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Messages - sithlord48

Pages: 1 ... 56 57 58 59 60 [61] 62 63 64 65
Completely Unrelated / Re: Anyone here F@H?
« on: 2010-04-11 18:09:19 »
im sure it being a CLI program makes it faster by default since the gui is part of the windows kernel and will always be there its safe to use. with unixes there is not the same promise that  a X11 or xorg server will be installed. so i could see why they chose to go w/a cli interface (does it have a deamon cause that would be nice)

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-04-11 18:03:40 »
i put in the ability to play w/ those flags in the case of them being young cloud or sephiroth , lets just say its a path to breaking your save really quick (so for now if there detected cait and vincent are locked for editing). well see how i progress but for now its a case not handling the data in a proper way (such as not setting new name and weapon) so  untill i get the text back in to ff7format i can't really play with it cause even setting the weapon correctly i still break on the name change..also sephiroth just as useless as he is in the flash back w/ his AI and inability to change equipment/materia. so i might just leave him out of the that party options all together , testing w/ young cloud prove to be a little better as he is just a cloud clone(lol copy of a copy) so im undecided on if i will include the option for him.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Anyone here F@H?
« on: 2010-04-11 15:50:18 »
theres version for just about every os.. you can get it @ the link sl posted... i would assume its extra popular since it one of the free softwares for the ps3 (or did it come on it i forget)

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-04-11 15:47:50 »
i mainly decided to leave itj @ 99 since amounts over that cause a gfx glitch in the menu (not a big deal but for now i left that option off.) today i will work on among other things the char flag, cause that is kinda annoying.. besides once i hit 1.0 i will release the source and you all can tweak what ever you want (and hopefullly i get some good code to add back)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Anyone here F@H?
« on: 2010-04-11 15:20:22 »
i used to fold @ home when i had a ps3. i have yet to try it on a linux machine, i wonder if u get the same cool display it gives u on the ps3

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-04-11 15:14:43 »
@ kranmer , i have yet to check the char flag (char record offset 0x0) checks yet and untill kalm flash back vincent == Sephiroth , and cait = young cloud.
, as for the item limit i have thought about raising it to 127 just have not done so yet, do u think i should ? i would only need to change the limit of the sb (since the progam would handle the rest)

nfitc1, there are  visibility + lock mask bytes located in the save game file for the menu .  save map its in bank 1/2 offset 0xba4+ 28 (for visibility)  and 0xba4 +30 (for locking mask) , its on my list to allow editing of these , just not a priority right now.

oh well u see thats what i get for only reading some of the other post , shame on me...

Troubleshooting / Re: Aeris?
« on: 2010-04-09 21:21:42 »
this feature is on my todo list for the save editor im working on Black Chocobo
currently its not in, since i have yet to get to that section of the save and start playing (but suspose) that i could throw it in really quick assuming the offset is correct. (since im do for a release cause i got a bunch more done ne way, i might have one one before u read this.)

Edit:: as of v0.6 black chocobo supports changing phs masks , so you can have aeris , and/or make it so cloud is allowed to be out of party.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Video Crash/Freeze fix
« on: 2010-04-09 21:17:47 »
if it matters,  I'm playing on a netbook with winXP, an intel 945 video chipset, and a 1.6ghz processor.
sounds just like my netbook , but mine came w/ win7 and that got promptly removed for kubuntu 9.10. it runs so nice but the battery could be better it only came w/ a 3-cell (~2-3hr) battery. if i remember correctly the intel 945 chip is absolute crap on windows, but i have not tried to install ff7 on my netbook yet to see if it works, maybe i'll give it a go this weekend and report back.

i know im a bit late to the party but you could have done this from an ubuntu live cd.. you only need to mount your ntfs drive and copy the data to another drive. still happy to see you got your data back i hate to lose data.. , btw what kind of mac do u have ?
really pyrozen , they stole your tizzy.. thats when i would go into hunt down and destroy mode .it is after all what us sith are known for, and for a good reason.

Troubleshooting / Re: Looking for a few things
« on: 2010-04-09 17:24:58 »
My little prog is on the wiki? Woot.

so's mine Woot :) . its an old version listed w/ no note of it being cross platofom , but it still goes to the forum post where i update the info . so it works for me , thanks, also a bit off topic who would i speak to get get edit ability for the wiki. i would like to update the save game format since i have found lots of erros in the offsets. plus soon i will have bunches of info to add.

That's cool then.

Does anyone know how to control OpenGL's Anisotropic filtering on some program other than Catalyst Control Center?  Or is that even possible?

you should be able to just set forced filtering in the CCC , i know this works w/ the linux ati driver, its way behind the windows one so i would assume that it would also work in the windows version of CCC.

DirectX is universal, everyone would be able to use it to its full potential.
DirectX is not universal it only works on windows.... Where as Open GL is universal since it works on every OS.

General Discussion / Re: FF7 multiplatform petition
« on: 2010-04-05 18:13:59 »
what platforms are we talking?  ne who i for one am not getting my hopes up of a remake i don't think it will ever happen. and i kinda hope it never does (not to go off topic) cause it would prolly ruin the game.

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2010-04-03 15:15:33 »
this looks so nice , just a shame i can't use it in wine. (stupid .net...) any chance for a Qt port? i would be more then happy to help you with it....

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-04-03 00:01:09 »
I don't like to do that, recompile Qt takes lot of time :|.
yes it sure does.

Another Python fan?

What's QT like to use?
python .>>>? no not at all *there are qt binding for python so you could use it with python if you wanted to
using qt is like using c++ with some extra headers (cause thats bascily what it is) . i also use Qtcreator their free ide i like it , kinda like VB but using C++, and if vb was availble for other then windows..

FF7 Tools / Re: Official Black Chocobo Help Thread
« on: 2010-04-02 19:48:06 »
How did you do to not use QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll?
i have recompiled qt to be static and theirfore they are built in to the exe.
more info
i basicly the same thing w/ the mac version . the linux version is the only one not staticly built.

FF7 Tools / [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.15)
« on: 2010-04-02 16:08:36 »
Black Chocobo

Black Chocobo is a Final Fantasy 7 save game editor written in Qt. Available for Windows, Linux + Mac Os. A Full Featured Save Editor

Current Features
  • Open All Kinds Of FF7 Saves ,PC, Psx ,Emulator Formats PS3, PSP, Switch
  • Will automatically detect 2012 steam saves and update your metadata.xml
  • Automatic Signing of ps3 and psp / psvita files
  • New Game + from your old saves
  • Import/Export Character stat files
  • Convert FF7 Save Game Formats And Regions.
  • Extract Non FF7 Saves From memcard images
  • Slot Management Copy/Paste and Import slots to Saves
  • Edit Chars, Chocobo, Items/Materia
  • Edit: In-Game Options
  • Edit:Quest Progression
  • Set Chars In The PHS pool (bring aeris back or have a cloudless party)
  • Edit your save location
  • Currently in 6 languages. English , Spanish , French, German, Polish and Japanese.
  • Edit Achievements for 2012/Steam versions

The "Continuous" Release is recommended for all users


Project Links
User Manual (Historical Only, Needs Updating)
Change Log (Historical Only)
Support this project

Comments , suggestions, help , always welcome :)

Completely Unrelated / Re: That's it
« on: 2010-04-01 13:55:21 »
Who's up for making Jari the cat an enemy in FF7? I can write the AI if someone does the animations!

Replace master tonberry. When he gets there you get the banhammer

thats perfect! , that m.tonberry is the only monster i fear in the whole game seams like no matter what you get the banhammer!

Completely Unrelated / Re: Girl Gamers Paid to Play?
« on: 2010-03-31 19:39:43 »
[quote author=Kudistos Megistos link=topic=9608.msg132939#msg132939 date=1270062732

On the Internet, no-one knows you're a man ;D

That makes me think, how many of the "girls" getting paid to do this are actually girls? If they just chat through some IM system, is there any way of knowing?

from the ss in the link it looks like a video style chat. so ur gonna at very least need a wig kudistos.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Girl Gamers Paid to Play?
« on: 2010-03-31 18:01:24 »
i'm thinking that tonight ms sith and i are gonna have a talk about her doing this. 

Completely Unrelated / Re: Girl Gamers Paid to Play?
« on: 2010-03-31 17:26:59 »
wow thats just amazing, i would be really susprised if they accually make monies off this..

Completely Unrelated / Re: That's it
« on: 2010-03-31 14:36:49 »
@ jari, im gonna miss u man.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Cloud
« on: 2010-03-30 23:14:31 »
guess that makes me the least fanyboyish one out of you all cloudmoor would be proud..

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