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Messages - Bosola

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General Discussion / Re: New Materia Question #2
« on: 2010-02-28 21:29:59 »
Yeah. Go to initial data > spell order. The rest should be intuitive.

General Discussion / Re: New Materia Question #2
« on: 2010-02-28 11:54:22 »
Now, if you want to make this into a magic spell, you're going to have to add an offset of x4E to it (windows calculator can do this in hex mode).
There's your animation index, now just edit a spell to have that animation.

Not if he's modding the PSOne version of the game, though. See my thread for details on this matter, and an extended guide to porting animations to spells:

General Discussion / Re: A lot of Questions
« on: 2010-02-27 20:12:10 »
Question: How is working with FF8 PC's files different from working with those from FF7 PC?

Qhimm: Well, FF8 is more well-written than FF7. That is to say, one reason FF7 PC has seen more progress is that it was badly written and often uses simple data file formats.

Ficedula: I've got FF8 PC (it was what got me into Qhimm's forums) but the only things I wrote for it were a very basic savegame editor for Chocobo World and helped with the FF8 Configurator/soundfont tools, so I know basically nothing about the file formats.

Qhimm: FF8's files are stored in a more complex manner, and honestly there is less demand and interest for FF8, when you can spend the time on FF7 instead :)

FF7 Tools / Official Proud Clod 1.0 Topic
« on: 2010-02-27 14:34:12 »
Can't say it ever really bothered me.

Out of interest, why do you tend to use VB specifically for these sorts of projects? Does it offer anything in particular for this sort of work? Or are you wanting to practice VB / .NET stuff for study / work?

Hey 10 had some great gameplay mechanics! It just happened to be the case that the plot was dry and the characters were dull.

Likewise. Pure turnbased and the ability to easily telegraph turns made for better battles, and offered the player scope to actually plan their strategies, rather than fumble around, hoping that Enemy X won't attack before Tifa gets fullcured or whatever. Status inflicting attacks actually worth using, enemies with intuitive and useful weaknesses, and cleaned up battle mechanics all made FFX a strong game.

On the other hand:


FF7 Tools / Official Proud Clod 1.0 Topic
« on: 2010-02-27 01:28:07 »
Yup. Use the older version for string changes.


Lookin very nice! Lets see some doors!

FF7 Tools / Wall Market, FFVII KERNEL.BIN editor
« on: 2010-02-26 15:01:59 »
Yeah. You have to modify the FF7.exe / LIMITMENU.MNU file to change those. KudistosMegistos posted the data you needed to alter, and the location of the data in the PC's FF7.exe, at Make sense of that data using the wiki's attack data page, which is right here:

FAQs and Tutorials / Re: FF7 and Related Tools With Wine
« on: 2010-02-24 19:26:18 »
I had heard of Mono. But I thought you need to source code of the application that you want to port in order to use it - that it just let you compile your .net projects to (sorta) work on Linux. Or have I misunderstood?

I don't care if it's called 'Final Fantasy'. After the horrific mess that was XII, I'm treating it as Guilty until proven Innocent. And the reviews I've so far encountered don't leave it much hope.

Also I was thinking if it's even possible to make this materia that if I just over-write the KoTR  materia (also in wallmarket) would that make it so I could in game pick up my newly made materia instead at the area where KoTR would be in the field.

Can't add much on the kernel side (then again, I'm competing with NFITC1, so my chances were pretty much knackered from the start!), but, I will add something on the field side: yes, when you pick up KOTR, you'll get a custom materia if you've replaced it... but - it will be red on the field, and still be referred to as 'Knights of Round' when you pick it up. You need to find the level file for the materia cave and change the text "Found 'Knights of Round' materia!" or whatever it is to something more appropriate.

Also, there are plenty of ways to nerf KOTR. You can make it hit fewer times (I don't know how the game determines which hits are associated with damage in this case), or with less power, no longer ignore defence or, better, make it elemental. For instance, in my upcoming mod that I keep banging on about, KOTR will be holy element, which the Weapons and Safer Sephiroth will resist.

Oh, another quick thing - you can make magic spells (or, indeed, enemy skills) use summon animations. The only issue is that the summon monsters themselves won't appear - except, weirdly, for KOTR - you'll just have the visual effects (like Shiva's Ice without Shiva herself, or just the KAPOW!!! cloud for ChocoMog).

FAQs and Tutorials / Re: FF7 and Related Tools With Wine
« on: 2010-02-24 17:20:12 »
Something of a necropost, but I believe this should remain an active topic.

I'm currently running Kubuntu (KDE Window Manager) and Windows in a dual-boot config, but would like, long term, to migrate to Linux. However, several tools leave me stuck in windows - such as the modding tools I am currently using.

The performance is mixed. Meteor, which I could never get running in Windows, seems to work just fine, although I haven't used in extensively, and I haven't used it to work on a LGP in WINE, reintroduce it to the ISO, and play. Hojo appears to work just fine, at least for changing names and saving (although I haven't fully tested this). Lasyan's Hack'7 works, his kernel text editor, alas, does not, so you're stuck to using a hex editor in Wine for kernel tweaking, unless either .net 3.5 support is upcoming, or some new application appears that isn't dependent upon it.

Wine, in its current state, won't work with .NET 3.5, which is what most of NFITC1's programs, I believe, have to work with, being written in Visual Basic.

Actually, I believe that it's possible to make green materia call summons. I know that they can call enemy skills.

However, the materia will not be red any longer. Red materia are strictly associated with one 'type', which is "Do spell [X] the number of times determined by the level".

The story..  Oh, the story.  I know I'm not the only one who loved the sh*t out of Disc 1.  But once Disc 2 came around, it seemed like the action and plot really tapered off.

TIFA: ok wat do we do now lol
CAIT: teh shinra are doin stuff
BARRET: nooo! evil shinra! They might be the only ones with a half decent, well thought out plan to save the planet, but I'm going to put all that aside, simply for the sake of opposing them. Never mind that we have no good reason to disrupt the huge materia plan (except Red's vague intimation that *maybe* the Huge Materia *might* be useful - which, of course, they never really are), I feel a fight coming on!
CID: ok lol lets getem


Also, not really quite on-topic, but thought I'd share anyway: The following appeared in my comment inbox for the FF7 rebalance I'm producing:

srry my comment got partially cutoff i was also gonna include other stuff and i am just gonna reiterate some of the ideas, why dont you bring the game to PS2 so we could new stuff like new summons and new characters like bring in Dyne and Red XIII's dad, for weapon clashes Dyne could use crossbows and Red XIII's dad could use claws, also you could enhance certain qualities for certain characters like Cloud could have an attribute like loner which is allows him to be harder to kill if his allies are killed, or for Barret could have Rage to enhance his strength, or Red XIII, could have Beast Speed which inreases his likely hood to attack before the enemy, also for the new summons it could be other combonations like Kjato which would combine Earth, Holy and Wind, and Kjate which combines Darkness, Water, and Poison, and combo summon called triplets which could combine all three and/or a Zeus summon which does the opposite of Hades and gives the party bonuses instead of giving the enemy ailments also i though of something else maybe the weapons could give certain benefits (like butterfly sword in cosmo canyon could give enhanced speed and ragnarok could give enhanced vitality) and a jump materia maybe??

I then get the following:

it probbaly wouldnt take that long

I think I want to cry.

You do have a lot of ideas already on paper, and the benefit of twelve years' feedback. That said, you've then got to spend just as much time deciding what sort of 'remake' you want to produce. Will it be a carbon copy? Will it have new content? Will it have voices (some fans object to this, after all)? Should the mechanics be altered? You've now the added burden of fan expectations. This is far more problematic than a lack of creative freedom - FFVII-2 would be an expensive project, and be marketed at a smaller number of gamers than an entirely new FF game. Their acceptance is vital - alienate the fans by changing too mcy, and you could lose a lot of money. Stick too close to the original, and few people will be motivated to buy something they already have - which could be just as expensive. Not a great position for SE to be in.

This timeframe seems a little bit unnecessary though. I mean, they don't have to do any designing whatsoever. In fact, they already have characters, a storyline, voice actors, FMV models, music composed, and they even did a cloud model for use on the PS3

I guess that's why Q-gears was finished off, years ago, with so little time and effort. After all, with FF7's story and battle system already created, what was left to make?

The design of concept does not take up a large portion of production time. What does is -

  • Modelling every entity in the game
  • Debugging
  • Animating, putting levels and walkmeshes together, implementing in-game logic
  • Debugging
  • Texturing anything that the player can, will, or may ever see
  • Debugging
  • Recording sound effects, sampling, mixing, cleaning, applying
  • Yup, debugging
  • Recording voices, faceposing
  • More debugging
  • Preparing game for production, arranging publication of game, marketing, brokering media spots
  • Did I mention debugging? Because that's involved too. A lot of it.
  • Creating visual effects, tweaking engines, writing code for new functionality
  • It begins with a 'd'...

You're the not the first person to say that. But think about it: do you really think the $40-odd million and four years spent on FFXIII were spent thinking up Snow's character design?

This sort of thing crops up all the time on GameFAQs. Not having a go at you, but we get a lot of the above, invariably from some random teenager acting as though they understand RPG development, and Square's own production cycle, better than the company themselves. Kitase is not just 'some guy'. He's an experienced professional. When he says it isn't all that easy, it's a good idea to trust him.

This is far better, because now there's no longer an awkward straight edge on the base of the blades. However, moving to, say, some kind of grey gravel rather than brown earth for the surface might look even more impressive. Just my two cents.

Completely Unrelated / Re: So i got a new processor....
« on: 2010-02-18 14:11:36 »
What's the cooling system you're using? I'm guessing you'll have a lot of heat to deal with...

Completely Unrelated / Re: Vista or Windows 7?
« on: 2010-02-18 14:10:42 »
just so everyone knows... if you have windows 7 or vista and issues w/ FF7 try using wine
to play the games , it works great for me on linux .. and there is wine for windows also.. just something to consider if you have problems running ff7 on vista or win7

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you having trouble with sound on Linux? Did you get around these problems?

FF7 Tools / Official Proud Clod 1.0 Topic
« on: 2010-02-17 23:23:33 »
Right, now the Guard Scorpion keeps freezing on its first move. I can't work with this copy-paste as it stands. I'm basically going to rewrite the AI by hand instead.

FF7 Tools / Official Proud Clod 1.0 Topic
« on: 2010-02-17 20:44:08 »
Pasting only, oddly enough.

General Discussion / Re: ediTOrs!!!!!!
« on: 2010-02-17 15:14:24 »
guYz! who someone tell me how to get all ediTors!!!! cry

Great, but you need to tell us what you want to edit. As it stands, you could mean some of the modding tools, like Meteor or Wallmarket. Or hex editors to work on FF games, or even some sort of animation editing apps.

FF7 Tools / Official Proud Clod 1.0 Topic
« on: 2010-02-17 15:12:00 »
No worries.

I'm afraid I don't know VB well enough to offer any help beyond quoting Proud Clod's output to the clipboard...

FF7 Tools / Official Proud Clod 1.0 Topic
« on: 2010-02-17 03:04:10 »
This board software and I do not get along.

Here's the code in PNG form.

I don't have the FF7 character table, but if someone did, comparing those weird values to the values of characters in the string might tell us something?

Also, in case someone wants to be helpful, why do computers hate me today? Did I do something wrong? Did I offend them somehow? First my router, then my kernel, then Proud Clod, now even posting I can't do without obstacles popping up. Is this some sort of conspiracy? Why do such bad things happen to good* people?

*Well, at least not wholly bad.

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