note:  I intended for the player to take some time post-Ancient City to train and gather materials and do sidequests.  A lot of people always go to Mideel and grind their team into overpowered beasts - - collecting better equipment, materia, and gaining some levels may be necessary in LostWing.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-03-31 21:15:59 »
Just tested the method outlined in the instructions.  It worked for me  :| Sorry....I don't know what to do if this method doesn't work.

To simplify.  As long as the modded kernel.bin and scene.bin are in the proper places, game should work fine.

The instructions describe a way to extract the kernel and scene from the modded FFVII Disc One.  If you have extracted the modded kernel and scene from the modded Disc One, then you have the pieces you need to mod Disc Two.  Just plug them into the proper places on Discs Two and Three and everything should function properly. - - - I know you probably did this and know this, but just in case you didn't maybe this helps you to figure out what may have gone wrong.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-03-31 17:58:25 »
Oh boy.  This has happened to a few others.  But some others have not experienced this issue.  I don't know what is going on here.  My best advice would b to read the whole thread and see how others have fixed the problem.  You're playing on EpsxE right?  The method in my instructions should work.  Get an unmodded Disc 2 ISO/Bin and try the process over again.  Perhaps copy my old instructions into a post and that could help me or someone else help you.

Colors and Lines.  Diamond WEAPON firing his energy missles at Shinra HQ/Midgar.

A distant grey form on a sky blue background standing on the black earth surrounding midgar with blobs of yellow small in the distance and larger closer to the foreground headed towards a smoggy midgar with a big Shinra Tower extending from the center.  you can do that with basic colors lines and shapes

Completely Unrelated / Re: Kickin ass, not taking names.
« on: 2013-03-28 01:17:16 »
Excellent.  Moneysss$$$$ and games.  I can live with that.

Completely Unrelated / Kickin ass, not taking names.
« on: 2013-03-22 23:02:10 »
Hows everyone doing?  I'm doing awesome.  Wrecking bitches in COD4, Playing Lost Wing, Kicking ass at my internship, fulfilling all university/certification reqs.  Ex is miserable.  I'm as good as ever.  Great day.  How are you?

Looks like you may have figured it out, but I tried entering different values into the one menu code.

I was able to display all sorts of configurations of menu options.  The others would be blank.

General Discussion / Re: LostWing vs Revisited Indecision!
« on: 2013-03-17 06:01:33 »
Thanks, but I'm just playing Lost Wing.  I am on the Cargo Ship.  So far, it appears pretty damn balanced for my playstyle.  If anything my team is a little weak, but I am just now starting to get into the Tier II Equipment and Spells.  By the time I get to Cosmo Canyon, I'm sure I'll have plenty offensive capability. 

Gameplay / Re: The first auction in Final Fantasy VII
« on: 2013-03-14 20:49:36 »
Yeah, it would seem there are still good original ideas for VII!  Hurray!

General Discussion / Re: Necro's favorite game!
« on: 2013-03-14 20:47:45 »
VIII's Good.  I usually use Selphie.

General Discussion / LostWing vs Revisited Indecision!
« on: 2013-03-13 01:26:55 »
I just started a new game of Lost Wing.  I want to play Revisited.  Whichever one I play, I intend to play through to the end.  If I do so, I plan to keep a log of gltiches/bugs/incompleteness.  Afterwards I may give LostWing a facelift...or complete...or come closer to completing Revisited.  But Revisited is incomplete and has so many more bugs!  But Lost Wing is older and not as much fun!  What do I do? (damn that Job Class Kernel! It's only like 10% complete at best).  I'm only at Don Corneo's Mansion right now...I don't wanna miss out on the Guard Golem, Dual Moth Slashers, and Air Buster Replacement! but I don't want to replay the beginning of the game again lol.  Dammit!

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-03-11 03:53:59 »
How come Cloud, Sephiroth, and Young Cloud do no damage to the shinra soliders at all? Is there a bug on that?

If you mean the MPs in the First Reactor...They just don't get hurt by swords.  Some enemies do not take damage from specific types of attacks.  If you mean other soldiers and SOLDIERs not getting hurt by anything that any of those characters do, then something else is wrong. 

Modern Civilization = Fail

Not much else to be said.

Releases / Re: [REL/FF7] FFVII Lost Wing (PSX/PC)
« on: 2013-03-09 06:21:26 »
175,000 Youtube views for my Lostwing videos  :-D Anyone play this at all anymore?  I actually don't know if I ever beat it myself lol.  Haven't had anytime for VII in a long time.  Well, if anyone has played through the whole game and knows the biggest issues with the mod, post them here.  If I can fix a few major things, then maybe this thing could feel a bit more legit.

General Discussion / Re: Help to make the FF movie real!
« on: 2013-03-03 23:37:25 »
Someone probably had the great idea that the Ancient Temple is the Black Materia early on.  Then they had to figure out how to make that work - Ah ha, we'll make the temple shrink! - But how will we do that? - Make an oversized robotic moogle mounted by a cat with a megaphone off course!

Gameplay / Re: The colors of enemies
« on: 2013-03-01 22:12:19 »
Nice!  Keep up the good work.

Kunkoro, you trying to play Lost Wing with PC version?  If thats what you're doing and these Young Cloud/Sephiroth methods work, let me know or post here or in the Lost Wing thread.  I've had lotsa people wanting to use Young Cloud and Sephiroth on the PC version of Lost Wing since I gave them Limit Breaks.  I don't think the trainer can make it so either of them Build their Limit Bars naturally though.  You'll probably have to force limits.

Wow, that is good writing lol.  I wonder, does the same amount of good writing still exist, but the quantity of media is exponentially higher - its just like finding a needle in a haystack - or is there actually less good writing today.  I imagine both could be true.

Completely Unrelated / Ting Cell Service?
« on: 2013-01-19 18:02:45 »
Anyone hear of/use Ting Cellular Service?

Anyone know someone who does?

Other information?

(3 days research seems like best option for me [non-data user, moderate txter, moderate voice talker])

Internet says great Customer Service, Sprint Network Primary, but connects to Verizon for Voice if no Sprint Signal.  Low Cost.

Gameplay / Re: Caith Sith Death
« on: 2013-01-18 18:52:53 »
Yeah Cait Sith 2 mysteriously has all the same equipment and materia of Cait Sith 1.  And why is this remote controlled stuffed animal with mechanical cat riding on its head level up?  How does a silver armlet increase that things defense?  Aren't Limit Breaks suppose to be the result of getting hit so many times that you rage-out on the enemy? then does Cait have Limit Breaks?!  anyway....should probably get back to work lol. 

Gameplay / Re: Final Fantasy VII+
« on: 2013-01-14 17:23:51 »
I've also seen much of the quirky aftermath of eliminating Cloud from the party.  But Kalm and Cosmo Canyon both seem to be places that generate such issues with high frequency.  I've had instances where I was literally incapable of entering Cosmo Canyon regardless of whom was in my party, what model was showing up on the screen, whether they were invisible or not - this occurred after traveling from Costa Del Sol to Corel without Cloud in the party (got to the operator's box for the bridge on the train tracks - hidden menu optioned Cloud into the party temporarily and then kicked him back out).  Upon making it to Cosmo Canyon, everything would happen normally until I tried to cross through the gates into Cosmo Canyon.  I suppose something else could of have caused this, but it seems like if you don't have Cloud in the party when certain switches/flags are being activated or deactivated, it will cause you problems later in the game.

You (ultima espio) seem to be well-versed in field modifications so I'm sure you could get it done - it just might be one of those seemingly simple issues that turns into a nightmare for whatever reason.  I imagine others could shed more light on this as I really don't know what I'm talking about other than anecdotal experiences.

Completely Unrelated / Re: wtf?
« on: 2013-01-10 18:40:39 »
Psychologically speaking I can't really give a valid opinion because of bias, transference, blah blah etc.  However, I am familiar with her mental health history, and I didn't conduct those evaluations so they can be assumed to have some level of validity considering only certified and licensed professionals can make diagnoses.  She does have Borderline Personality Disorder...and that has been a major part of our relationship.  But I come from a family full of major mental disorders, practically all my friends have a diagnosable mental disorder...basically its one of the things that I could actually help her with and deal with because I had already been doing so for others for most of my life.

Check it out

Borderline personality disorder is a condition in which people have long-term patterns of unstable or turbulent emotions, such as feelings about themselves and others.

These inner experiences often cause them to take impulsive actions and have chaotic relationships.

People with BPD are often uncertain about their identity. As a result, their interests and values may change rapidly.

People with BPD also tend to see things in terms of extremes, such as either all good or all bad. Their views of other people may change quickly. A person who is looked up to one day may be looked down on the next day. These suddenly shifting feelings often lead to intense and unstable relationships.

The outlook depends on how severe the condition is and whether the person is willing to accept help. With long-term talk therapy, the person will often gradually improve.

This could explain the entire situation alone.  But nothing like this has happened before so idk.  I think I might just have to move on...she won't find someone whos going to be as understanding of her mental state (unless her mental state changes) or be willing to deal with it (unless he is one hell of a guy) the way I did.  Or maybe she will, who knows.  Just need to continue getting my thoughts and feelings out to friends and family and qhimm forums lol.

EDIT:  Thanks NFITC1.  Your comment helped me to remember that she does in fact have BPD.  And the reason I had forgotten was because our relationship had done a lot to (or so it seemed) "cure" her of many of the symptoms.  It had been awhile since she had an it stands to reason that the first major episode after a long period of calm winds and still waters would occur in a way like it has.  Started looking at other people's accounts of their relationships with BPD partners and they all say virtually the same things and the things they say nearly all apply to my current situation.  I don't feel much better, but at least I have a perspective from which I can examine the situation where the data supports the hypothesis.

Completely Unrelated / Re: wtf?
« on: 2013-01-10 17:23:31 »
Thanks.  Good Luck with the new job.  Things were going a lot better - then yesterday I essentially demanded that we spend some time talking about it and 2 hours of txting was all I was able to get and it was not a pleasant 2 hours.  I got a lot of the answers and explanations, and I thought that would help, but no - things feel as bad as they did 5 days ago again.  As disgusting as it is to me to wave goodbye to those 6/7 seems like thats what is going to happen and apparently what needs to happen.  I guess takes the fact that I never took her dancing or ice skating (her words) as an indicator that in the future we would not be doing things like that.  Nevermind the trails, beaches, museums, etc. we should have been dancing and ice skating.  And nevermind the fact we were both in college and not exactly financially stable for these years....apparently our relationship and behaviors would have been exactly the same in 5 months when we both have real careers and she was wearing a permanent ring on her finger.  Thats all news to me...she believes she would not be happy...she never mentioned being unhappy for any signficant length of time during our relationship, I never heard her ask for me to take her iceskating...I should have known things that weren't being said and acted on things I didn't know.  So she says.

But yeah...really wanted to avoid prolonging this thread, but any outlet I can find is a good one today.

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