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7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-16 18:04:36 »
I didn't see anything wrong with your log except PBO being on which is known to be unstable (although less so on Nvidia cards). Looks like you already came to the same conclusion. It is normal to get a random crash here and there, either due to the driver's known memory management issues (being investigated still), or an occasional problem with a mod.

Anyone else here hates aeriths VA with a passion

YES. I don't know why they picked a random YouTuber to do professional voice acting for what would turn out (despite anyone's personal feelings) to be an extremely popular game, and for such an iconic character at that. Something about her...just doesn't bring in the high quality "feels" I expected. Barret? On point.

Catalogs / Re: [FF7] Qhimm Catalog 3.0 Reports / Requests
« on: 2020-04-16 17:51:14 »
Control settings turns to default everytime I close the game. Anyone knows how to fix it?

Your controls are set in 7th Heaven. You can choose a preset under Settings>Game Launcher>Controls, or you can set your custom controls in the game, then import them as a preset into 7th Heaven by clicking the floppy disk icon.  These are being heavily improved for the next version.

The game is 23 years old, so almost anything out there will work fine. I would imagine the Intel 600 series would be fine, just give it a decent amount of shared RAM in the BIOS/UEFI. Faster performance RAM helps with this as well. As long as it supports OpenGL 2.0 you should be OK.

Troubleshooting / Re: 7th heaven 2.0 error questions
« on: 2020-04-16 00:30:38 »
No. You do want to know when mods run code that can harm your computer don't you? You wouldn't just download unknown files from unknown sources and run them...that's how you get viruses and whatnot.

With that said, none of the mods in the catalog contain anything harmful, but 7th Heaven is going to inform you regardless. If you find the notifications annoying, you can turn them off.

7th Heaven / Re: super slow downloads
« on: 2020-04-15 20:04:10 »
Did you want me help with reuploading them too other host sites, I can upload to skydrive and google drive.

I think we're good with what we have. Mirrors are up on with more to come.

Catalogs / Re: [FF7] Qhimm Catalog 3.0 Reports / Requests
« on: 2020-04-15 20:02:54 »
Thanks for the updates. Can somebody also upload media mod from qhimm catalogue to other mirrors? I think game's music files is inclusive of this mod right?

It already is. There's 4 mirrors, including a torrent.

7th Heaven / Re: Textures not working
« on: 2020-04-15 13:13:10 »
Eu também estou com esse erro de textura :'( :'(

Please stop double and triple posting asking for help while providing no information for us to help you with.

7th Heaven / Re: super slow downloads
« on: 2020-04-15 13:10:55 »
Wait so... can someone explain in layman terms why the download speed is so slow...I am download everything now and I am only getting 444KB/s....and I have really fast internet so that should be the issue.

In layman's're why the download speed is slow. You and hundreds of people like you.  :P

We didn't anticipate so many people using 7th Heaven to download mods when the Remake was released. The server is just busy. We're adding additional mirrors/links on very soon.

All of the Satsuki SYW mods are included in the Qhimm mods in the catalog. You don't need permissions, or a special downloader program or other nonsense.

The media/sound mods do in fact, contain content (obvious by their huge file size). If you have a problem with a mod missing something, it is probably corrupted and you should re-download.

Right now, some downloads are slow due to the large number of people downloading right now. I will be posting mirror links on very soon.

Let's let Blagnarok have his thread back. Issues with mods or 7th Heaven can be posted in their respective threads.

No, a modded FF7 is not run via Steam so there are no Steam features like achievements. You're welcome to manually run your ff7_en.exe from outside of 7th Heaven if you need/want that sort of thing but it will be vanilla. If you get your achievement, and save, you can bring the save over to the modded version and run via 7H again.

You can change your graphics settings under Settings>Game Driver.

Edit: Lord beat me to it.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 Steam edition, wont run.
« on: 2020-04-15 12:53:19 »
You need to purchase a genuine copy of the game. If you have, and 7th Heaven thinking you have a pirated copy is a false positive, then please provide your 7th Heaven log here and I can help.

Upgrade to Windows 8 or newer, or manually mount the game disc ISO which is required to play. You can find the ISO named FF7DISC1.ISO under the 7th Heaven\Resources\ folder.

Server speeds are getting better and there will be mirrors added for the downloads very soon at

Unfortunately, you got stuck with old info from 2013. You don't do any of that and you don't need to install Remako. You only need to select Remako from the drop down options in the Qhimm mods (but subjectively, there are newer/better HD mods from Satsuki--also in the drop down options which are selected by default).

Here's how we do things in 2020:

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-15 12:40:34 »

The links to me are all 404 not found. Should i use a vpn or something to access the site?

As stated in your quote, the broken links have already been fixed. Your browser may be caching the site, so try clearing your history/cookies/cache, close your browser, and try again.

This was an issue for a few hours but is resolved now.

7th Heaven / Re: Can't Run FF7
« on: 2020-04-15 12:30:15 »
Upgrade to Windows 8 or newer, or manually mount your game disc ISO which is required to play. You can find the ISO under your 7th Heaven\Resources folder, titled FF7DISC1.ISO.

Troubleshooting / Re: Problema de textura
« on: 2020-04-15 02:44:12 »
Por favor, explique com mais detalhes qual é o problema. Não há informações aqui que nos permitam ajudá-lo.

Moderators, this belongs in the troubleshooting thread.

Can't find a "ff7sound.cfg" file.
It's in your Documents\Steam... folder somewhere.

Well if your not attempting to mod the audio at the moment then the game is specifically not playing midi - probably nothing to do with audio drivers especially if you already get audio from other programs.
Possible fix choice #1:  Mod some enhanced soundtracks in so simply setting the soundtrack mod up may set you straight.
Possible fix choice #2:  Start looking at tips for getting midi functional on Win10, chances are it is not.

Midi you will love it, hate it, or love it while looking at other midi synthesizers =)

I assume when he says he's not getting sound and based on the symptoms, this appears to be ALL sound not just music. If using the Steam version, then adding a music mod won't help as they're both going through the same playback software in OGG format. MIDI is built into Windows, there's nothing to do to configure it, but in order to use MIDI with 7H, you need to go to Settings>Game Driver>Advanced>Music Option>Original MIDI. But of course, if you get no sound at all, this probably won't do anything for you.

You need to run your controller to keyboard mapping utility (like AntiMicro or DS4Windows) as administrator.

That looks retextured to me actually. The vanilla has a really dark world map overlay and the one in your screenshot is bright.

7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-04-15 02:23:49 »
Finished the remake but it left a bad taste in my mouth. So I'm playing through the original again to remember why I loved the game back in the day. I'm guessing because Nomura didn't have the reins back then.

Anyhow, I'm using a XBox One controller and the analog stick works fine with 2.0 of 7H but I can't get the diagonal pad to work. I managed to get them to both recognize directional input about a year ago but can't seem to get it to work now. Any help? I'm using the Steam KB + Gamepad option. I tried Steam Original but 7H kept crashing..?

Never heard of 7h crashing by selecting a different preset. I can't think of a conceivable reason why it would. But anyway, FF7 does not support the d-pad. In order to get it to work, you have to trick/emulate it with 3rd party software that remaps the d-pad to keyboard input, such as AntiMicro. See page 6 of this thread for a post I created about it.

Catalogs / Re: [FF7] Qhimm Catalog 3.0 Reports / Requests
« on: 2020-04-15 02:17:49 »
Catalogue update doesn't work for some reason. I have a good connection speed but direct download failed so many times. Is there any other way to download mods? Are these mods available on drive or mega?

Most are available on and we are going to be adding more mirrors to the site within the next day or so too.

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