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Messages - Armorvil

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Version 1.8 is amazing, great work !

Still, I just noticed a problem when altering the game time. I wanted to put 99:59:59 as a game time to check if the Time Damage formula could deal more than 9959 or 9999 points of damage, with the 9999 limit off. Problem is, in game, it saved the time as 59:59:59... ...My guess is, since the minutes and seconds are capped at 59, maybe the hours in Black Choco are capped at 59 too.

Thank you for all this, DLPB :D

Also, I see you asked for suggestions about the main menu. Here is one : how possible would it be to add the number of kills for each character, somewhere ? Anyways, I'm gonna love the new game clock :)

It's been bothering me for a while, now. All enemies have a designated Berserk attack, but it seems the data that tells an enemy which attack to use when under Berserk, isn't in Scene.bin.

For example, the enemy 2-Faced that you encounter in the Corel Prison can be put under Berserk, but doesn't have a designated Berserk attack - according to Terence's FAQ. The FAQ mentions that if you Berserk 2-Faced, this enemy will try to use a non-existent attack, and since this attack's data is entirely made of FFs, it ends up costing 65535 MP. Too many for 2-Faced to use. For someone who knows about FFVII's mechanics this makes sense, but...

...The thing is : this blank attack in *not* in 2-Faced's list of attacks. Normally, these dummied attacks are just blank spots, and exist in the enemies' animation list (Dual Horn and its 3rd physical attack comes to mind). The fact that 2-Faced looks for an attack Proud Clod doesn't list, for its Berserk attack, makes no sense to me.

I feel that we need infos on Berserk attacks - if only just to fix 2-Faced and a few other foes (Doorbull, Guardian, Manhole, X-Cannon, and Helletic Hojo's right arm). And sure, it's easy to fix this by making those enemies immune against Berserk, but I'd be interesting in knowing the inner workings behind this :) (not to mention the fact that I'd like to change some Berserk attacks, in my mod).


Never mind, I figured it out just after posting the thread (one of my bad habits, you might say -_-) ...

The Berserk attack is just the first ability in the Manipulate attack list. Since most enemies that aren't manipulable have a blank attack listed in the first slot, it explains the behavior of 2-Faced and the others. So yeah, the Berserk attacks indeed are in scene.bin, but I won't edit my first paragraph in this topic. I'll leave it for posterity, as a reminder of my own stupidity and me jumping to conclusions :P

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-04-04 18:57:28 »
Awesome ^^

Also, for those who like me use Avira Antivir Personal, here is how to configure it so it stops detecting the .dll as a threat (those popups and sounds are incredibly annoying - and it looks like they won't stop until you delete the dll) :

- Right-click on Antivir Guard
- Configure Antivir
- check "expert mode" in the top-left area
- double-click on Guard,
- double click on Search
- select Exceptions
- select the .dll in the 'Files to be excluded by the Guard system' (or something like that)
- press OK.

Please note that my program is in french, so chances are the above options are worded differently (this is just my own translation). It's also a good idea to exclude the file in the "scan" or "scanning" section (do the same as the above, but in step 4, replace "Guard" by "Scan" or "Scanning").

No prob ^^

This should help :

So the data you're looking for is in pieces Kernel.bin2 and Kernel.bin3 (sections 3 and 4 described in the above link, since the first section is kernel.bin0).

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2011-04-03 18:30:13 »
In Felix's thread, he mentions that he's not working on the grassland battle scene, because Pyrozen already made one. Thing is, I can see the pics here, but the download link is nowhere to be found. Did Pyrozen upload it somewhere or not ?

By the way, any idea why it would heal the party member a bit, instead of missing if it doesn't revive?

Because of the "miss if not dead" flag.

Probably just a typo from you NFITC1, but since it's not the first time I see it, I just thought I'd give the info : it's "voila", not "viola" (the former means "here it is" or "here you are", while the latter means... ..."raped"  :P ...Fitting because a dead undead would indeed be raped by that weapon, but I don't think this is what you meant  ;D).

First time I see this. Still, chances are it happens because you've made a battle formation with three enemies, and some have a high poly count (especially that land worm). Since you mod the PSX version, my guess is it can't handle that much. Try to remove one or two enemies, and the battle should be fixed.

I'm no expert, but I bet it's the cause. After all, worms like those are always alone in the original.

Releases / Re: [WIP] FFVII: Revisited (PSX)
« on: 2011-03-30 18:47:42 »
Yes, this kind of project takes ages, and I understand why you'd want to breeze through some parts. Still, when I did breeze through some parts in the past (be it for the beta or FFVII AV) and played said parts, it left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I think the most important part of a mod such like this is not to make it seem half-assed. So I take my time... ...Yesterday evening for instance, I spent maybe two or more hours working on a single enemy... didn't feel too good to dedicate so long on a single monster when there are hundreds in the game, but I know this is the kind of effort, patience & dedication that will lead to a great single-player experience.

So yeah, it's important to take your time and not limit yourself to a deadline. It's annoying I know, but if such a mod is your thing and you have the time to spare, then don't be afraid to push back your release date. I don't have one for a reason :P

Summary of the thread :

"You're a troll !"
"No, I'm not !"
"You're wrong !"
"No, I'm right !"

Brillant. Some people like to waste their time, and I wish I had that much on my hands. Contrary to popular belief, in these kinds of arguments, the winner is always the one who stops replying first. Not the arrogant one who wants to have the "last word".

In France, nowadays, there are just too many to choose from...


What is there to gain by provocating him ?... ...Answer : nothing good.

That depends on how one defines "good".

If "good" to you means a flame-war and a troll-fest, yes, I can understand why you'd head into provocation territory. It's so fun, right ?

I don't quite understand

No. I don't think you ever will.

What is there to gain by provocating him ?... ...Answer : nothing good. I think this would be a good time to stop going in that direction, KM. But it's only my opinion.

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia 012 - anyone got it yet?
« on: 2011-03-24 12:26:46 »
Just tried it. It's fun :) I still believe action fighting games are an aberration for handheld systems (especially since it looks like you can't play online with Duodecim), but even for someone like me who doesn't dig fighting games much, it is quite pleasant (especially in RPG Mode). The story seems pretty bad, though.

Graphical / Re: sl1982's Field Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-23 19:38:36 »
I can't believe how fast you're going SL ! This is great.

Still, even though your method of enhancing the field backgrounds must be the best anyone could do right now, I feel that the feeling of depth & perspective is sometimes lost in the process. I sometimes have the feeling that I move a polygonal character on some kind of watercolored painting - not in an actual 3Dish field background. And the original pics, while pixallised, managed to achieve the latter a bit more.

But I guess that's what the whole Avalanche Bombing Mission project is here for ^_^ Anyways, I like your enhancements a lot, believe me : I always put them into my game as soon as they're made available :)

Graphical / Re: sl1982's Field Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-22 22:49:52 »
SL actually meant ff7_opengl.cfg

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-03-22 19:52:18 »
if you're on xp, you DON'T want compatibility mode, that is what causes this problem.

 :o ...I understood it backwards -__- When I got that "info" a while back, I checked FF7.exe's compatibility mode and thought : "nah, I don't have anything to do, oddly enough, it's already set on the right compatibility mode"... ...and I had no idea this problem was caused by a bad compatibility setting (I thought everyone had it). Well, better late than never ! Thanks for clearing that up, Covarr :)

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-03-22 15:34:53 »
It's true that I forgot to set ff7.exe to windows 98 compatibility mode after my reinstallation of the game, but I did it before, and the processus still didn't end...

Anyways, I don't know how either, but I'm glad Kranmer fixed this problem of mine :)

Releases / Re: [REL] FF7 AnyCD
« on: 2011-03-22 10:05:25 »
I can't try the disc switching right now either.

Anyways, awesome program, works like a charm ! I also love the fact that it's compatible with FF7Music, and successfully terminates the FF7.exe processus when you quit the game. :D

Finally, I can say goodbye to Ctrl+Alt+Supp everytime I need to close the game ^^
Pure gold, thank you very much Kranmer :)

Graphical / Re: Mago chocobo Battle Scene Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-21 17:41:18 »
When I was trying to make FL's battle scenes work yesterday, I tried Direct mode, and it didn't work better.

Armorvil, could you link me to those drivers? I've been using aali's 7.8 as well, as 7.10 has what looks like the same major texture issues for me too. I tried grabbing them from the AMD site (11.2?), but they didn't seem to do anything.

Since I have a Radeon X1950 Pro, I just headed to AMD's homepage, and used the "Find a driver" function to get to this page. Then, I downloaded and installed the Catalyst Software Suite. Hope this helps.

Wow, I'm speechless  :-o You even remade the sky, and it looks incredibly good !

General Discussion / Re: He just pwned lots of FF7 gamers
« on: 2011-03-21 07:46:41 »
Yeah, it seems that, since nanaki absorbs wind, and since the Death effect becomes elemental because of Added Effect + Typhon, [Death] becomes [Recovery]... ...It really is a nice find - I just looked again through Terence's party mechanics FAQ and he doesn't even mention it (or I missed it).


Yeah, I missed it :

Quote from: Battle Mechanics FAQ
  A special type of attack, this ability will completely refill the target's
HP and MP.  It can function without an Element, but if it does have one, then
against any target that Absorbs the ability's Element, it will inflict Death
status instead of restoring their HP and MP.  The words 'Recovery' or 'Death'
will flash up over the target to demonstrate which is being used.

  All Recovery abilities are considered to have a non-zero Power stat, which
can lead to certain interesting effects - for example, Cloud defending Barret
from Yuffie's use of an Elixir on him....


Quote from: Battle Mechanics FAQ
Now we can apply how the resistances interact with the ability's statuses.
The following checks are made at this point, in a particular order:

  * If the Target Absorbs an Element of the ability:

      -- Status Infliction and Removal are swapped.  That is, all statuses
         that the ability inflicts are removed instead, and vice versa.

      -- If the Ability now inflicts Death after swapping Status Inflict/
         Removal, then the Target is now considered to have Death Weakness
         to the ability, and the Death status is removed from the ability

      -- Likewise, if the Ability now cures Death, then the Target is
         considered to gain a Recovery from the ability, and the Death
         status is again removed.
      -- Note that if a Target both Absorbs the ability *and* has Death
         Weakness to it, then the Death Weakness will not be negated, and
         may kill the Target.

This really is interesting. As far as I know, FFVII is the only FF in which elemental resistances interact with status effects in such a way.

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