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Messages - PurpleSmurf

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 13 ... 19
General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-10 15:24:00 »
graphics do mean something in a game. like no one would play ,say, war craft 3 "for the engine" the point of that game is the way it LOOKS. graphics shape a game and what people think about II.

II: you stole darkness's avatar.

speaking of windowz you should make that startup screen public

maybe people HERE would be interested. maybe

-S3D - You should REALLY edit your posts PS... Unless over 5 hours have passed.

[edited] 135 2002-01-10 10:26

you might want to look at this, hope it help   :D.  here's the link

i know but maybe you were thinking; "why not figure this out and give it a shot with the war3 beta, if i get it..."

General Discussion / PS2 FFX Converted to Computer MEdia?
« on: 2002-01-09 20:57:00 »
hmm...sounds cool. i'd like a look at the modifications your gonna need in the file. if it's ok of course.

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-09 20:56:00 »
oh i thought it was lower as it wasn't selling too well. maybe i'm just being ignorant again.... hope not

General Discussion / Your Names...
« on: 2002-01-09 20:54:00 »
not even sure how i got into this topic....... weird

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-09 20:52:00 »
the hell is a quid? is it a dollar? or something else? cause thats how much RCW costs here.

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-09 20:51:00 »
oh... okedoky

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-09 20:48:00 »
what? darkness what did you put for a post? i can't see it........does anyone else have ythis problem?

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-09 18:39:00 »
or get the PS2 and duct tape it to the side....


"What the hell is that thing sticking out of your entertainment system?"
"Oh thats my PS2. I didn't have any room left so i just put it there."
"Cool I'm going to go glue mine to the WALL!!!!"

that'd be great. hehe. oh and you have to use bright GREEN ducttape. or police warning tape just to make it a better conversatin starter?

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-09 18:34:00 »
tell you waht jedi. as son as i get home i'll make a working example for you.


General Discussion / Your Names...
« on: 2002-01-09 18:31:00 »
i was looking at M0T's posted date. little time delay there with information reaching my head.  :roll: and there are fewer smilies now....... :(

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-09 13:19:00 »
lets say that oyu have  have to delete/move it the folder that is folder Y. then from folder Y where all of the other images are stored you pull out a random image, file Y. File Y is then put into folder X and renamed as file X.
not sure i can explain is anymore maybe i wrote a code snipit for you people and showed you a worinf example.....

General Discussion / Your Names...
« on: 2002-01-09 04:25:00 »
i don't like my name too much as it doesn't really translate in any language to sund cool.


In german it's pernounced ME-shil-A. sounds like a michelle :(
[edited] 275 2002-01-09 05:25

General Discussion / Your Names...
« on: 2002-01-09 02:54:00 »
wow caddberry is back.

does this in anyway invole your participation with ZeldaCraft? or are you just doing this for fun?

General Discussion / PS2 FFX Converted to Computer MEdia?
« on: 2002-01-09 02:37:00 »
seph: hence the anonymous capabilities

General Discussion / No FFXPC (maybe) ....
« on: 2002-01-09 02:35:00 »
well isn't that dandy.
*laughs at the name of the site, "The Grinch Project"* hehe

well at least it costs them money.

General Discussion / LOTR movie then
« on: 2002-01-09 02:29:00 »
proably a script output. delete file x from folder x, move file y to folder x from folder y, rename file y as file x. hell i could do that in vb if i wanted too, perl seems a bit unnessacary...whatever works.

edit: neat we can put input boxes in to the board posts......
like so:
[edited] 275 2002-01-09 03:32

General Discussion / Memory Lane and Qhimm's Site
« on: 2002-01-08 17:38:00 »
this is the first timei've asked about. didn't think i was whineing but if you say so.....

General Discussion / Hey Saint...
« on: 2002-01-07 20:44:00 »
i seem to remember that i had a ppd of over 20 for the first 2 weeks i was here.

General Discussion / Memory Lane and Qhimm's Site
« on: 2002-01-07 20:39:00 »
because the pink alien penguins are inflatable as they are asexual. and they don't explode and leave a mess. i'd rather have the current logo not have pink goo on it.

darkness: so basicly i'm not going to get a response out of qhimm? does saint know? and will he answer?

General Discussion / Memory Lane and Qhimm's Site
« on: 2002-01-07 02:45:00 »
that would explain a few things like the message he has on top of the screen on the forum index.

anyone who's knows: how far along is the layout?

General Discussion / Don't cry for PC Final Fantasy IX !
« on: 2002-01-07 02:41:00 »
oh ok then. you have a job seph?

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