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Messages - Prince Lex

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General Discussion / Re: About games from FFX to today
« on: 2012-01-08 02:25:24 »
FFXII actually has quite a deep story, the problem is with the fact that it's not character driven. What makes Final Fantasy games is the fact that you actually care about what happens to the characters because they have aspects of their personalities that hook you. Relationships with each other etc.

XII didn't have that. XII had a story that could have been great if the characters actually had more of a purpose. The only one that really did was Basch, and even then, there was next to no development. You just really couldn't care less about the characters in that one, that's the problem.

General Discussion / Re: I need to find that tool.
« on: 2012-01-08 00:32:44 »
I think the main point is that the PC version has a far greater capacity to be modded and look better. The best you're ever going to get for the PSX version is whatever shaders are available for ePSXe.

General Discussion / Re: About games from FFX to today
« on: 2012-01-08 00:28:19 »
Well, to be fair those games had a very basic story. The part that was fun was the gameplay. In my opinion, Final Fantasy games are more about thinking and strategy, which can get dull quickly without a decent story.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 News
« on: 2012-01-07 03:47:41 »
I already posted that lol.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 News
« on: 2012-01-06 17:30:33 »
Beautiful news.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 News
« on: 2012-01-06 00:38:38 »
There's a demo coming out next week (10th) on the North American PSN. Not sure about EU, but we can play it anyway, just have to create a NA account.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2 News
« on: 2012-01-05 22:17:05 »
I present to you all The "Moogle" trailer.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII DVD Resolution in 1997
« on: 2012-01-05 02:50:52 »
I agree. Maybe we should collectively bid to have him rip it for us! Or whoever buys it lol.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 15 on PC?
« on: 2012-01-05 01:15:47 »
Not to turn this into yet another "should they, shouldn't they" remake thread - It might be nice to look at but unless they keep everything the same aside from updating the graphics it's not really a good idea IMO. I don't think anyone should want a remake anymore, and I would have killed for it from the PS3 tech demo up until recently.

With regards to Final Fantasy XV, I really think they should do something along the lines of IX. By which I mean bringing back all the old ideas and making them better, with a decent original story. Probably won't happen though. I was so incredibly disappointed when XIV was announced. Because it's online I mean.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII DVD Resolution in 1997
« on: 2012-01-05 01:08:39 »
How the hell are we just finding out about this now?

I know, I find it very strange that there were 500 copies of this floating about and it's never been documented or mentioned anywhere. The sheer volume of FFVII freaks on this forum (myself included) and no one had a clue as far as we know. Seems a bit odd!

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts on FFX for psp vita
« on: 2012-01-03 18:08:30 »
Indeed. I looked at a few places before I posted that link and a great deal of them make a point of mentioning the sketchy translation and lack of proof. With that in mind, I'm inclined to believe there's no way this is a complete re-do.

As usual, some crappy writer is jumping the bandwagon to get hits on their website.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy 15 on PC?
« on: 2012-01-03 08:07:51 »
Motioninjoy is phenomenal for PS3 controllers. You can use ALL of it's functions, motion sensing and everything (though how useful that is on PC remains to be seen). Wireless, vibrates etc. I'll never need a PC gamepad again.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PS3 Games: Any recommendations?
« on: 2012-01-03 07:54:57 »
I've heard a lot about that game, I don't know if I fancy it though. Looks a bit samey?

Also, that guy irritates beyond measure. That's some serious ear rape. Someone should give him ADHD medication and put him in a straight jacket until he's catatonic.

EDIT: I'm getting tired of Assassin's Creed. I actually think the story is pretty great, and the end of Assassin's Creed 2 blew my mind, but Brotherhood doesn't have the same pull. I keep finding myself pausing the game and changing the channel to look at random shit on the internet, which is never a good thing. I shall persevere though, I want to finish Revelations before I head back to uni next week. Then I'll start Star Ocean.

Also watching. And enjoying. Who is he? What is his purpose? What does he do?

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts on FFX for psp vita
« on: 2012-01-03 02:47:43 »
I'm still incredibly skeptical about this being a "full-on remake", I really don't see them doing that with X. Re-do the models, interface and update the textures slightly yes, but nothing more.

This seems to confirm my skepticism. All I want is an HD port. Now.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PS3 Games: Any recommendations?
« on: 2011-12-31 00:04:44 »
Can I ask why? I have my PS3 doing it automatically. Therefore already 4.00.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PS3 Games: Any recommendations?
« on: 2011-12-30 22:41:03 »
Just finished the first Assassin's Creed. Off to find 2 now. Ending was balls.

EDIT: Also, movement made me want to break my controller sometimes. I cannot tell you the number of times I had to repeat missions because Altair kept jumping off walls :S. That said, I did enjoy it, even if the story was a bit predictable.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PS3 Games: Any recommendations?
« on: 2011-12-29 13:54:54 »
nobody mentioned resonance of fate yet? impossibru!

resonance of fate - tri-ace. rpg. over-the-top gunfights, getting more and more acrobatic as you level up. battles get repetitive with time, but i love it.
vanquish - an sci-fi action game. made by the same studio that did bayonetta. don't expect a rich plot, but the gameplay is great. short and not much of a replay value.
it's difficult until you find a decent gun (which can take a while). then it becomes more approachable. kinda boring game for single player, but i like it for its general mood, and presentation.
you should, but turn down the volume on voice acting of some characters. ps3 version has an option of switching between eng/jap voice overs, but it's some characters are painful to hear in both. it's much more approachable game than star ocean 3 (no more 0MP = KO idiocy)

wipeout hd + fury - for wipeout racing series maniacs mostly. fast-paced futuristic racing with awesome dnb sountrack.

I'll definitely check out Resonance of Fate, i'd forgotten about that one. I liked Star Ocean: Till The End of Time, it felt really unique and in some ways it was really odd. The story twist was a bit of a mind-fuck. I've played the first MINUTE of Star Ocean: The Last Hope and for some reason couldn't get to grips with that battle technique where you deflect a bullet thing... or something. I told myself I'd come back to it, and I will. I can't have games sitting on the shelf that I haven't completed lol.

Same thing with Borderlands, I play a couple of missions and then get bored. I'll get there eventually. I would just like it if it was slightly easier, or if there was some way to level up faster. It looks good and plays well though, I love the style. I think it might be the complete lack of personality in the characters that puts me off. I chose Lilith, which may have been a mistake.

And I've got Wipeout HD + Fury! It was one of my free PSN choices when it came back online. Love it. The ability to choose your own music is amazing, especially for Zone runs.

Dead Island

Dead Nation

Dead Rising 2

Metal Gear Solid IV (I like this game to play online)

Im sorry, I loved the zombie games  ;D (Coming soon Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City ^^)

Looking forward aswell to Operation Raccoon City. Never played any of the other games you mentioned, but I've seen them around, I'll give them a look.

Everyone is saying MGSIV, so I'm going to check that out aswell after the MGS HD Collection comes out in Feb. That's after XIII-2 is done lol. Also looking forward to Mass Effect 3 in March.

Also, has anyone else got Rayman: Origins? OMFG, the sheer RAGE of trying to get the time trophy on some later levels! Was pulling my hair out last night.

General Discussion / Re: What Went Wrong?
« on: 2011-12-29 03:21:45 »
Although I don't see what difference it would have made, I'd have much preferred it if XI was named "Final Fantasy Online" and XIV "Final Fantasy Online 2". I'm not at all into MMO, and I'm a bit pissed off that there are "numbered entries" in the series that I'll never touch.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PS3 Games: Any recommendations?
« on: 2011-12-28 22:15:49 »
Just found Assassin's Creed: Revelations in Asda for £10. And guess what? It includes the original Assassin's Creed! I had no idea. Installing now, then I'll get 2 & Brotherhood before I play Revelations.

But, if youre in the UK, there should be a Graingergames relatively close to you, they import games from america and they already have MGSHD in stock for £35.

I live in Scotland. I had a look at the website for "Graingergames", they only have stores in England. Hatred for whoever they are.

Also, thanks for all those suggestions, they're mostly games I've never heard of which is awesome. Research required ^_^.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PS3 Games: Any recommendations?
« on: 2011-12-28 19:47:37 »
IIRC Lex is the UK right? We don't get MGSHD till the 3rd of Feb.

Assassin's Creed series, great series of games although the first one gets quite repetitive.

Yeah I'm in the UK, so I'll keep an eye out for MGS in Feb - also when XIII-2 comes out.

So based on all your replies and the endless cries of my friends, Assassin's Creed and Arkham Asylum/ City are dead certs. I'm about to go to Tesco, so I can usually pick up a few pre-owned bargains there. I went to Union Street in Glasgow yesterday (it's like "game" street, they have GForce (imports, odd things, soundtracks, etc), GameStation and Reload. None of them had Assassin's Creed 1. Also went to 2 "Game" stores, and nothing.

Assasin Creed Revelations i recommend you start from Assassin Creed 2
Oh yeah and also a ps3 must-have Infamous 2

This is another thing people say a lot, to "start from 2" but I just feel weird doing that, like I'm missing out on part of the story? As mentioned above, I'm finding it hard to find the first one. There are preowned copies of the rest everywhere.

I did think about Infamous 2 aswell, and I will get it eventually because I really liked the first one. The only thing that put me off is the kind of shitty completely random story, and the fact that they completely changed the main character and are trying to pass him off as the same person. I get that it's a better game all round than the first, but I have OCD for continuity. I know, it's really stupid. I've played the demo, it was fun.

@DragonNinja - definitely going to get Portal 2 at some point. Am I missing out by not playing the original?

Keep them coming, I have a nice list now! ^_^

Completely Unrelated / PS3 Games: Any recommendations?
« on: 2011-12-28 15:46:30 »
At the moment, I'm in a fantastic position to abuse my library of PS3 games and add some new ones. I quit my job early December because of uni exams and I have a bit of money saved up.

I would really appreciate any opinions on what's worth finding in a bargain bin somewhere, and also opinions on some of the games I thought were exceptional (these can be considered my recommendations).

I have the following:

-Final Fantasy XIII (obviously)
-Bayonetta (mental, but fun)
-Borderlands (Don't see what the fuss is about. Find it difficult to get into.)
-Burnout Paradise (I like it.)
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution (I LOVE THIS GAME!)
-Fallout 3 (I can't seem to get into this game. I've started it over 3 times and I get to Megaton then get bored. Is it worth it?)
-God of War 3 (I'm not as into this as much as everyone else seems to be. It was OK)
-GTA IV (Loved the earlier ones, for some reason the game just feels too slow to me. Still quite good)
-Heavenly Sword (not bad. Suprisingly so.)
-Heavy Rain (enjoyed, completed a few times)
-Infamous (liked. Haven't played the second).
-Avatar: The Game (Oh my holy shit this game is AWFUL! I got it for £2 in the used bin and I know why. Haven't completed.)
-Lost Planet 2 (Played a bit. Bored already.)
-Mass Effect 2 (What a GEM. LOVED this game.)
-Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (A really fun little platformer. Another little gem.)
-Rayman: Origins (I really like it. Playing now. Loving the gameplay, takes me back to the first Rayman.)
-Red Faction: Guerilla (I really liked this game.)
-Red Faction: Armageddon (Nice gameplay, but disappointing. Wave after wave of enemies is not fun near the end.)
-Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (I loved it.)
-Singularity (Not played it yet, should I?)
-Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (I'm sure everyone knows this game is broken. I still managed to like it.)
-Sonic Unleashed (Enjoyed the day stages)
-Sonic Generations (I LOVE. So fun. Short and sweet.)
-Tomb Raider Underworld (OK. The movement isn't fluid enough.)
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (A good game, good story.)
-Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (LOVE. Great story, ridiculously fun to play.)
-Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (As good as U2, but not better than, which it should have been.)
-Valkyria Chronicles (This game is brilliant. Anyone who has a PS3 and hasn't played it should do so.)

As you may have noticed, I'm not really into FPS's. I've never played Call of Duty and don't intend to. I've thought about Assassin's Creed because everyone I talk to seems to love it, but I've never played it. I've also never played either of the Batman games. I'm also aware that Skyrim exists, everyone keeps telling me to buy it but I'm not paying £45 for it. Will wait for a price drop.

I've also got a library of PSN games, like From Dust, Flower etc that I thought were quite fun, but what I'm really looking for is a good story and good gameplay.  Please share your opinions?

NB: I have an irrational blanket hatred for all sports games, so please don't suggest those.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I have Star Ocean: The Last Hope. I haven't really played it yet.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Obligatory Christmas Thread
« on: 2011-12-28 14:56:26 »
Or the post-xmas dinner turkey sandwich. With mayo. Such awesome times.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Obligatory Christmas Thread
« on: 2011-12-28 00:19:17 »
This is 3 days late, but Merry Christmas. Regardless of whether or not a person celebrates it, it's still recognised governmentally as Christmas in this country. Therefore, it's Christmas. So a late Merry Christmas!

General Discussion / Re: Type 0
« on: 2011-12-03 00:41:27 »
I am very happy with this information.

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