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Messages - *:.Griever.:*

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Foreign Counterpart?
« on: 2008-06-09 17:20:56 »
Haha I found that video of FF7-2 on youtube by total fluke, I love it when Tifa and Vincent walk away and, I also like Cloud's Fenrir limit. :-)

Troubleshooting / Re: Constant Choppy Play
« on: 2008-06-09 17:17:11 »
Yes, PC version of FFVI. Definitely.

Edit: I guess there is a pseudo pc-version -- Snes9x. haha

Only admittable if you own the original, of course. ;-)

Troubleshooting / Re: In need of FFVII help please
« on: 2008-06-09 17:14:29 »
For a start, I think your XP 1.4 patch is a lot of your troubles, that would be the VAMP patch, correct?
If that's the case, it does damage your game, I had loads of trouble until I came to these forums and someone told me that.

As for the upside down FMV's, the patch does fix it, and you can get it from FFShrine, FFCathedral, or any place like that, easily enough.  As for your crashes, have you tried just setting compatibility mode to 98/ME?

Why would someone go to ALL the trouble of building a model from the ground up to look like a rip for everyone, when if they were that damn desperate, it would be easier for everyone to rip the models themselves.  Call me stupid, it's just a though.

Edit: And this post isn't pointless, as you say.  It is a showcase of Appz's talents, people that say it is a pointless thread are just stupid.  This is in the game tweaking forum, and to my knowledge, ripping a model from a game, and putting it in a DIFFERENT game, is called Game Tweaking!!

Just because it isn't getting released to the somewhat unappreciative (only some) members of this board, does NOT make it pointless.

Well, if you want to complain about him "dangling pieces of steak in our faces" you could always try and rip the models yourself, instead of complaining about someone showing of his skill. ;-)

Archive / Re: Cloudless Party Mod - does it exist?
« on: 2008-06-08 10:35:59 »
Ah right, thought you just meant a general swap.  You could always try making it yourself then, swapping the chars of Cloud with someone you want, eg. Vincent, that way Vincent would always be in your party, but Cloud could be swapped in whenever needed/wanted.  Although, thinking on it, I'm not sure he level of skill that would be required to create such a mod (swapping two characters completely, as apposed to just skins).

Archive / Re: Cloudless Party Mod - does it exist?
« on: 2008-06-08 08:03:01 »
I'm sorry, but I can't be bothered searching for you :-P
However, I can tell you there is a few, ones that replace Cloud with Reno, or the most common one I think, being the one that swaps Cloud and Sephy (litteraly, the story goes to Sephiroth chasing Cloud, the bad guy).

General Discussion / Re: Favourite FF game in the series?
« on: 2008-06-08 07:57:16 »
Wakku (or whatever his name was)


Tidus had... ?

Brotherhood, Caldabog, and Jecht as a father.  That man is cool as all hell.

Cait Sith is one of the most original wacky characters I've ever seen and the only improvement they could have done is let the cat be the actual character rather than Reno

HA, Reno is way too cool to be Cait Sith (the annoying bastard that he is), Cait Sith is Reeve, the Urban Development guy.

Vincent is emo, for sure

For the love of the gods people!  When this game came out, half the people of the world didn't even know what emo was, in fact I believe it was ACTUALLY used to describe a certain type of rock music, stop with all the emo bullshit, it's irritating.

(Rikku is pretty much a copy of her, albeit more attractive in-game :P)

Rikku (even although I don't like her) has much better limit breaks than Yuffie.

Shinra was pretty solid for an "evil corporation".

Okay fair enough I'll give you that one, but only because I didn't like Rufus, which was the point.  Yet when it comes down to Advent Children, I find myself liking him, and not being sure why...

General Discussion / Re: Small FF8-related music question
« on: 2008-06-08 07:40:27 »
The music on the pc version is the same, although they sound a hell of a lot worse.  The psx has better sounding midis.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Forum Flaming....
« on: 2008-06-07 11:28:19 »
I would gladly accepet a pm with it, however wouldn't be stupid enough to throw blame on myself by posting it on the forums properly ;-)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Affliction: Banned, Anybody?
« on: 2008-06-06 20:19:33 »
I just checked out a few MMA vids on youtube, and it looks damn good.  As long as this thing gets broadcast here (in UK) I'll be watching with a few beers and some food. :-D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Forum Flaming....
« on: 2008-06-06 14:40:00 »
The guy hould just check Wikipedia if he can't find proof to post, save alot of time and effort, for in my experience, if it's not on Wikipedia, it's nowhere, at least not easily found. :-P

[Totally off-topic]
Jari/El Ammo, think I'll start using Jari, it's shorter :-D I think I found a better pic than your avatars finally :-P icanhascheezburger, if you seen the "Iz still happy cat, iz jut mi poker face" one, you'll know what I'm talking about haha. :lol:
[/Totally off-topic]

General Discussion / Re: AVALANCHE
« on: 2008-06-06 12:01:35 »
If Square comes down on it, that'll be a shame, but hell, it was worth it. :)

Too true, I downlaoded this and it has kept me entertained for a while.  Well done, I think it's pretty damn awesome! :-D

Archive / Re: Battle screen blacked out?
« on: 2008-06-06 11:59:46 »
If you go to video options on PsxE (if your using pete's plugins (which you should)) there is an option for specific game related problems, tick it, and set the option for FF7 battle swirl to on, and run the game.  This should sort any battle screen related problems.

Hope it helps. :-)

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 screen totally black.
« on: 2008-06-05 19:02:43 »
If it's a legit copy, it should work fine.  I run FF7 on a Vista laptop, and have no troubles.  The only problems I sometimes have is random crashes, but there far enough inbetween to make sure you've recently saved.  Also sometimes there's some trouble with the mods.  The PRP works on my XP desktop, but not at all on my laptop.

Have you tried just re-installing fresh?  Maybe you installed something that corrupted the program file?  A wayward mod perhaps?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Forum Flaming....
« on: 2008-06-05 19:00:45 »
Awesome, I think that's the best joke I've ever heard in my 21 years.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Forum Flaming....
« on: 2008-06-05 18:02:47 »
No severed limbs here.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Forum Flaming....
« on: 2008-06-05 15:43:14 »
How dare ye accuse me of being Jari? :-O
There's no way I could ever replicate the scathing hilarity of an El Ammo/Jari post.

Monday madness!! Haven't you figured that out yet?!?

When I'm sarcastic, it's blatant....although, all sarcasm should be blatant to smart people....but.....

Anyway, no Jari isn't me, unfortunately :-P
I lol'd at that whole conversation, I thought by protection rights he was going on about copyright protection, not glorified postal insurance. :lol:

General Discussion / Re: AVALANCHE
« on: 2008-06-05 14:43:56 »
That looks very good, I'll be sure to download it once I'm finished my current downloads. :-)

But useful none the less, and I'm sure it will help some people. :-)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Forum Flaming....
« on: 2008-06-04 21:12:16 »
Griever, however stupid the arguments of others may be, I don't think starting a topic to talk about how amusing said arguments are is going to help matters.

Okay, first off, I created this because I wanted to, if there was any offence to be caused, I'm sure a moderator would have shut it down.  So, that's that.


the involved parties are going to feel the need to justify their involvement in this thread

Nobody needs to reply to this, if they didn't want to reply, they would have had a quick look, then left well alone.


and now you're using it to talk about another member. Do you expect him not to reply to that?

I'm not talking to anyone in particular, hell if someone wants to take it as I'm talking to them, then they can be my guest.  I started it because it was something I felt like saying.  Hence why it's the Completely unrelated forum. 

And just out of curiosity, prey tell, who is this other member I'm talking about?  The Xelane/El Ammo thing was an EXAMPLE.  Not what this was started over.  And if your talking about what I wrote in another thread about Fenrir, then bleh.  Because I said to him, I wasn't flaming him, or being nasty, I was simply wondering something, and asked, albeit in more than one thread.

Anything else?


Completely Unrelated / Re: Forum Flaming....
« on: 2008-06-04 09:46:54 »
As far as I'm aware, yes, Jari is El Ammo.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Diablo 2
« on: 2008-06-04 09:46:09 »
It's classic D2 I'm having trouble with, I don't even have the expansion unfortunately.  I'll try the reg-edit thing when I get home from college, hopefully that'll work. 
If it doesn't, then I'll try and find another patch, one that negates the need for a cd.

Thanks for the help guys :-)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Diablo 2
« on: 2008-06-04 07:24:22 »
Yeah, I've tried the patch :-(
It just keeps on telling me to insert the disc, even although it's already in the drive.  I know it's strange, but no other games have this problem, it only happens with Diablo 2, even Diablo 1 works fine! :?

FAQs and Tutorials / Re: Forum rules (newbies read)
« on: 2008-06-02 15:57:16 »
No offence here, but isn't it a bit against the rules to post 2 years after the last post, if it's not immediately important? :-(

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