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Messages - James Pond

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Bully AKA Canis Canem Edit
« on: 2006-11-06 00:55:22 »
haha, after re reading my post, I went into "Anger Tangent" mode, and went rambling on without making my original point clear.

It was, Do you believe this game should be banned, as it is actively encouraging children to fight?

It has a BBFC 15 rating over here, and I was expecting it to get an 18 myself, but the lack of any form of blood, or death (that I know of) is most likely what bumped it down.

Jari : Some interesting points made, especially about the whole gay equality thing.  I personally feel its rediculous that Thompson is using the fact there is gay content as a point against it.

In other news, I hear Thompson made an ass of himself yet again the other day, tried to sue Acclaim for their new game Mortal Kombat : Anihalation (or something), because Acclaim allegedly used his likelyness in the game without his permission.

He was then informed that he was kreated (See what I did there? >_>) using the Kreate a Kombatant mode.  Ridicule insued ^_^

Completely Unrelated / Bully AKA Canis Canem Edit
« on: 2006-11-05 22:45:06 »
So, im sure your news stations have been giving it a fair bit of bad publicity.  Such is the society we live in.

A game, named Bully.  Media automatically thinks "Bully! You must be going around bullying kids".  I dont think they can get any further from the truth, unsupprisingly.

The game defines the main character as the "Anti-Bully", trying to survive through a tough boarding school by any means, beating people up when needed, etc, getting into trouble.

So why is it getting such bad publicity?

Well, Obviously the "sexual" content (¬_¬) is causing some rifts.  Or rather, its causing Jack Thompson to cause some rifts, ala "OMG NOEZ YOU CAN KISS ANOTHER BOY IN THIZ GAMEZ WE MUST BANNED IT".  Yeah, Because god forbid that gay people should be put in a video game, because THATS where "they can cause the most "damage"".

Its an absaloute piss-take that Thompson is actively campaigning for the game to be taken off the shelves for its gay content (The ability to make out with other boys), and the fact "Its a simulator to train bullies for schools".

Have any of you played the game? 

I bought it myself earlier on (<3 Student Discount), been playing it for a few hours and to be honest, its a very gritty game, but then again, its Rockstar, its what they do best, GTA, State of Emergency.  dont think they have made a game to date that hasnt had some bad press in the past 5 years.  Be it from GTA, Midnight club Racing, and now Bully.

What are your thoughts on the game? Anyone agree with Thompson on the Bully Simulator veiw?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Thanks for the welcome!
« on: 2006-11-05 22:37:25 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: Thanks for the welcome!
« on: 2006-11-05 22:27:16 »
CC for fucks sake, stop sniping at Jari.

haha, no, I went straight from my first PC at 14 using an ATi Rage Pro 2, to the computer I got for my 16th birthday, with an ATi Radeon 9600, to the beast I built earlier this year with money from my 18th with and ATi Radeon X800XT.

Always been an ATi man myself, not used anything else :P

if you can stomach the lowish resolution (I believe that the max is 512x384) - it does look blocky, but at the same time very nice in its own voxely-kind of way. :-)


thats one hell of a weird resolution o_o

Im gonna have a search for this now >_>

Its just the game seem to take the most retarded twist humanely possible.

the game before the end is awesome.  I loved the part in the prison when the power goes out myself, was awesome fun.

Dues ex I will agree with on pretty much everything you said.

Farenheit however.

The game was good up until the end. That SERIOUSLY ruined the game for me. :/

Its the mentality that "their console" would lose their "ownage" game which makes their console better.

Whereas, with people who arn't fanboys, its seen as a  good business move by the creator, which in the case of say, MGS, Will make a lot of other people happy.

On a related note, EGM Monthly have it on "good authority" that MGS4 will no longer be PS3 exclusive, but will be made for the 360 instead, and then ported to the PS3 at a later date.

Now, I own a 360, and I think its great news after the videos I saw at TGS of MGS4 in action.

The PS3 fanboys however are drowning in their tears because the "Microshite Xblock Three-shitty" will now have a game they thought they had exclusivity to... Then again, the same happened with MGS2 + 3.

2 is now on PC and Xbox, and 3 I believe is also on the Xbox.

Likewise, PS2 fanboys are crying that Redoctane are making a version of Guitar Hero 2 for the 360, but improved over the version that will be released here in the UK in 2 weeks.

Question is, Why are they crying?   Its one of the best games (imo) of this, and very much last year.  Shouldn't they be happy that another console is getting it?

After all, The same happened with Nintendo and Resident evil 4.  Gamecube owners got "screwed" out of extra features.

But then again, based on last years console sales, 57% of all console owners will own more than one console, and 70% of all those people will have either a PS2 or an Xbox, and a Gamecube.  Why? Because Nintendo were smart and made a decent priced console.

but again people will whine if their precious console will lose their "killer app" or whatever the hell its called these days.  Fanboys defend their console to the death :/

As for why someone becomes a fanboy in the first place?

Ill put it down to the age of the people, >14.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Leaving
« on: 2006-10-28 20:14:40 »
Goodbye EW :)

Completely Unrelated / Re: SMF user hide for
« on: 2006-10-28 15:41:45 »
Erm, and which spelling error would that be?

Beacuase elongating okay is intended, not a typo.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Leaving
« on: 2006-10-28 07:40:15 »
>_> This place feels much more normal with this thread here, I must say.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Leaving
« on: 2006-10-27 09:26:02 »
...Am I actually the only person who is happy to have Jari back?


Completely Unrelated / Re: Leaving
« on: 2006-10-26 15:43:31 »
One point.

"Besides this, the forums have become somewhat of a helpdesk for new people to just post one message, get an answer and get the f*** out of here."

This is by no means a new thing. You get used to it.

But still. No need to emo out over it, its just a forum :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: SMF user hide for
« on: 2006-10-24 19:51:56 »

Good to have you back btw Jari! :)

Completely Unrelated / Re: SMF user hide for
« on: 2006-10-24 18:16:07 »
>_> To be a bastard, will this work with Firefox 3?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Quite the Situation
« on: 2006-10-18 19:40:59 »
These bots are becoming a fucking joke -_-

They're not even posting any decent warez links anymore.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Chess
« on: 2006-10-05 14:49:56 »
I'd be up for that likes.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Jesus christ.
« on: 2006-09-27 08:15:37 »
I havent postred any updates yet because there havent been any. Thats no excuse to go completely off topic.

But have your little discussion, Im not going to bother updating.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Quick question
« on: 2006-09-26 22:02:37 »
-_- We have things called eyes.  Ever used them?
Global moderator
Posts: 1858

Completely Unrelated / Re: Jesus christ.
« on: 2006-09-26 07:46:19 »
The crash took a couple of seconds.

Queen took a lifetime.


I give up.  Close the topic please Alhexx, this is a fucking joke.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Jesus christ.
« on: 2006-09-24 21:59:20 »
Is it just me, or has this gone badger-sputumly off topic?

It has. :x

Completely Unrelated / Re: Jesus christ.
« on: 2006-09-23 10:06:31 »,,2-2006440317,00.html Lovely Article about Hammond by Clarkson.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Superb-Hosting!
« on: 2006-09-23 09:28:47 »
Uhhh.. What the hell?

This isnt your personal memo board, dont waste space please.

Completely Unrelated / Jesus christ.
« on: 2006-09-20 21:21:23 »
Richard Hammond, Presenter of Top Gear, was in a crash this evening, and is now in hospital in a "Critical" state.

He was test driving a rocket car, and apparantly crashed at around 200mph.

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